The Power Inside You
Many times, we look outside for strength and confidence. As if, we needed an external source for either or both.
The truth is, we don’t.
The strength and confidence we need to overcome life’s challenges is inherent within us. I do think it needs to be coaxed and nurtured, but it is there.
And if you’re having trouble having faith on a higher being, or you just aren’t ready to grasp the idea of a Source, consider this: S/He is inside of you. Keep faith in the Source within.
Lily Owens and August Boatwright’s conversation towards the end of the The Secret Life of Bees reminded me of that today:
“When you’re unsure of yourself,” she said, “when you start pulling back into doubt and small living, she’s the one inside saying, ‘Get up from there and live like the glorious girl you are.’ She’s the power inside you, you understand?”
“And whatever it is that keeps widening your heart, that’s Mary, too, not only the power inside you but the love. And when you get down to it, Lily, that’s the only purpose grand enough for a human life. Not just to love–but to persist in love.”
Sue Monk Kidd, The Secret Life of Bees