About verabear


Posts by verabear:

Wedding Dance

Based on American movies and books I’ve read, the first dance in a wedding reception seem to be a very big deal. Though weddings here are mostly just the same as anywhere else, receptions, I think, go a little differently. For the weddings that I’ve attended at least, the first dance as a wedded couple don’t always happen at the reception.

On my own wedding, I’m not even sure if we’re going to have a dance, but Alfred and I have been talking about a rocking playlist for the ceremony itself. Haha. Anyway, there’ll be plenty of time to think about my day.

A link to this video was sent through one of my email groups. I am glad I followed the link and took the five minutes to watch it. Looks like this couple will have no shortage of laughs for years to come!


I didn’t see my friend and her son today. When she sent me a message this afternoon, it was to say that the boy was taking a nap. We’ll make plans next week. I think it’s a blessing too that we didn’t see each other today. At least I’d be able to prepare for that meeting better. I can make truffles for Adam! 🙂

And next week, I will not be sleeping through Sunday morning.

For the first time in a long time, I went out for a drink with Alfred after work this morning. There’s this place in Sgt.Esguerra, Gerardo’s, that has been a known hangout of people from the office. It’s a 24-hour bar/restaurant, perfect for vampires. When I started working at the company, I’d go to Gerardo’s with my batchmates almost everyday. We’d go drinking at six in the morning! At the time, Alfred had a different type of work and he really was against me going out with my work friends – mostly boys – at that time.

When he started work there too, it was his turn to spend a lot of time at Gerardo’s. That stopped eventually, just like I stopped frequenting the place. But recently, he’s been going out more often again, with a new and bigger crowd this time. I don’t really mind. Really.

This morning, I waited for him to get off work so we could just go home together. A few minutes before his supposed logout, he mentioned that there was buzz about going for some drinks. I knew he was thinking of declining on account of yours truly, but he mentioned it to me anyway. While on the elevator ride down the building, I casually asked him if he wants to buy me a drink and he jumped on it!

We walked to the new Gerardo’s at Panay Avenue, ordered, and then waited almost an hour before the rest of his friends joined us. I hadn’t spent any time with any of them outside of the office before; and being a supervisor, I hadn’t really exchanged more than a few words with them at a time. It was okay though. It’s a great way to catch up on office gossip too. Haha.

The new Gerardo’s is definitely an improvement over the original one, which is still open. It’s definitely bigger, better ventilated, and they even have interesting pieces of wicker of furniture. There’s a videoke room too that’s up for rent. 

We didn’t go home until over three hours later. I was so sleepy already – not tipsy mind you. I only had one bottle of Vodka Cruiser – blueberry – and a few sips of beer. We slept until half past two in the afternoon. I wasn’t sure if my date with the friend was still up so I couldn’t commit to another friend’s dinner invitation. For dinner, I fried some of the chicken patties we bought from my enterprising colleague Richard – it was yummy! While eating, we picked up on a conversation we started this morning at Gerardo’s – how to make more money. We’re going to be trying something soon. We were so inspired we went out right away to the grocery and looked/bought some stuff so we could see just how possible this idea is. I’m excited 🙂

I’ll share more when things really shape up 😉

I love Saturdays!

Don’t you?

There are so many reasons to love Saturdays.

It starts off my weekend, the last workday of the week. I get to relax after uploading all of my required monitors for the week. I can spend time to speak to my agents – and really talk to them instead of being in a rush.

Of course I’d rather spend Saturday sleeping in or going out to enjoy the day with friends or Alfred or with some of the kids. But it being the last day of work is just fine by me too 🙂

Oh and it’s also Scrapbook Saturday! I almost forgot about that, I haven’t scrapped a new page this week! Hmm.. So it’s going to be a belated SS post for me again this week.

Tomorrow, I’ll be seeing one of my best friends. We haven’t seen each other in maybe three years. She’s got a little boy now who turned one this year, and I still haven’t met him!(links will open to the pages I scrapped of him) So that’s something to look forward to.

Ohh and I’ve been spending time up and around the Net as usual and I came across software for Text to Speech Voices. I remember trying software like that back in college. Our professor for Science, Technology and Society (STS) told us about it and since we had SO much to read for that course, I thought I’d give it a try. The one I tried was too robotic for my tastes. Didn’t help in the comprehension department at all. So I stopped and went to conventional reading. But the ones on that site I linked seem to have a variety of natural voices download that are more close to being human. 

With e-books now gaining more popularity, specially with new reader products coming out, it doesn’t seem strange that more people are also looking to Download Text to Speech Software. It will, after all, allow one to “read” conveniently. 

I also found this template (or did it find me?) and am now thinking of using it. I’ll have to back everything up first, of course, so I guess I’ll switch templates after upgrading to the latest WP version too. Goodluck to myself on that. Is it really necessary to upgrade, by the way?  I really prefer my blog to have a black/dark background for some reason. And then a couple of months ago, I read about Blackle and figured, that’s another reason right there.

Blackle is basically Google, but in black. Using it as your homepage and main search engine (it is powered by Google anyway) can save a lot of energy in the long run. There you go – an a eco-friendly way to search I guess. 🙂 So if my site has a black background too, then I help save energy don’t I? 😉

Lisa Scottoline’s Daddy’s Girl

If you need to get to bed but would like to catch up on some light reading just before you turn in, then don’t read this book.

I’m saying don’t because that’s exactly what I did. On Thursday night (more like Friday wee hours of the morning) last week, I came home, was online for hours and then headed up to to bed at daybreak. I noticed Scottoline’s Daddy’s Girl on the shelves right outside the bathroom. I figured my Mom was done reading it, and since it mine and it’s been on my TBR pile for months, I decided to read the first chapter before I went to get my much needed sleep.

I lay down, propped the book open, and didn’t stop reading until I finished all of it. So much for the much needed sleep. 

I don’t regret it though. Imagine: I was already sleepy but she kept me awake. It was definitely a good read. I think I went through this one in about three hours or less.

As you can see here, I have read other Scottoline books and I could really tell that this was one of her latest books. Her style is the same but you could sense that she has also improved (not that she wasn’t already great). Plus, the scenes and some details in the novel are also current.

Nat Greco, the main character, is a law professor who lives a quiet life. She has a boyfriend who seems to be so much a part of her family – he actually seems to belong with them more than she does. Her lifestyle and character is so different from her parents and siblings – not to mention her physique. 

Her almost predictable life changes forever when she finds herself inside a prison during a riot. Nothing exciting ever happens to her – then all of a sudden something does. And having her life threatened at that riot wasn’t even the worst (or best, depends on how you look at it) of it. 

I must admit, I was developing a crush on that Angus character – pony-tailed, passionate for his work, does pro-bono stuff to seek justice. He really was much more appealing than Hank… 

Honestly, I was a bit puzzled by the choice for the title. While reading, I couldn’t help but think that she didn’t seem like a Daddy’s Girl. I’m still not a hundred percent sure that I got that part of it. But I do think that more than finding herself (Nat), the most important realization that she got from the events that have happened, is finding herself in relation to her family.

There are many people out there who feel that they were born to the wrong family. Some resent what their family members do, or even resent just the way they are. But what Nat found was that this family actually did know her, and accepted her and loved her. And they would be there for her in every way that she needed them – if she only let them.

Of spam commenters and a review.

I’ve been getting spam attacks lately, and I’ve become more conscious of them since installing Akismet. I wonder, do those Spam comments inadvertently help raise the Page Rank of the site that they are spamming too? 

I recently found a link to one of my posts in a site of a different language. There was nothing else on that site but links to other sites. When I clicked on the link to mine, it took me to an archived post on my blog. There were a lot of spam comments on that post.  I checked another link from that site, and it led to another blog that also had lots of spam comments. They apparently link you back in some way.


I posted a review on a new free file hosting site on my Bravejournal. I actually enjoyed writing that review. Though it’s a sponsored post, I can proudly say I wasn’t trying to kiss ass when I typed it up. I really see myself using that service. 

Anyway, time to hit the sheets.

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