Ramblings and Brain farts


I don’t know why I feel so tired.

I work. I come home. I sleep. Or I veg out in front of the TV, watch movies I’ve seen before. Like now.

First there was Goonies, and then 2012. I’d seen both before, but I just can’t tear my body away from the couch nor my eyes from the TV. Yesterday it was Robin Hood (2010, Ridley Scott).

There doesn’t seem to be enough time for much else. I am hardly online, my blogs haven’t been updated for so long. Project Life’s been on hold.

I’ve got so many things to write about, and stuff I’d love to go into my Project Life. But I’ve no time for them. Or maybe I just don’t have the energy for them.

Remember the time when I could pick up a crochet needle and just do it? Or the time when I’d just sit down with my chain nose pliers and beautiful beads and string together nice bracelets or earrings. When was the last time I sat down to just read a book? Not read while waiting for an appointment, really make time to read a good book?

Feels like all I do lately is whine. So I’m going to stop now.

Maybe tomorrow this will all be over.

Meanwhile, yesterday was Philippine Independence Day. Happy Freedom Day Philippines! Here’s ABS-CBN’s new national anthem production:


Last month, I clicked an ad that took me to see videos of this amazing smart pen – LiveScribe.

I’m back to writing now, I have a notebook I take with me everyday and I write on it all the time. Seeing LiveScribe and what it can do made me really want to have one. I posted it on my Facebook wall and eventually forgot about it.

Until a few days ago.

I saw an actual LiveScribe pen at the National Bookstore in Trinoma. The pen is expensive, so are the notebooks. But I’m still tempted to get one.


This smart pen writes on real paper but it also captures those notes so you can transfer them over to your computer, or even share them online. It also captures audio (upto 800 hours for the 4G pen), that you can play back from the pen itself, or transfer to your PC.


People who love to doodle and actually doodle well would love this pen. I bet digiscrappers would find something to incorporate this into their craft as well. It’s like a tablet, in a way.

Did you check out the video? What do you think? It’s definitely not for everyone, and not cheap. But I really want it.!

Nuffnang and Hapee Special Screening

I have an idea what the special screening will be of, but I’m not quite sure what it’s going to be. Gulo ba? Smile

But looking at the badge from the Nuffnang blog, I guess you’d pretty much guess what it is.


Nuffnang is truly amazing – they started business in other countries, and came to the Philippines to provide Pinoy bloggers the same world-class services they offer to other bloggers in this region. But they also studied the Pinoy blogger to find out what we want, and how we work.

If luck would have it and I score tickets to this special screening, this would be my first Nuffie event.

This screening is co-sponsored by Hapee – the Philippines’ own world-class brand of toothpaste. What makes Hapee class A for me, isn’t just the fact that it’s the first Filipino toothpaste recommended and approved by the Philippine Dental Association. That is a REAL WIN, definitely. The fact that Lamoiyan Corporation (makers of Hapee) dared to go against more established and internationally known toothpaste brands is a big deal. This company inspired more Filipinos to dream big.

What makes Hapee world class is that despite the company’s success, they have kept their prices affordable. This stems from a vision of providing quality products that are cost-efficient, so the everyday man need not spend more than what is necessary.

They also have an outstanding program to employ the deaf-mute. Managers are required to learn sign language to bridge the communication gap between the hearing impaired staff and those who can hear without a problem.  If more companies had this vision of uplifting the lives our people, and consumers actually supported them, the world would be a better place.

Yay for Nuffnang, and yay for Hapee!

Good riddance, Chedeng!

I hope that the weather forecasts are accurate this time around. They say Chedeng will no longer hit landfall in the Philippines, and it’s on its way to Japan. Not that I am glad that the land of the rising sun will once again be hit by a disaster, but I am glad it’s not coming our way.


Still, we’re on edge, not knowing whether the rain will come down again in the middle of the night. If so, we’ll have to secure the car and park it where the floods won’t follow. That’ll have to be my role, if it happens.

We are thankful though, that even when the flood rises to the street we are still relatively safe. Thankful that we don’t get violent tornadoes as that which hit Joplin, MO recently. I can’t imagine living in the shadow of disasters that powerful. Imagine having a beautiful home and having to worry about guarding that on top of keeping yourself and your family safe. Imagine owning artsy contemporary floor lamps and having to insure even that against acts of God or disasters. Crazy.

I know it sounds like I’m trivializing things. People who are really devastated don’t have time to think about things like that, at least not in the moment. As they say, there are more important things. When Ondoy hit us, and in the aftermath, we were very aware of keeping each other safe. More than anything that was important. But we also had to be aware of our things. Save what we could. And in the aftermath, when choosing replacements, we had to think about how those will survive another Ondoy.

Anyway… better stop invoking the name of the typhoon that brought the great flood lest its spirit comes back in another form. It’s time I hit the sack. By the time this post get published, all bedside table lamps in the house would have been switched off. Goodnight Manila, Goodnight World.

Be safe.


It took the entire afternoon to scan 65 photos. Time well spent. Smile That afternoon’s equipment:


Dad’s laptop. The boyfriend was playing Black Ops on the PC.


My flat bed scanner. We’ve had this for awhile and it works perfectly. You just plug it into a USB port, install the driver, and you’re good to go. It doesn’t have its own power supply, just USB powered.

It’s pretty quick too. I remember having to scan pages upon pages of a book on the boyfriend’s old flatbed and it was an excruciating experience. This was years ago and scanners were expensive and really slow. I could almost imaging how tough the job of archivists are. Haha.

The OEM CD that came in the box had already been broken so I had download a driver for the scanner. It’s available in the Canon website so no worries. After installing the driver, the scanner worked seamlessly with MS Paint. I think it would have worked with any photo editing software too but I didn’t try. It would have been nice to have the scanning software to work with. That one let you scan multiple photos at the same time and it would recognize and save each photo individually – no cropping needed! Another nice thing about it is that even if your photos were crooked or not lined up straight, it was okay. 

I had the music playing while working on this. But I was also alternately chatting with my parents about the photos. We were supposed to go out for a drive that afternoon, but ended up just staying in. Again, time well spent anyway. Smile

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