Ramblings and Brain farts

July Round-up and Entrecard Thanks!

Wow, my birthday month is over and all I can say is that it was an expensive month! Yes, I feel blessed to have been able to afford all the spending I’ve done this month, hehe ๐Ÿ™‚ It was also a month of being conscious of my health and well-being (as is obvious in my SBD recap post), as well as the month for seeing my girl friends (don’t you think we are all pretty ladies? check out wedding photos from Y’s wedding and Mayeen’s wedding too.). July was also a good month to share our love for photography! We’ve been on a ย photo shoot to Lamesa Ecopark (what, and no post?!), then there’s the wedding, and then my lomo camera… We plan on finding places to shoot every week, not necessarily just on weekends. These past few days the boyfriend was talking about wanting to shoot something construction themed. It turns out it could be any structure constructed by man, not necessarily buildings still under construction as I thought! I suggested a couple of places, old buildings, bridges, steel buildings, etc., but he hasn’t found his subject yet. I just think it’s amazing that we have a common love now. ๐Ÿ™‚

And allergies! I have had the worst allergy attack in the past week or two. Last year I was diagnosed with allergic rhinitis and I am having the worst time now. Unfortunately, I lost my prescriptions and haven’t really been taking maintenance pops at all (anti-histamine/loratidine, and the nasal spray). So I guess having this attack is my fault too. And my eyes, oh my eyes! The company doctor thought it might be conjunctivitis so he sent me home for two days last week. After two days, it was pretty much still watery, itchy and sometimes painful so I went to anย ophthalmologist. He basically confirmed that it was indeed an allergic attack. Since I was a kid I’ve had really sensitive eyes and I frequently visited the eye doctor, but this is the worst it’s been. Now, I’m on eye drops with steroids four times a day, artificial tears too:

I’ll see the doctor again on Wednesday and he’ll let me know if I can already stop with the steroids and start with the ‘maintenance’ drops that need to be done once daily for the rest of my life, along with the fake tears. Good news is I still have 20/20 vision. There is mild astigmatism on my left eye, but the grade would only be .25 so I don’t really need glasses. Doc advised me to wear glasses all the time though. Clear anti-glare ones, or shades. Wear them he says, to protect my eyes from allergens. Uh, me wear shades at work? Hmmm ๐Ÿ™‚ I tried so many frames at the mall today and couldn’t find one that fit. It’s just so not me. So we bought this pair of shades instead. The lens isn’t too dark, it’s perfect for both indoor and outdoor wear, and it’s big enough for my big face. ๐Ÿ˜€

It’s been a really good month, a nice send off for the last year I’m spending under 30 years old. I am so looking forward to even greater things, and more blessings. ๐Ÿ™‚

For now though, it’s time to say thank you to the following bloggers who have made it to July’s Top Ten Entrecard Droppers on Where the Moon Shines:

My PC’s been cured!

As I mentioned a few posts down, my PC wasn’t detecting any network, and was decommissioned for a few days. Now, it has been fixed. The boyfriend brought it in to the shop to make sure it wasn’t the mobo. They tried a different LAN card and it worked. We had already replaced it with a spare one, but that apparently, also wasn’t working.

But all that’s in the past now. My baby is back. So yes dear friends, I will be loading it up with the (recent) wedding photos, edit away and upload, before the couple comes back from honeymoon. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m also due for a recap of the whole Sexy Chef/South Beach Diet experience. I’ll need sometime to think things over. Haha. But don’t you worry, I will give a review and an update on the whole experience. On hindsight, I just wish I did myself a favor and did a consistent workout while I was receiving my SBD rations. Anyhoo, I’m still on the planning stage for how I’ll continue with Phase two or restart on Phase One, and incorporate ab workouts, and all other workouts I can manage.

I just really logged on to spread news that my PC’s been cured.

I still have allergies though. And my eyes look awful. ๐Ÿ™

No Network Detected

My PC is not connecting to the Internet, or to any network for that matter. The Network adapters are not being recognized at all. ๐Ÿ™ The boyfriend already tried working on it, but he doesn’t have all day, so he gave up an hour or so later.

It’s probably a virus that caused the problem. ๐Ÿ™ I swear, everytimeย the boyfriend goes heavy on his downloads, something happens to my PC. Wahaha. Of course he won’t admit to that. Officially, he’s blaming it on Windows 7.

I can still use the PC, but it will remainย offline. Since what I need done has to be done online, I’m here stuck again on this small red notebook.


I want an iPad. Saw these cute iPad cases at the bazaar at work earlier. There were other nice items there too, like the music player. It runs on rechargeable battery, is very small it fits in your pocket. You plug in an SD card and it’ll play your music. Really loud too. Haha.

Maybe Alfred will get me an iPad as one of our five (or ten) meaningful gifts to each other on our wedding day. I know he’d love to get an LCD HDTV. C’mon! I said meaningful gifts, not expensive! ๐Ÿ™‚

The only thing I bought from the bazaar today though was a necklace with this camera pendant, and a pair of G-clef earrings. I’ll show them off once the PC gets connected again.

My good friend Mayeen’sย big date at the altar is happening tomorrow. My dress is back from the cleaners, I got shoes to match (pray I don’t slip or trip!). The only thing I gotta think about is how to get to the reception fromย the church; and how to tame my hair! Haha ๐Ÿ™‚ My other girlfriends are meeting up at Arianne’s house to get ready and head to church together.

Anyway… this blog post is starting to look like expanded tweets rather than a decent real post. Oh well.

Birthday Girl!

Thank you, it is a happy birthday ๐Ÿ™‚

Granted, there are some things I wished were different, but there’s more that I wouldn’t change.

Like my family. And just being surrounded by people who love you and genuinely care about you. People who, when they greet ‘happy birthday,’ only have the fondest memories of you and truly wish you well. It’s family, by blood and by association.

Yep, even family at work, in and around FB, Twitterverse, and blog land. ๐Ÿ™‚

Lord, thank you for all these blessed years. I know that you give us only what we deserve. There is something I am praying for, and it is for all the right reasons, if you hear me on those I’ll be the happiest trooper. Amen.

Sana hindi mawindang si Lord sa mga pinagdadasal ko. ๐Ÿ™‚


For those wondering how photos from the S Phone looks like, here are a few samples taken Friday last week:

My Friday night baon.

Mirror shot. new hair for me! ๐Ÿ™‚

Choco treats. Cheater. ๐Ÿ™‚

That’s the biggest I could display them before they get pixellated. So, I’m not really very happy with the camera but it’s okay, I bring my Deena with me all the time anyway (most of the time). I still love my|Phone S Phone. Wala ka sa phone ko! lol ๐Ÿ™‚ Although I think the new tag line is: My phone is sexy! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Engagement Party?

When can you say that a couple is engaged? ย Take me and the boyfriend for example. There was no formal proposal of marriage. He didn’t ask me if I would marry him, and he hasn’t given me an engagement ring. But we both know that we will marry each other, and in fact, we have already started planning for it to happen next year.

Are we engaged then? Instead of calling him the boyfriend, should I now be calling him the fiance? Betrothed? Haha.

Do you know anyone in the Philippines who actually threw an engagement party? None of my friends or cousins did. It’s not uso here. I guess even ‘proposing’ and the giving of bejeweled engagement rings have also been just a recent phenomenon, probably only started happening in the country in the past twenty years or so. Diba? Do your parents have an engagement ring? Mine don’t. I don’t even see their wedding bands, lol.

It would probably be nice to have someone throw us an engagement party. I could just imagine the wonderful engagement gifts we could get! haha. ๐Ÿ™‚ Those Lady Gaga earbuds would look so nice with my S phone. Really. ๐Ÿ™‚ Wait, I don’t need an engagement party to ask for gifts, my birthday’s coming up in a few days! Weeee!

Anyhoo… I’m feeling a bit under the weather today. I woke up this morning after a very long (take 15 hours!) sleep, but I didn’t feel rested at all. It hurts to swallow and my head feels a bit heavy. Hay. I shoulda been up at 5am to walk with my dad, woke up at 10:00am instead. My dad was long gone and was already at work. ๐Ÿ™

Ohwell. I’ve got other blogs to update, and photos to process. ๐Ÿ™‚

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