Ramblings and Brain farts

Kia Rio

At the mall yesterday, there was a car display and as usual, they tried to make them seem so affordable. Easy to own.

Among those on display was the Kia Rio:

Kia Rio (photo courtesy of http://www.kiamotors.com/)

For PhP25,000, you can bring that baby home. And then pay about PhP16,000++ a month for the next five years. No wonder this car seems to be the next choice for anyone looking at launching a fleet of new taxis. Of course apart from the car mortgage payments, one would have to take out even a cheap car insurance with it too.

Not that I’m looking at buying a brand new car anytime soon. I don’t have to buy one. There’s one here that I could drive anytime I want to (of course I’d have to take over spending for the old car should I decide to actually use it), but I don’t know how to. You see, I don’t drive. I’ve been meaning to learn, but meaning to isn’t the same as getting off my butt and actually signing up for a class and doing it.

Imagine the freedom of having a car and being able to drive yourself anywhere… Hay.

Maybe soon.

Or not.

Oh, have you read about my new game? 🙂

Consolation Prize Winner!

That’s me, in the two recent blog contests that I joined up! Yay! 🙂

First to be announced was the 1000 Entrecard credits I won from Levy and Noel’s Thanksgiving contest.

My entry can be found here: With $100 I will

Thank you so much Levy and Noel!

The second contest is from Ganda Ever So Much. You know what, the day I joined was the first time I ever laid eyes on that fun blog. I am so glad I joined, and now I continue to be a follower 🙂

Ganda Ever So Much!

I’m one of several winners (including the lovely Zoan) to receive a copy of Blogging from Home book by Janette Toral. I am so looking forward to that. It’s also wonderful that that’s what I got, instead of a Kapuso t-shirt. Imagine if that’s what I got? I’d probably wear it to work and suffer the odd looks from everyone as I enter the ABS-CBN premises! Haha. 🙂

My entry for that contest is here: Ganda Ever So Much!

Orman is still having a party, for week 4, it’s a Photo Contest! Head on to his blog and find out how to join.

Thank you so much for the early birthday presents! Winning these got me to think again on what to do for a birthday giveaway. Somehow though, I’m leaning towards not running a contest after all. Maybe I’ll just pick a random blogger to award with something. 🙂

You know why I like joining contests? Most often it’s because of the freebies of course. Another is to show support to other bloggers. It’s not easy to find loyal readers who will actually interact with you. So when I find bloggers who do that for me, I try to reciprocate as best I can 🙂 Contests are also a fun venue to find new blogs to stalk, ones that you might not always find just going to your usual bloghops. Through some of these contests and Memes I have read the most fun, as well as the most heart-wrenching stories. Of course you will also find posts that you will end up ignoring, but you’ll also find real-life stories like a family’s story of pain and hope, as they work towards getting social security disability for a family member. Anyhoo, bloghopping is fun, and contests like the two above make it more colorful 🙂

Get Well, Baby Seth

I cannot imagine being a parent to a sick child. And I’m not just thinking about your normal childhood sickness. Think conditions that are difficult enough for adults to go through, what more if you were a 3 year old kid?

Our world was rocked last week with news about a colleague’s three-year-old son being diagnosed with Stage 4 Liver Cancer. We are trying to be creative in finding ways to extend help. No, they have not asked for it (not that I personally know of), but why wait? We’re thinking of having a newspaper and PET bottle drive so that all you need to do is bring scrap, no additional cost to you. Another suggestion that came up was to setup another coffee machine. All profit goes to helping the baby’s medical expenses. We just don’t know if that one will be allowed.

Ang hirap. No matter how well you’ve been taking care of your baby, even if you give them all the vitamins and supplements found in vitamins.net or inside Mercury Drug, you just can’t protect them from all illnesses. On the surface they may seem healthy, ayun pala there’s something that just hasn’t manifested yet. It can be scary to think about.

Still, giving birth to another human being and having the chance to bring them up and shape them to become better versions of us, is a blessing.

Baby Seth, we’re praying for you. I haven’t met you personally, but I’m rooting for you.

SBD Thoughts and June Entrecard Round-up

Wow! June’s come and gone. Today’s the first of July, my birthday month! I shared plans for a giveaway contest, but I haven’t finalized it yet. Di bale, there are 31 days in July, enough time to plan, launch, and execute (I hope!).

That’s a screen capture of May’s EC top droppers on this blog. When I checked my stats page today, I see that the top ten has changed a bit. Never the less, I welcome them/you all to my space under the moon, and THANK YOU for your visits, your clicks, and most especially, your comments. 🙂

I’ve been thinking about doing the South Beach Diet again. This time around though, I’d be getting the services of The Sexy Chef. They’ll prepare all your meals for the day and deliver them to your doorstop. Everyday for two weeks. The only catch is that it costs 875 pesos a day (~USD19). Not. Cheap. I think that having someone else prepare it for me for the first two weeks may be a big help. Plus, having the food already there will definitely keep me from eating anything else. The cost will also be an everyday reminder that I have to take this seriously.

But 12k is not easy money. So I really have to think about this well. All I have to do is give them my name and the delivery address, then pay in full on the first delivery. Hmm.

I did SBD many many years ago. I had the Metro magazine that featured the diet when it was popular back then, had my aunt help me draw up a meal plan for two weeks, then I tried my best to stick with it. I prepared my own food for the most part! It was a success, I really did lose weight. But then I started to work at NCO where there were free meals, and my schedules changed. I forgot all about it and my weight doubled since.

The truth is, the problem is that I don’t have the discipline to stick to an exercise plan. And having someone else prepare my SBD meals for me will not cure that. I am hoping that the boyfriend will be the force behind it. He’s not exactly the best example, but with the money we’ll spend on the food, he’s bound to breathe down my neck everyday to be sure I exercise too for maximum effect. Lol 🙂

Or I could always just prepare the food myself, or have Alfred make them para dalawa kami. But I don’t have the info anymore. I even bought the book second-hand last year only to be claimed by Ondoy. I’ll check out the magazine stand for back issues of Metro, there’s an ABS-CBN Publishing kiosk in the office, maybe they have it. Kaya lang, would they still carry a 2004/2005 issue? Good luck na lang. I’ll try that, draw up a plan and see if that’s more doable. Right now though, I can already say that going the Sexy Chef way sounds easier. 🙂


Ganda Ever So Much!

I had a pleasant discovery today, a new blog to follow and *stalk.* Thanks to sis Lucky Zoan, I found myself getting acquainted with another blogger – the person behind what seems to be a hip-happening blog – Ganda Ever So Much! Pangalan pa lang, winner na 🙂 I’d have to admit, if the blog name wasn’t so interesting, and if the logo wasn’t what it was, I probably would have passed off on it and moved on to another blog. But no, who wouldn’t do a double-take on this one:

They say first impressions last, and Ganda Ever So Much definitely knows how to impress 🙂 The blog layout is striking and I would share a screenshot of its header but I am currently using a small laptop that makes doing that quite challenging. (I’ll try to update this post with that when I have control of my PC again :D).

With a frog as its mascot, the first thing that came to mind was that this blogger must be a hoot for company! I mean, the person must be down-to-earth fun. Since this is my first visit, I checked out his About Me page and then I was even more convinced to come back and read up on his posts. He’s in General Santos, a city I have passed through maybe once or twice during trips to Mindanao for work. I’m interested to know if he blogs about events and happenings from there.

Anyway… Ganda Ever So Much is hosting several giveaways in the weeks leading up to his Blogoversary. This post is an entry for its third week. Do click on the frog to jump over there, as you can see on the screen capture, he has already revealed what prizes are in store for the week 3 contest. Even if you’re not interested in the giveaway, you’re bound to find something in his writing that will get you hooked! 🙂

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