Today I signed up to be a Dealer for Human Nature. (the editor keeps on removing the heart symbol!)
I heard about the company and their cause a few months ago. I’ve wanted to sign up since then, but the insane heat always kept me from going to checkout their main office and submit the sign up requirements. There was an option to register online, but I wanted to go there myself. Cousin Freedah was with me today, along with Esban. Freedah will be my partner in crime for spreading the word about this venture. 🙂
It doesn’t cost too much to be part of the company. What drew me in was the fair trade philosophy that Gandang Kalikasan, the company behind Human?Nature, embodies. Pro-Philippines, Pro-Poor, and Pro-Environment.
Checkout the website if you want to know more about Human?Nature, or drop me a message. 🙂
I took shots of the products we brought home with us but, as usual, I’m not ready to post them yet. 🙁
I did try two products tonight and love how cool my face felt afterwards. It was the Tomato and Lemongrass Facial Wash, and the Royal Jelly and Aloe Vera Night Mosturizer. Love love love them so far. Can’t wait to try out the other products!
…buy a few pieces of clothes that I can use to either work out or go walking (maybe even running!). A hundred dollars, when it comes to clothes for the plus sized girl, is not a lot of money (sadly) but it will give my budget a much-needed boost. Not only are they not cheap, they are also very hard to come by. I can’t just walk into a mall and be sure there will be something for me. Most of the time, there’s none in my size. Shopping for clothes in general, and exercise outfits in particular is a lot like lingerie shopping. You know there are all sorts of styles out there, but you know they won’t all look good and fit you. I mean, I’d see them with my eyes and they look great on a mannequin. But when I try them on, assuming they’d fit, they won’t look good. Or I won’t.
Imagine working out in these:
Screenshot of the product list at LuluLemon (
I’ve found that one of the excuses I have for not working out, or walking, is that I don’t have shorts that are good for that purpose. Neither do I have jogging pants or leggings or whatever. All I have are my short shorts that I use at home, or my walking shorts for when we go out (they have buttons and zippers and are not really comfortable when you’re exercising). My shirts are also mostly polos, I have a grand total of two shirts that are thin enough to keep me cool and loose enough to allow me movement when exercising.
But wait, even if I have the money, where will I even start looking for plus-size workout clothes here? Those samples in the photo? They’re for skinny girls, sold at Basta, I think spending money on workout clothes would be a good thing for me. It’s an investment for wellness 🙂
So maybe I need a plan B. If I win the hundred dollars from Levy and Noel’s contest, I’ll spend it all on baking ingredients and packaging materials. I’ll use the money for seed capital to relaunch my home-baking business. If this happens, the two of them will be like my honorary partners in business. Hehe. 🙂 Wow, I like how this is shaping up to be.
Top-to-Bottom Crumb Cupcakes by me!
See those cupcakes? I baked them more than a month ago. I miss baking, I should do it more often. And I should make money from doing something I love 🙂 They are super yummy too, have I told you that? 🙂
Even though having the 100 dollars in my Paypal account is only a possibility, and one that will only happen if I win the contest, it has given me the opportunity to just step back and think about how to spend money wisely. For that, I already feel like a winner. Levy and Noel already deserve to be thanked for getting me started on this. I mean, I have that amount somewhere already. Yet, I choose to spend my money in so many other, unimportant ways. And sometimes, those choices are really wasteful.
So THANK YOU Levy and Noel! You have given me something even more valuable than the money you are giving away for your contest! You have taught me an important lesson. 🙂
Oh, I forgot to add… I always try to support causes in every little way that I can. Remember my Got Heart Giveaway, the Haiti donation, etc? Having extra cash will allow me to support more causes. Like Jon Angelo’s . Again, thank you for enabling me to do this. 🙂
Been a while since I offered a shout out to my Top Entrecard Droppers, so here it goes for end of May! 🙂
I have already purchased an ad in your EC widgets to show my appreciation. Thank you so much for dropping almost every day for the month of May. 🙂 If I could, I’d give you gift certificates to enroll for the best online degrees available, I would. But alas! even that is not something I can offer.
I don’t remember when I signed up for Twitter but I do remember the time when my account was banned. Because of that, I turned to Plurk. But that was a long time ago.
Now, I send tweets through SMS. I’ve followed some people, and I even got boyfriend to create an account (@iambadong). Most of those I follow are celebrities, so checking on my Twitter feed is like checking on the latest news, and entertainment gossip.:) Only a handful of those I follow actually follow me back because I know them. But that’s fine by me. I got my Tweets to post on Facebook automatically anyway.
I wonder why I’ve been so hooked on social networking sites. First, there’s IM via Windows Live Messenger. Back when the Profile pages weren’t getting banned at work, it was the social site in the office, haha. Then there’s Facebook. I spend a lot of time going through the personal status messages. I actually backtrack on those posted after the last time I was logged in to the site. Now, I do the same thing on Twitter. Lol.
My new phone (oh, I haven’t told you about that have I?) has a Twitter app, but it needs to use my network’s Internet service, translating to added cost for me. So I haven’t really used that. I’m determined to stay away too, unless necessary – meaning I’m bored out of my wit’s end and there’s no computer with Internet connection nearby. Haha.
Apart from Twitter, offline activities have also been taking my time away from my blog, and from blog hopping. I wish they were some exciting activity like traveling, or remodeling my room and adding modern furniture, or something like going away on photo shoots, but they’re not. Just some malling, movie, reading, TV, and sleeping. Normal, non-exciting stuff. 🙂
Five years. Five. Lima. Cinco. That’s how long I’ve worked at NCO. 🙂 Longer than the two or so years I spent at Asia ACTs. Half as long as my relationship with the boyfriend.
It means that Vanette, Edsel and I have been friends for five years too; although Vanette has moved on to a different company (she’s been there over a year). Now there’s only Edsel, Joey, and myself left. We didn’t even bother celebrating this year, unlike two years ago when there were still five of us. But that’s okay.
I was so close to leaving NCO twice in those five years. Obviously, I chose to stay anyway. Ask me if I regret staying and I’d say no. For both times. There were reasons why I tendered my resignation, served thirty days, and looked elsewhere for employment. In the end, I just had to weigh my options and the final analysis always led me to stick it out at ELJ. 🙂
I have no idea how many more years I’d be counting here, I don’t even know what’s going to happen in the next three months. I can only hope that I can continue to be happy with what I do, and that I don’t turn out to be a bad boss (unloved and unsuccessful). Praying too for better work-life balance 🙂
Who said “work to live and not live to work?” Well for many it feels mostly like work is the end instead of a means to get something. Every once in a while we deserve a treat to remind us why we really go to work everyday. I know of a family who knows the value of working hard so they can play hard. They toil each day because every few months they have their Orlando vacations to look forward to. There are also people who take this quote to the extreme. They come in to work only for the paycheck, do a so-so job, and not take things seriously. They’re the ones who don’t really care how their teams perform, or those who have no idea how their actions affect others. To them, losing the job ain’t such a big deal. I see them around me sometimes. 🙁
Anyway… cheers to my fifth year in the company. I am so looking forward to my loyalty bonus and my leave conversion next payout! 🙂