Ramblings and Brain farts


Do you take mini-vacations? You know, weekend getaways. Temporary respite from the hustle and bustle of your life. Maybe a full body massage or spa treatments might even be considered mini vacations. Lol. What are they anyway?

Mini vacations are shorter in duration than real vacations. This could be anywhere from a day and a half to three days. Usually done during the weekends, and not too far from where one lives. For those in Metro Manila for example, this could be a short drive to Tagaytay, Laguna or Batangas, for some fun under the sun, or for a weekend retreat. For many of us who have limited time and budget, this is normally enough to de-stress and prepare ourselves for yet another stressful week in the workplace.

Sometimes, mini vacations tend to leave you wanting for more. More time so you can rest at home after your trip, or more money so you can buy another night of vacation. But it can also leave you in high spirits, looking forward to the next mini vacation. Because they’re mini, they may be easier to plan and easier to save up for. They don’t cost as much as a four-days-three-nights vacay at Bora or Palawan. And there’s no need to burn money for plane tickets.

So why do I bring this up? Because sometimes Alfred and I both feel like our weekends are wasted. We don’t get to do as much because we don’t have the same days off work. It’s really more of a time constraint, but also, we don’t really have the money to spend on extravagant weekends.

I feel bad that I passed off a chance for a mini vacation last week with my former team. They went to Batangas and I saw their pictures and am really envious of the fun they must have had there. They probably stayed up the night gathered ’round the fire (and in fact I saw photos showing this). Here in the Philippines, you’d only find a need for outdoor fireplaces when you’re right at the beach (and they were), or if you’re up in the very cold mountains (Sagada comes to mind); otherwise fireplaces are useless because it’s naturally hot anyway.

But I had toย miss it,ย I wasn’t really feeling too well that weekend and I also had my period. Still, it was a chance to unwind and I didn’t take it. ๐Ÿ™

It doesn’t look like there will be mini-vacations for us in the very near future. After all, we’re saving up. So I guess I’m just going to have to be a little more creative in finding the perfect activity (and destination) that will fit our time and budgetary limits. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Goodbye Santino

Tonight, teleserye viewers will be saying goodbye to miracle boy Santino, of the soap “May Bukas Pa” Yesterday’s scene ended with the little boy falling through a flight of stairs and hitting his head in the process. His brother, who was also having visions, saw him with a pool of blood under his head. We are left hanging… Will the police get to him in time? Will Bro intervene and save the young boy’s life? Or will He heed his prayer to join his parents in the after-life?

I wonder how many people will be tuned in to their TV sets tonight to find out?


We have a flatbed scanner, but because we don’t have much space here, I don’t keep it out all the time. Right now, it is stowed away somewhere in my room. That isn’t really good because you have to go through all the effort just to scan one picture. I wanted to scan the map we got from our visit to Enchanted Kingdom, but I’m not even sure if the entire thing will fit? Hmm… I think what we have is an a3 scanner, Canon brand.

Another thing that’s ticking me off right now, aside from the fact that my eyes are having an allergic reaction to whatever and are watery and itchy all the time, is that I cannot find my Bamboo pen tablet. As in. It was in a paper bag on top of the box of vacuum cleaner last time I saw it. But my dad had to rearrange things and now it’s nowhere to be found. Grr. I had a Pen Tablet class at JessicaSprague which started on Monday that I haven’t even started yet.

Entrecard: A Blogging Network

I don’t know how long I’ve been a member, but searching my blog using Entrecard as a keyword takes me to this post from August 2008 about Entrecard hopping.

What is Entrecard?

Entrecard is a blogging network that has so far helped me build traffic and network with other bloggers. I have found some interesting blogs that I would have probably not have found without their widget.ย The service also brings you readers and some wouldย actually come out andย participate. By this I mean that they would actually stopย to read your posts, and if they find it interesting, would even leave you comments.

Why would you stick with Entrecard?

Unlike other traffic exchange systems, Entrecard is exclusively forย blogs. Okay, maybeย not strictly exclusive, becauseย I’ve landed on someย pages that are not blogs, but those are the exception. ย You pretty much control the sites you visit too.

The Widget and how it works

You would know that a blogger is part of the Entrecard community, if you see her sporting the widget. Here’s an example:

When you sign up for Entrecard, the first thing that you should do, is to design your Ad or Business Card. This 125×125 (pixels) logo* works the wayย real-life business cards do. When you meet somebody and you would like to do business with them again, or you simply want to stay in touch, you exchange cards. Correct? In Entrecard, it works this way: on a member site you look for the Widget which is normally found above the fold (we’ll talk more about that later), thenย to let the member know that you’ve been by AND to earn credits, you “drop” your card on his widget. All you do is click on the Drop button. Of course, to see the Drop button, you must be logged on to the system. If not, you’ll see “Get one” instead.

Within the Entrecard site, users have an Inbox where they can see all the cards that have been dropped on them:

To return the visits, all you need to is click on their ECs, and drop on their widgets.

How can you have your EC on someone else’s widget?

You have to purchase a spot on the widget, just like purchasing ad space. Here though, you don’t need money to pay for the spot because transactions are done via credits. You earn one EC credit per drop you make. There was a time that you also earned one credit for each drop made on your widget butย I think this was already discontinued.

Now, it doesn’t cost the same amount of credits to advertise across all sites in the network. This actually depends on how many ads are on queue for that blog (they call it 2 to the power of queue). When you start out, you have no ads displayed (except for EC ads that is) so it would only cost 2 ECs to purchase a 24 hour spot. The more spots reserved, the more expensive your spot goes. I think mine is currently at 128 ECs/day, others go for 2000!

The value of the ad spot is determined by how many click throughs you get. I feel that I don’t get as much ad requests because when someone places an ad on my widget, they don’t get much clicks to their sites. The EC Dashboard gives you statistics on that.

You can have control of the ads you want displayed on your widget, you could also set it to auto-approve if that’s what you want.

Can you make money on Entrecard?

Well, there was a time that you could make money directly on Entrecard. There was a shortlived cashout system in exchange for credits that you accumulate. I was waiting for a ten dollar cashout, but sadly, there wasn’t enough to go around and the program was cancelled without me receiving a single dollar. BUT, the traffic and the readers that EC brings to your blog could help you in your other money-making channels. ๐Ÿ™‚

Sign up for Entrecard!

EC has gone through a lot of controversies and changes in the past six months. Some of these has caused the departure of some users. But I have chosen to stay. Other members have wrote extensively on the topic, so I won’t be talking about that.

In the end, Entrecard serves its main purpose of providing a system by which bloggers could connect and build traffic. It’s also quite easy to figure out ๐Ÿ™‚

So there you go Joanne, I hope I finally explained Entrecard for you ๐Ÿ™‚

*If you don’t know how to make one, there are text cards that are already available within the site that you just add your name to. If you ask nicely, I can make one for you ๐Ÿ™‚

What Photo Editing Software do You use?

Before I go to what the title for this post is about, let me say thank you first to my Entrecard droppers. For January 2010, Jean Squared is back on my Top Ten, with drops for all 31 days of the month. Thank you so much! With her is CAP News and a come-back kid Wirez and Circuitz, hehe. I am off to drop ECs on your widgets, and place ads too. I wonder if I made it to anyone’s list? I probably didn’t ๐Ÿ™

Dropper # of drops
Jean sQuared 31
CAP News 31
Wirez and Circuitz 31
Cooking Japanese Style 29
Cornymans Money-Blog, everything about financial independence 26
The One Minute Guide 24
Nice2All 24
Best travel pictures in the world 24
Photography by KML 24
The Twitterer 22


So I had posted before about trying out Picasa 3. I started a discussion over at myLot about photo editing software. It really opened my eyes to alternatives to the two software I use:ย Adobe Photoshop CS3 and PaintShopPro. Although it does seem like Photoshop gets a lot of votes, GIMP and Picasa are definitely holding up too. Then someone also mentioned Microsoft Paint.Net and now I also want to give that a try!

Now, would you be so kind as to check out the discussion and participate too? You would have to sign up for myLot to post a response, but it’s easy and you can earn off your participation too. ๐Ÿ™‚ I ain’t just asking you to sign up so I can gain referrals, I really do want to find out what photo editing software you use and why you think it works best for you. ๐Ÿ™‚

Windows 7

I am trying Windows 7, after my PC’s been getting the blue screen of death (BSOD) and kept on restarting over and over. So it’s running right now, but we did have restart and BSOD issues again, even after installing Win7. I am hoping that the problem is solved already, since the last restart has been more than an hour ago (maybe even two).

Ahhh but I typed a little too soon.. PC just crashed again, but the debugger points to filtmgr.sys and I don’t really have any idea what that is or what other troubleshooting to do. I think though that it must be something with the flash/apps from Facebook because it happened while I was doing something at the Zoo application.

I am disappointed too because I seem to have lost my Chrome bookmarks. I had synced it through the Google Chrome Bookmarks Sync feature but now I don’t see the option to actually sync it back. I didn’t think about backing up the actual file because I was safe in the knowledge that I did that sync up. Now, I am without the many awesome blogs and photography resources that I favorited in the past 6 months or so. ๐Ÿ™

There are a number of programs that I need to reinstall, and I also haven’t moved back my files. I’m guessing this is probably the best time to organize my photos and other digi-clutter.

Before I move on though… Here’s the reveal of what was in the picture… Most of you got the sky part correctly. The blue part is indeed the sky at dusk. But that pinkish part isn’t a roof. What it is is part of a white (tiled) wall. I took the photo looking straight up from ground level, right outside The Creamery at the back of the Mall of Asia and across San Miguel by the Bay. I was going to look for another photo to post that would give you another view of the area but, like I mentioned already, I haven’t moved my files back just yet.

I think guessing what’s on the picture is a nice blog activity? At least I got some of you commenting ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll keep this game in mind when I shoot. Maybe next time I’ll turn it into a giveaway too. Hehe ๐Ÿ™‚

We were at Raon in Quiapo yesterday afternoon. It was quite an afternoon, costingย us a lot of money ๐Ÿ™ We got the PlayStation installed with a new harddrive and network adapter, so now it’s loaded with a lot of games, including several versions of Guitar Hero! We also bought another videoke system ๐Ÿ™‚

Since it took more than hour to get the PS fixed, we walked around the area (specifically staying away from Hidalgo, lest I be tempted to buy camera gear) for awhile. There were so many Kodak moments, but I didn’t have Maxine with me. Alfred isn’t too keen on taking it to Quiapo, snatcher magnet that it is. Truth is, I don’t really think it is something that would be stolen from me while walking around Quiapo. I mean, it would just be too obvious diba if anyone grabs it from me? But then again, better safe than sorry. Kung bakit naman kasi boyfriend doesn’t have the body of a cla supplement hunk. With him towering over me, he could be my body guard. He’s big too, but most of it’s fat (sorry babe, haha). He actually does need to lift and take those supplements so he’d be all toned and muscled up. Wahaha ๐Ÿ™‚

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