Ramblings and Brain farts

TV and Punctuality

Project: Punctuality Goal: Get to work 15 minutes before shift starts How to get to work 15 minutes ahead of time:

  1. Do not hit the snooze button. I tried this last night, and yes, it earns you the additional 15 minutes you’ll need to prepare for work. That is, if you follow number 2.
  2. Stay away from the TV. Unless you’ve figured your late-night (for me) or early-morning shows into your schedule, just don’t tune in.

Why am I saying number 2? Because I followed number 1 last night. I woke up when my alarm screamed wake up. I had my breakfast (or dinner, depending on your perspective), and actually enjoyed it. But Trip na Trip was showing last night, and I just could not help but tune in.

In short, I was still late. Sigh. If it’s not late night shows, it would be the teleseryes. Nothing can keep me away from the TV, haha ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe if I lived in an RV, and the rv towing service was pounding at my door ready to haul me away, I would take my eyes off the TV. Something like that. ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyhoo, it’s my big brother’s birthday and I gotta get my share of the food he’s served for everyone. Then I gotta get a few more winks before I leave for work again (last workday for the week!)

So do you think I’ll make it on time?

Your Late-ness, Verabear

I have never been known for my punctuality. It’s either I come in just in the nick of time, or whoever I’m meeting with comes in later than I do, or I’m completely and unforgivably late. I think it’s a chronic condition, I’ve just always been like that. Not caring too much about getting wherever at exactly the right time. Except maybe for job interviews. Ah, and airline flights. And okay, sometimes for work-related stuff too.

That is a trait I am not proud of, not at all. I kid about it, and I take all jabs directed at me about punctuality. I have come to accept it, to a certain extent. But to fully take it for what it is and not do anything about it, is completely bonkers.

I have tried time and again to cure myself of this very bad habit. Sometimes I succeed, but I will always find myself going back to my old ways. Now the New Year is just a good as time as any to break old habits, and build new ones. Will this be the year that I’ll succeed?

At work, I issued a January Punctuality Challenge. I think I’m the one lagging so far in the two day’s it’s running. On the first day, I came in 20 minutes late. Last night, it was 10 minutes. Tonight, I’m really hoping I’d be in on time.

I know I will have to take baby steps to make this happen. First step: don’t hit the snooze button on my alarm.

To do that, I should sleep. Now.

I came home late because we had a post Christmas/New Year’s party. Me and my T2 team, with their current slim. It was so much fun. But I got worried because some of them ride bikes, and I didn’t want to end up the wonderful day with accidents. I had agents who took their motor bikes to and from work, and they were already getting drunk. I don’t want them to have to look for a motorcycle accident lawyer, in case he figures in an altercation or an accident. But no one really got wasted wasted. It was all in the spirit of fun.

Drive by post.

This is my Christmas photo, taken by Dalnes using my Renoir. The reindeer headband was something I used because there were no Santa hats in the house and I was playing Santa for Christmas Eve, distributing everyone’s gifts. ๐Ÿ™‚

This is going to be a short and not-so-interesting post but if you’re reading it, please do ponder about backing up your data right now. I’ve begun doing that, and then I encountered some issues with my computer. Which tells me that it was probably good timing that I’m backing up. My dear computer might need an overhaul this weekend, and I sure hope it won’t cost me any money to fix anything. Except for a new mouse. Yep, my mouse is dead. I think it lasted a year though, so that’s probably just as well.

I have backed up verabear.net and badodong.com successfully, and made redundant copies too. At least, in the event that my server crashes, I won’t lose too much. I’m sure there won’t be issues like that though, unlike what happened last year… (too lazy to find a link, maybe I’ll add one later.).

So I hope this finds you well, not in need of any fancy medical equipment. I wish you good luck in all your 2010 endeavors. And I bid you adieu, until my next post ๐Ÿ™‚

EC Thanks and Belle de Jour

I haven’t done this in at least two months, and I am not surprised that I have new droppers in the list. Nevertheless, I appreciate your visits, and do hope to see you more in my comment box too ๐Ÿ™‚ Not only do you get link-love from me, I have also purchased ads on your widgets ๐Ÿ™‚ Until next month!

Dropper # of drops
The One Minute Guide 30
Cooking Japanese Style 30
Cornymans Money-Blog, everything about financial independence 30
Wirez and Circuitz 30
Jean sQuared 30
CAP News 30
Trends Finder 24/7 30
Best travel pictures in the world 29
Cornymans Blogreviews 26
All about Babies and Kids 26

I have slept off most of the past 72 hours, but we did stop by The Block yesterday intending to see Avatar on IMAX. We were disappointed though, all screenings except the 11PM one were sold out! We just reserved tickets for today’s 450PM screening then (so I’d actually have to run and get ready right after I hit Publish for this post). Rather than heading home right away, we decided to browse through the shelves at Fully Booked. I happened to see there copies of the book Belle de Jour, Diary of a London Call Girl and it’s sequel. It was so intriguing! I didn’t buy it though, I have a lot on my to-be-read pile as it is. ๐Ÿ™‚

Today, I looked it up and I found her blog! Belle de Jour’s been blogging since October 2003. At least that’s as far back as her archives would go. ย I am reading, starting from the oldest post I can start from. I’m not sure though if what’s in the paperback is just the same as what’s online. I read a few pages at the bookshop and I don’t recall the first few posts I just read as being the same. I might just have that on my to-buy list then. Or I’d go hunting for it, no, more like praying for it to end up in my favorite second-hand bookshop.

myLot User Profile


Decade Bear

Happy New Year everyone! And a Happy New Decade ahead! ๐Ÿ™‚

It seems not too long ago when people were wary of the so-called Y2k bug. I also remember back in highschool, having been tasked to write about where we will be in the year 2000. That is so long ago. 2000 is a distant memory already, a whole different lifetime as it seems.

The beginning of this new decade also marks our tenth year together, Alfred and I. And no, we still aren’t married. And that’s just fine. Really. ๐Ÿ™‚ Our anniversary will be on the 19th, and as I mentioned from my announcement post a few days back, I was thinking of running another giveaway. I can’t think of anything to giveaway though… So maybe I won’t be running any giveaway this time. I’ll wait until another wonderful cause or opportunity knocks on my door. It can still be a celebration giveaway – after all, we have all of 2010 to celebrate our ten years. ๐Ÿ™‚

Do you still make resolutions? Do you have a To-Do List for 2010? I don’t think I want to have one this year. It’s just been a disappointment so far, because none of my resolutions ever really see mid-year. So maybe I’ll just build a wish-list, and some of those wishes are actually stuff I’d have to work for to get. You won’t see a Samsung HDTV on my list, but I sure wouldn’t send it away if one shows up on my doorstep.

Let’s all look forward to a prosperous 2010 for everyone, and a wonderful beginning for thisย millennium’sย second decade! Thank you for swinging by! ๐Ÿ™‚

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