Live Simply
(click on the image to visit the source, and for more Simplicity quotes)
I have known about this mantra for so long, and I’ve also believed in its power. I’ve tried to live by it too. Sadly, it seems that I have all but forgotten it in the past few weeks.
I’ve spent so much money on material things lately, gifts to myself. My mom asked yesterday, isn’t this supposed to be the season for buying for others? Yeah, she is so right.
Yesterday at the restaurant, two nuns were having lunch two tables down. Alfred asked, aren’t religious people supposed to live simply? Don’t judge, I said. They’re entitled to eat well too, and who knows, perhaps someone gave them gift checks or maybe it was a treat. And who would refuse a treat?
Don’t get me wrong. I won’t go all out and renounce material comforts just to share what I have with the less fortunate, or to live in complete mendicancy just so I can help feed and clothe others. But I sure need to humble myself and stay away from spending away all my hard earned money.
Besides, I’ve already got a lot of presents this Christmas. I got myself new shoes, work clothes, a guitar (for GH remember?), several second hand books lined up on the table at home, and now a new touch-screen/camera phone. I don’t need to buy myself new things. I should instead focus on helping a few more causes, and maybe lessen the burden a bit on my parents.
You see, I still live with mom and dad, my brother and I both do. And our significant others are always here as well. My bro’s been consistent with helping out with the expenses at home, while I, on the otherhand, have been remiss. That is embarrassing, even more so because my parents rarely call me out for it.
And it just isn’t right that I spend so much on other things, but don’t carry my fair share of the burden at home. My parents are more than capable to still support us but that’s beside the point. At their age they should be spending more time off and weekends taking mini-vacations.
This whole living simply shit? Like most everything else, this should start at home. When you’ve learned it’s value, it becomes a way of life and living simply while enabling others to also live.