Ramblings and Brain farts


The photo I posted yesterday was taken using my new toy, a Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 lens, slapped onto Maxine. I introduced her here.

It takes some getting used to, if you know what I mean. But I really quite enjoy using this wonderful gem of a lens. I took her with me to work yesterday, almost leaving the battery behind haha. I had a terrible headache while trying to work, and it was really bad timing because there was a mountain of stuff that I needed to do. I ended up being only about 60% percent productive on my official office hours, and having more stuff done after hours.

That was after I went down for a good brunch.

I hung out at Starbucks for about 40 minutes. Had Hungarian Sausage and Egg on Ciabatta bread, with hot White Chocolate Mocca. Elizabeth Gilbert kept me company.

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I was recharged when I went back and sat in front of my computer. 🙂

I must say though, that having a Starbucks brunch isn’t something I should be doing. I should be saving money, not splurging. I could have had a free meal at the pantry, or a less expensive meal at The Loop. But it felt like a simple pleasure that will give me much relief. It felt just like what I needed. And I was right, it gave me the lift I was looking for.

It meant though that I had to walk through the regular Friday bazaar at ELJ. And I ended up splurging on this:

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This is a leather checkbook purse, all hand made locally. I have no intentions to take my checkbook with me every where I go so this one’s just going to replace my Le Sportsac (a fake really) purse. I love how the material feels on my hands. And the color, it’s just love! 🙂 It cost me 580 pesos. I showed it to my mom today, and she wants one too.

Before I went home, I also picked up fudge brownies and chocolate cupcakes. Yummy. 🙂

I got home and was finally headache free. Seems like all I really needed was some retail therapy. And a little splurge.

How are you?

When was the last time you truthfully answered someone who asked you this question? How are you?


I was asked this very same question this morning. And I was only able to give a perfunctory answer: okay. Am I really okay? I guess I am if that’s what I say right? But how am I really? I haven’t had much time to think about that. To think about how I’m doing. I just do. I mean, I just be. Eng?

I go through each day as it goes, my routine keeps me going. When I have a baking project, I look forward to it. Otherwise, it’s all just the same to me.

And that’s just sad isn’t it?

Let me think of something to actually look forward to each day as I get ready for work. Think of one for yourself 🙂

Pardon the Dust

I’ve decided to switch themes and I’m still checking it out.

Please pardon the dust, and the noise.

I hope to get this done ASAP 🙂

Meanwhile, have you checked out my photo blog?


After installing and tweaking, I’ve gone back to this template. The other, though it was growing me, would not display properly when you click on Comments. I have no time to troubleshoot that at the mo’, so old template it is.

Welcome me Back! :)

Did anyone notice that I had been offline for about 48 hours?

I wish I could say I was away on Disney World and Vegas vacations, but I wasn’t. I didn’t take a break. Rather I was forced to go on an unexpected hiatus.

Read about it here.

I had to post photos of our visit to Times Street at my bravejournal because of this domain’s downtime too.

But I’m back.

Shout Out to my July Top EC Droppers!

Interesting how this set of top droppers has changed since the previous month’s.

Thank you so much for coming by, specially for the comments some of you leave along with your ECs 🙂 As a token of appreciation, I’ve decided to place ads on your widgets, so expect to see me there, hehe 🙂


What hasn’t changed though, is my weight. I am still very much obese, and I can’t even say that I have increased my physical activity to help burn all the calories I take in each day. I do hope though that going out to shoot photos on weekends will help change that. I saw these Kettlebells and thought these may be a fun way to build strength on my arms/upper arms. It gets tiring carrying a bag or lugging your camera around everytime, hehe 🙂

The boyf and I have the same work schedule now, which makes it easier for us to save on transpo on the nights he stays over. But it has also opened up the idea of us walking home together in the morning. I’d have to bring a big bag to work though – for both our trainers and more comfortable clothes to change in. That idea sounds good to me, and it does to him too. Just that it’s been raining a lot lately making it impossible to walk without getting sick. I used to walk the two kilometers from Mother Ignacia when I started working there four years ago. Since getting promoted though, I’ve only done it sporadically – I find the idea of walking home unappealing after a long and stressful business day. Walking Alfred though would give us an opportunity to just be together and talk too.

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