Ramblings and Brain farts

Wedding Plans

Before leaving for work on Thursday night my mom asked me to take my Maxine with me and go straight to her office after my shift. She apparently needs some photos for a presentation she’s preparing.  So even while I was already hungry, and sleepy, I went straight to the Seminary.  I snapped a few photos of this map they have in their office lobby. It shows where in the Philippines the ECP is.  We also had to take pictures of the Church’s flag.  It only took 10 minutes tops.

My aunt runs a canteen and I decided to have lunch right there.

becky's place

While eating, my aunt joined me and we had a nice chat.  She’s taking care of the catering services for a cousin’s wedding taking place in July.  This cousin has settled in the US already but he’ll be coming home with his bride to get married at our small beautiful homey church. The same church where my wedding will take place – someday. 🙂

So we talked about what’s going to happen and then she also asked me about our own plans for getting married.  My cousins told her about what Alfred and I have been thinking about and she’s always asked about it since then. She took out her magazines and we had a fun time looking at the beautifully crafted wedding cakes.  We marveled at the gowns too, and the different motifs for the wedding reception.

It’s always been the question of funds that kept us from concretely planning our wedding. But I think there’s something else. We should just decide on a budget, set a date, and then make sure the money will be there. Haha.

I think what’s really keeping me from pushing things forward is that I haven’t dropped a single pound. Seriously. I want to get married in a beautiful gown, be beautiful and radiant.  Have you seen my photos lately? No matter what I do, I don’t look the way I feel or look the way I want to. But I want that for my wedding.

And that means I must shed off some of this extra weight.

I am not looking for the impossible. I will not say that I have to reach my ideal weight before I can get married. That may never happen unless I get a bariatric surgery.  But lose weight I must.  I have an idea of how much, and what’s realistic in the timeframe that I’m looking at.

So the first step to finally walking down the aisle – lose weight. If it means going back to Marie France, or starting a 15-minute daily exercise routine, or popping some diet pills, then so be it.  I’ll start tomorrow. And I’ll take Alfred along for the ride.

Does this seem shallow? Maybe I am over simplifying things. It isn’t really our weight issues that keeps us resetting the wedding date for later. But I needed a reason. So there. 🙂

Anyway, back to my aunt.

becky's welcome

This duck welcomes guests to Becky’s place. It’s right at the doorframe of the red entrance. Cute, no? 🙂

I’d love to have a place like hers, only it won’t be a canteen but a bakeshop or a cafe with lots of books. Hay.

I deserve chocolates!

super shiny T-zone was just the tip of the iceberg.

At work last night, I started feeling woozy like my neck and my head were weighing me down. Seriously.  I went to the clinic but I had no fever as it turns out. I was given a pill for body aches and the nurse said that it could be the colds that causing the headache.

Methinks it’s another to be blamed on PMS.

And it probably means that I will have an even worse time when AuntFlo comes around. Yay me! :S

Yesterday, I really wanted to share this photo:


I made truffles last week and, as expected, it was a smashing hit 🙂

I mixed another batch yesterday, but I didn’t get to coat them with chocolate. My brother agreed to pick up what I needed for a makeshift double boiler (what I used before was already thrown out) but he got caught up in traffic so he had to head straight home rather than stay on the road during color-coding hours.  I tried melting chocolate using the microwave oven but I couldn’t get it right! No melting today either thanks to the aches.

I hope it goes away this weekend – I need to be well so I can finally bake something!

Shiny T-zone

gatsby-usedIf you know what this is, well I’m sorry you had to look at it. If you don’t, then… I just hope I don’t offend your sensibilities when you find out what it is!

We had clients at work, and they’re on very important business. People were busy, including myself (though not necessarily because they were around).  Everytime I went to the ladies room, I cringed to look at my face starting back at me through the mirror. It was suuppppeeerrrr oily. As in.

Add to the extra shiny T-zone is a huge zit just above my left eyebrow.  Then there’s a tiny one at the corner of my left eye.  I feel a bump on my nose too. Waaaaaaahhhhh!!!!

I guess it’s near that time of the month again – if it’s actually coming around this month. 🙁

If I carried lipstick around with me, I probably would have put some on this unwelcome zit. Do you do that? Put lipstick on your pimples? I don’t remember ever trying that so I don’t know if it worked. I did use toothpaste before, they helped dry out the zit faster I guess.  When you’re growing up and your face starts to get dotted with pimples, you’ll hear a lot of people say that you’ll be getting your first period soon. Then you’ll definitely receive a lot of tips on treatments for acne and people will swear by their proven methods.

But eventually, you realize you don’t need treatment. Your skin eventually clears up, ready for more when the next month comes rolling in.

Is it time to bid Twitter goodbye?

I am upset that my Twitter account is suspened until now.  


I am disappointed that it’s been twelve days since it happened, and yet I’ve received no support at all from them:


They even marked the request resolved, with no action being done and no notification to me at all. Er??

To think that I was pleased with the Twitter support team because my account was restored (and I received an email response apologizing for the mistake) within two or three hours the first time my account was suspended.  Ugh.  I had so intended to send twits the whole time I was in Baler so some friends (and workmates who can’t help but check Windows Live profiles 🙂 ) can be updated on my vacation.  I figured I’d just check if FB will allow me to send updates via SMS, but it’s only open to Smart subscribers here. Double Ugh.  I’m seeing more people using Plurk. Maybe I should just sign up for that?




This whole spending spree in the last six weeks has really got me back to thinking about saving up.  We purchased Maxine, and we got the Elba. Alfred and I have bought shoes, have eaten out soooo many times, that there’s no way for there to be any money left for a wedding fund – not that we’ve even started one.

Anyway, so I’ve been thinking of ways to cutback on some of my spending. But that’s something I’ve consistently tried to right? Sometimes I succeed, other times I don’t.  Then I thought about some of the things I still have to payoff – like my insurance premium.  I think this is the last year of payment for my life insurance that my parents convinced me to get four years ago.  If I remember correctly, we only have five payments and this year’s would be the fifth. After that, it’s just a matter of waiting for it to mature.

So maybe it’s time to look around for a second policy?  It’s savings that has way better interest than a savings account in a bank.  And it will ensure a secure way of life when I get old, or for some money to go to my beneficiary if I die prematurely right? Haha.

I tried searching around the web for insurance quotes available online for us Pinoys, I found a couple but am not satisfied with the information available. Mostly they’re quotes for travel insurance.  But there is better resource for free insurance quotes for those outside of the country. I guess what we can get from sites like that are tips on what to look for in a good insurance policy.  Such information is useful, and very welcome.

I have yet to see though, policies that are actually customized for individuals.  Remember the movie Along Came Polly starring Jeniffer Aniston and Ben Stiller?  Ben was working in insurance right? And he calculates risks or something, then the company uses that information to determine the best insurance package. Anyway that’s how I remember his job in the film. But my point is, here I have not yet seen companies offering policies that are customized to an individual’s lifestyle.  There are just several packages and the main difference is how much the premium is, and how long you have to wait for it to mature.

Of course I can always turn to our friendly family insurance agent for more information 🙂

Thank You to May Top EC Droppers!

What a better way to start of the month of June, than to pay tribute to my top Entrecard droppers for the month of May.

Thank you so much for dropping, and I hope that you sometimes read through as well 🙂



It’s interesting how there are only two droppers here on this list who were also in April’s list: Jean Squared and Wirez and Circuitz.  I wonder if I even made it to anyone’s list? I’m not much of a regular dropper, I normally just return drops and sometimes it’s different each day.  My EC dropping is as inconsistent as my yo-yo dieting, haha.  I see some people have their own Entrecard drop lists that help them drop consistently.  Maybe I should make one too, so I can also consistently follow EC blogs I actually like.  As for my yoyo dieting, well maybe it’s time to review top rated diet pills and pick one brand. If only they weren’t so expensive, and if a trusted doctor can guarantee it’s safety.

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