Ramblings and Brain farts

You don’t have to be poor to fight Poverty

How does Poverty look like? How does it feel? Does it smell or taste different?

Today’s global Blog Action Day focuses on that – Poverty. Hundreds of thousands of blogs will go up today to bring the world’s attention to an issue that knows no borders. Yet, I wonder, of the hundreds of thousands of us who will blog about efforts to alleviate the situation – how many have really known poverty? How many have faced it? Who has endured and overcome it?

But that’s not what’s important, is it? The significance of this day in the blogging world – to the whole world, is not who shares the sorriest story or who paints the ugliest picture. It’s not about the drama of poverty. It’s about what each person can will do does to address the issue of poverty.

I get it though, we need to show people what poverty looks like. There are many out there who just don’t feel the need to act unless they see something tangible. Unless they see what poverty is aside from a general construct.

In a third world country like ours, one doesn’t need to look too far to see the face of poverty. In some areas, there is even the sense of it. Here’s a news story that almost a year ago had brought to fore the issue of poverty in the country.

I spent many years of my young life working with child-focused NGOs. We were advocates for children’s rights; we fought against the sexual exploitation of children. In that world I had met a lot of interesting people. I had made friends with many children – Children who were as old or were younger as I was, but children of entirely different circumstances than mine. At a young age, I realized that it is the children of the world who suffer most from poverty. And lacking food to eat isn’t always the worst thing about it.

You hear it all the time, poverty has alwasy been one of the many push factors for child exploitation. Thus, many organizations have developed programs that will help alleviate the situation by bringing in alternative and sustainable livelihood.

Wealth isn’t the opposite of poverty – empowerment is. It isn’t just a matter of filling their hunger, or clothing their backs.There is so much to be done.

What am I doing? Not much.

I visit the Hunger site everyday. You can too.

I play a vocabulary game to give Free Rice. It’s fun, and you should try it.

The Hunger Site

I also play a vocabulary game and it’s fun. You should try it:

Help end world hunger

My Mom works with our Church and helps the dioceses with their community-based programs. My Dad works with Catholic Relief Services. Their work directly affect people’s lives. Someday soon, I will do something significant again. I am just glad that today, I had the opportunity to reflect on this again. I hope you do too.

Good thing there are thousands of people who are able to contribute something. At least I know that no matter how big this issue is, there is hope that it can be overcome. It may be true then that we can end poverty in this lifetime.

Alfred’s Bedroom Dreams

Today, Alfred shared with me a dream he had yesterday. It’s one of those wish fulfillment dreams.

He dreamt that he had his old room back, only this time, it was a techie’s dream bedroom. Aside from having his own king-sized bed, there would be a plasma HDTV on the wall. He didn’t mention a specific size but I bet it was really big. 😉

There would be PSPs, other gaming consoles, iPod, and top-of-the-line cellphones scattered all over. He also saw that he refurbished my old tower and had a new setup with its own flat screen monitor. There were two PCs in the room though. On one he’d be downloading all sorts of stuff, the other was used for online gaming.

There’d also be beanbags and home theater seating in that room.

To top it off, he saw his friends come over and just do their thing and use all of his stuff. And he’d actually welcome them in.

That’s what he wants in his room – sounds more like a den than a bedroom doesn’t it? What’s funny is that we both know that even if he got his old room back, he wouldn’t be able to fit all of those stuff in there. If he insisted on a king-sized bed, there’d be not much room for anything else. Hehe. 🙂

But as he says, if you can dream, you’d have to dream big. 🙂

Freelance Writing

I was searching the Web lastnight for Freelance Writing Opportunities when I came across Baby Blogger. She posts tips for freelance writers and links for money-making opportunities online. Among those links that interested me, was a link to ten Ten Universities offering Free Writing Courses Online. I have only checked out the links to courses on MIT’s Open CourseWare offerings and they really are interesting. 

I would like to explore the other writing courses listed in the link to help me improve on my writing. This makes me realize again that I probably studied the wrong discipline in the University; perhaps I should have taken a different course. That’s not entirely true, really. At that time, I was interested in Psychology and I still am, to some extent. It’s just that my life choices since then have led me to a different path.

Not that I’m in writing these days. Apart from my blogs, I do not write elsewhere. I have not attempted to write fiction and poetry since high school. I used to churn out pretty decent essays for my various courses in college. Now – ugh. 

I used to think that writing was a gift – you either had it or you didn’t. I just lost it, maybe?

Maybe I can find writing courses at the UP that I can attend? I don’t know who to ask though. And knowing myself, if there’s no one to go with, I wouldn’t go. I hate that sometimes.

Anyway, I learned about Project Gutenberg from the Introduction to Fiction course at OCW. Project Gutenberg is a collection of eBooks available for download – free! Don’t worry, they do consider US copyright laws even before they include etext in their archives. Unless your country has more stringent copyright laws, then you probably won’t be violating any law when you download material from them. Most books in the collection are Classics.

I must say that I am biased against ebooks. I just don’t find etext appealing. I’d much rather prefer holding an actual book in my hands, feel the pages, smell them even. But there are titles that are beyond my reach, or sometimes it’s just good to be able to read a few pages before deciding to buy my own copy. So being able to go to Project Gutenberg and checkout works from literary genius is just the right thing for me.

West Side Story and a Tag

The musical was awesome! The cast was great. It was totally worth it, and we got good seats – really more than what I had expected. I had written some of my opinion over here, and perhaps some other time I’m going to say more here. Maybe 🙂

I really enjoyed my evening, and I know my parents did too. While we were seated and waiting for the show to start, Dad reminisced about seeing A Streetcar Named Desire with Mom many many years ago. He said it was before my birth and starred Philip Salvador (?) and Laurice Guillen. Ma, on the other hand, couldn’t remember anything of it other than the fact that they did go see it. Haha.

We’ve been home for five hours give or take and I’ve been surfing, checking mail, downloading. What I really wanted to do was work on another layout for Scrapbook Saturday. PSP just isn’t cooperating with me right now. And frankly, whatever inspiration I got for a layout went to sleep already. I’ll try again later.

On the way out of the office building earlier this evening, I noticed this new booth at the lobby selling health and diet supplements, you know, the ones that have protein and body-building stuff in the product line. I’d love to take a closer look at those sometime. I wonder if they say meal replacement shakes or protein bars? I’d love to try having those on some days. Might help, who knows.

Oh, I just saw a Twilight movie trailer – looks great! I wasn’t sold on the actor that plays Edward but seeing the trailer has changed my mind 🙂

Finally, here’s a tag from Tracy:


Happy weekend!

 It’s the weekend again! Weekdays don’t seem quite as long for me as they used to. I guess that’s how it is when you’re really doing something you enjoy. 😉

 I am just waiting for Mom and Dad to pick me up (they should be here really soon) and we’ll be on our way to the theater.

Back when I was an agent, two years ago, I had weekends off and I would always send off “Happy Weekend!” emails to everyone in my address book. Some of them would respond by mail too, while some would just acknowledge it when they see me. That’s how I used the many tags and graphic files I received from my groups.

I stopped sending out those emails when I got promoted to Trainer. One because it’s awkward to keep sending those through our corporate mailboxes. And two because I got too busy. But that shouldn’t be so right? We should never get too busy to greet friends, to say Hello! or wish them well.


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