Ramblings and Brain farts

First Computerized Gov’t Elections in the Philippines

The first ever fully automated/computerized elections in the country was held successfully today. It is sad that there are no news stories about it posted on the Internet even as of this writing (midnight of the day after).

There were news stories and features on the television, but I would have loved to read about them before posting any info here.

Seems that the election is overshadowed by other events in the region – the armed conflict in North Cotabato which have displaced hundreds of thousands of residents both Christian and Muslim; and the controversy of the Memorandum of Agreement that the Peace Panel was negotiating and was supposed to have signed.

All these issues in the South has got me to thinking of the ex-MILF commanders-turned-Peace Advocates that we worked with in my old job. I wonder how they are now, and how all these things have affected the work that they have devoted their lives to in recent years?

The conflict really is deeply rooted, and involves so many stakeholders. One document surely won’t magically resolve everything in one day.

No Layout – Scrapbook Saturday – for the newbie digiscrapper

No layout for Scrapbook Saturday this week. I had it in my mind to feature some digiscrapping celebrity (not that I am close to any one of them) or to post something that will really help out those who are new to digital scrapbooking. I didn’t have time for proper research though so I’m ending up with nothing. But please do visit the SS Headquarters, starting with Dette, and visit other SS participants.

I ran a search for verabear and digital scrapbooking and one of the results led me to my journal archives. This post actually was written when I first found Susan of Raspberry Road. Though Shabby Princess was the first ever designer I downloaded a freebie from, it was actually Susan’s kit that I first used for an actual layout (the one I shared on the first Scrapbook Saturday).

Now, Susan sells her designs on her blog but she still continues to give full kit freebies to her loyal blog readers. And I still go there to visit. Believe it or not, I don’t just go for the freebies, I actually go to oogle over the beautiful designs and layout created by others. (more…)

Diverse interests

This seems to be a week of discoveries.

My colleague, who runs Pasaway.org and Pinoy Downloads, introduced me to a service that allows me to earn money (in British Pounds) just by using my alloted homepage as my default search engine. Granted, you’ll have to search many many times before you really see money pour in, but you don’t lose anything either. Check it out my homepage or sign up as my friend, here.

I also learned of of Xylia, and met the Sore Thumbs gang at the start of this week.

Through Blog Explosion, I had also browsed through interesting blogs that I’ve bookmarked and will visit again soon.

I also got freaked out and have had lots of laughs this week, courtesy of Peter.

There are new additions to my Digiscrapping Blogroll as I visited designers and admired they work for the first time. Sorry, I can’t link them in this post because I didn’t keep track of the newest links.

But I’ve also realized, through the many new things I found interesting this week, is that I am interested in many things. This is good. But it also has a negative side. I find that my mind is scattered – I have so many concerns throughout the day, so much that I want to spend my time on. I want to read and finish the book I picked up last week. I want to organize my digi stash and make layouts. I want to blog. I want to learn to make WordPress themes from scratch. I want to earn money online.

My baking/truffle-making isn’t even on that list yet. And then there’s still the official work that I have to do.

Have you seen pictures of the 2008 Beijing Olympics? I didn’t see the Opening Ceremony (I’ll look for reruns during the weekend) but I have been browsing this gallery. I am awed by the colors, the pageantry and the spectacle of it all. I know there is politics associated with China hosting the Olympics this year, but that aside, it would have been something to be a performer in any one of those numbers!

Xylia Tales

In the other day’s post I mentioned my Web Comics finds. I have finished digging through the archives of Xylia, and will now be eagerly awaiting the updates every week.

The story is interesting, and the art is beautiful.

On a different note… at work today I was thinking about the training post. If the posting was for QC, I’d pounce on it. I know I really want to be facilitator. Oh well.

Training girl

Today I had been in a training class, and it reminded me again how much I miss that environment. It was a Problem Solving class that I enlisted some of my team for and decided to attend as well. I had fun, and I had insights too. The most important thing is that I believe they picked up something from it.

So that was about half of my day in the office, the rest, well, was just normal like any other day. I signed up for several classes (like six?) this month because, as I told Papi Boden (my boss), I need something to exercise my brain. I guess I’m looking for something to jumpstart the bubbliness in me. I think it will actually work.

On my way out, I saw the posting for internal job openings on the HR board. There’s an opening for a Training Supervisor! Is this what I’m waiting for? The other thing at work that I was kinda counting on did not fall through and I’ve lost interest, in any case. I’ve been thinking, since my boss asked about it last week, what it is that I want next. Do I stay in operations and aim for a Senior TM post? Or do I go back to Training? Talk about timing!

The catch is, the post will be for another site, in another city that’s about an hour or so from here. I’ve never worked or studied that far away from home. It’s going to be a big decision. Of course, I’m not even sure if I’ll get the job but I have to think about these things too before I even submit an application, right?

First there was the ECPAT activity that reminded me of what I used to do (facilitate workshops and trainings) and then there’s this. This really seems to be my calling – to be facilitating learning.

I’ve got lots of time before the deadline (on the 12th). I pray for guidance in making the right decision.

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