Love, Dolly Parton and an Award
What is Love? What a grade school slum book question. Hehe.
Ganns tagged me with this meme (weeks ago) where one is supposed to define love without using cliches. You should read his definition(s). Sweet. The day I read his post, I remembered feeling so loved just the night before.
Alfred spends a few nights every week here. We’ve found that that’s the best way we could spend quality time with each other without being grouchy with each other. Anyway, as we tucked in to sleep (actually he already was asleep), I complained about having been bitten by a mosquito on my elbow. He reached over and scratched it for me. Aaaww. Haha. Oh yes, he was still sleeping. And I didn’t ask him.
So what’s love? Love is willingly going out of your way to do something for another. Um-hm. But it’s when you don’t feel that it’s an inconvenience, when it’s not being done out of obligation, when you do it with all of your being and there’s no conflict in or outside of you. Yup, that’s love.
Is that a cliche? Anyhow, I am tagging Kiss, Tracy and Dauphine. I hope you ladies play along!
Anyway, I signed up for the Live Search Club. Okay, it’s not a real club. There are tons of games there that are powered by Windows Live Search. You earn tickets while playing, and those tickets can be redeemed for real prices. I’ve got my sights on a Kitchen Aid mixer or a 30Gb Zune player. I don’t know if I’ll actually get either one though. Haha. While playing the games on there, I thought about how cool it would be if my nieces would just play those games instead of browsing through Friendster. It would be a much better use of their time. I learned a lot playing!
One of the games is Celebrity Reveal. There are five trivia questions that would serve as clue as to who is the featured celebrity. One of those was Dolly Parton. Through the questions, and the search results that came out in Live Search, I learned about her Imagination Library. It’s really a cool project for children’s literacy. They mail free books to kids every month, from birth up to their fifth birthday. What a great way to encourage reading and learning. It started in her hometown but it’s now all over the US, and also in Canada and the UK.
I hope there is something like that here in the Philippines. I wonder how I can start something similar? If I win the lottery, I swear, I will start something like it. Makes me want to sit with like-minded friends and brainstorm about a program we can actually make happen.
Reminded me of the pre-school classes we taught as part of a child rights and abuse prevention program we planned and implemented years back. The concept was about the importance of education in keeping kids away from abuse and exploitation. I miss my past life sometimes. 🙂
Okay, on to another tag. Dette awarded this to me, and Tracy did too months ago!
It’s the Arte Y Pico Award.Art y Pico Award Rules:
- Pick 5 blogs that you feel deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also for contributing to the blogging atmostphere (regardleess of what language).
- Each award should have the name of the author with a link to their blog.
- Award winners to post the award with the name and link to the blog of the person who gave them the award
- Please include a link to the “Arte y Pico” blog so that everyone will know where the award came from.
I hereby bestow this award to Vicki, Susan of Raspberry Road, Jen, Brandy of Mega-Doodle Inspired and KimB. All awesome digital scrapbooking artists 🙂