Happy New Year!
Sadly, New Year’s in the office was just like any other work day. My agents and I looked out the window at the stroke of midnight, watching all the fireworks light up the sky. I looked at the direction of our home, and picked the fireworks that I thought were the ones they had lit up – my Dad SMSd me to say that they were firing them already.
I had planned to leave the office by 7am on the dot. No go. I left about an hour and a half later. I found my cousins Freedah and Candy still up and singing. They’ve always been my buddies for all nighters. So I didn’t totally miss out on videoke – I had breakfast, changed clothes, and ran down to sing with the rest of them until an hour or so ago. 🙂
Alfred’s still in Bicol, probably flat out from drinking too much. Last night he mentioned trying to hitch a ride with his cousins who’ll be heading home today. If he doesn’t fit in their car/s, he’ll ride with his brothers tomorrow. I really do miss him.
I disabled my blog’s redirect earlier, just to check if it was finally working. Just in case, I thought. But no. Everyone at the web host are really on holidays, such lousy customer service. I wonder if I’m the only Philhosting client whose having these problems? The thing is, I can access my Cpanel, but nothing for my WordPress is accessible.
As a result, I’ve had to contact Entrecard support and they’ll be disabling my EC. I had advertisers lined for the next couple of days, EC will manually return the credits they’ve paid to me. 🙁
Oh well, I am falling asleep on the keyboards already, better get on and have some sleep.
Happy New Year everyone! Be safe and be blessed!
January 1, 2009 @ 8:42 pm
Happy New Year to you sis 🙂