Wedding invites

A friend is getting married on Thursday, I haven’t even thought about what I’ll be wearing to the event. Hmm…

This afternoon, our small group of friends will meet up, reminisce about the good old times, then look forward to her wedding and the rest of her married life.  The get-together was supposed to be last night, good thing it was moved because there was no way I could have been there.

Yesterday at work I started feeling woozy. My head was spinning while I was trying hard to coach one of my agents.  I normally stay at work way beyond my shift on Fridays so I can complete all my deliverables before my rest day. But yesterday? I tried to stay but was not very productive. I just decided to go home, rest and try to go back on Friday night. Besides, I owed some people their orders of truffles anyway.  Guess what happened when I got home? I went to sleep. I woke up several times just to complain of the wooziness and the headache and the back ache. I skipped lunch, the whole afternoon, and then dinner. No truffles, no Harry Potter, no going back to work.

That’s okay though.

Back to what’s happening this afternoon…

Arianne organized the event, I don’t know if I should call it a bridal shower but that’s what it probably is going to be. 🙂 I’m also not sure who else is coming, but I know it’s going to be a fun time. I haven’t seen the girls since August last year – almost a year since! Grabe. 🙂

Y’s wedding is the second that I’ll be attending just this month. In August, I’m seeing an old highschool friend tie the knot as well – she invited me just now via chat at Facebook.  Then next year it will be Jo’s wedding. Everyone else is asking when mine’s going to be. That is the million dollar question indeed.

It will yet be unanswered 🙂

I was hoping to help out with Jo as she prepares for her wedding. It’s more than six months away but she’s got reservations going already and I, on the other hand, have done nothing so far. Haha.

Speaking of weddings, I came across this website offering wedding invitation stamps.  They’re not just toy stamps mind you, these ones actually look like you could use them for postage of your wedding invitations.  It is US postage though. I guess here in the Philippines, wedding invitations are normally personally delivered to those invited so maybe this won’t be such a hit. But still, it’s tiny detail that would really add to personalizing a couple’s wedding invites. Check out this video I picked up from that site:

A couple could use any one of their beautiful pre-nup shots , diba? I wonder if business like this would fly in the Philippines, specially when snail mail traffic has declined with the advent of more affordable (and efficient) courier services, and email.  But since it’s a specialty stamp maybe Pinoys would go for it.  I wonder how this gets approved by PhilPost? Hmm…
Personalizable Wedding Photo Stamps