
A short lesson on Pilipino contemporary culture.

Nosebleed is a term that is used to pertain to situations where one finds him/herself racking his/her brains to seek comprehension. Does that make sense? In other words, nosebleed situations are those that make you think really really hard. Also, this is used when you just can’t seem to understand something.

Looking around the Internet, some people believe that it was popularized by a Pinoy movie a few years back where the lead character uses the term whenever she has to speak to someone in English. You might want to checkout this thread in a Pinoy forum. I think that the usage of the term goes back way before the movie though.

There’s also a Yahoo Answers thread on the same topic (probably started by the same person), and I particularly like this reply:

I think this term originated back in the 70’s or 80’s, when there are popular movies like Scanners where people with telephatic powers can concentrate and make people’s brains explode. Some of them who are not so good in using their power suffers nosebleeds, hence it became a housword for somebody who is having a hard time understanding a problem or situation.

That makes a lot of sense to me. After all, don’t we call it nosebleed because it feels like brain matter is leaking out through the nose? LOL!

So why the sudden interest in the term nosebleed? Because it’s the only way I can describe how my day went. NOSEBLEED!

As soon as I arrived at work, I had to deal with figuring out why my survey results was as bad as it was. I got a whopping 8 surveys in one week. Eight. In my business that is a lot, I tell you. (sorry I can’t really give out more details) And the results was just so horrible. Horrible. And the reasons that made it so varied. It wasn’t as if there was just one explanation. Reviewing the data and trying to analyze it left me with no time to prepare for an exam that I had to take.

Yes, I took an exam* today. It’s supposed to be simple and in truth it was. If only I actually prepared for it. And I will forever hit myself for not doing so if failing the darn test ruins my chances at this. The thing is, I understood everything it asked for – in principle. I was like – I know this! But I just could not confidently provide the answers right then. Grr!



I have a question: we have a digibox from our cable TV provider. Does that mean that when a TV show is offered in HD, we see it in HD even if we don’t have an HD TV? Haha, nakaka-nosebleed ba yung question? I just saw this page on bell tv and I wondered whether the digibox we have worked the same way.

*It’s an exam for a position that I’m applying for.