iPad scare!
We had an iPad scare last night. My baby won’t turn on! Alfred thought that the battery probably got drained so he plugged it in. He tried the button a few minutes later but it still won’t come to life. An hour later: still nothing!
Before we left for my friend’s grandmother’s funeral, he tried to plug it into the PC but it still won’t budge. We left it plugged in and came back a few hours later to a still blacked out iPad.
To be honest, I wasn’t panicky even with the thought that our newest toy could have been bricked. Or maybe I just was too busy being bothered by a bad headache to care about anything else. I went to bed. Next thing I know, I’d open my eyes and there was Alfred watching a movie on my padI!
So what went wrong? We don’t really know. Alfred did find a forum post somewhere describing the same symptoms. It wasn’t any real cause for worry, and you can reboot the system by pressing the two power buttons for 30 seconds, simultaneously. Oh well.
Maybe I wasn’t panicky because there was no reason to worry after all 🙂
Meanwhile, I read Further Tales of the City this week. Read about it at In Between the Covers.
September 24, 2010 @ 11:40 pm
[New Post] iPad scare! – via #twitoaster http://verabear.net/2010/09/ipad-scare/