Missing Zune

Just a few minutes ago, I saw this post from the I Heart Photography Blog:


Source: iheartfaces.com via Vera on Pinterest


It’s a wonderful idea actually, to photograph from Zune’s perspective.

If only Zune were still around.

Perhaps it is time I wrote about it. It’s been three months after all. Three months since Zune left to live with another family. It was really painful but we had to give him up. He’s been getting more aggressive and we just didn’t know how to handle him anymore. He bit AJ on Christmas Eve, while we were handing out presents. Before New Year, he also bit my sister-in-law. Both happened pretty quickly, and unexpectedly. At both times, the humans were stepping over Zune so as not to step ON him. Unprovoked, and unexpected.

He was probably quite anxious that night before Christmas. He didn’t understand why AJ kept coming and going (he was my little elf delivering presents from under the Christmas tree), and he was excited on the afternoon he bit Diane because of little Amir being around. So yes, he had his reasons. But it was still unacceptable. Specially since these weren’t the first incidents of biting. Cute and loving as he is, our Zune can be really feisty when stressed/anxious.

But with Amir coming here every weekend, and already learning to walk on his own, it would be dangerous to have both babies in the house. Putting him in a kennel wasn’t an option, it stresses him even more and might lead to more aggression. We’ve tried a lot of tricks, and given him a lot of understanding and affection. We finally owned up that we probably weren’t the kind of humans he deserved.

So on New Year’s Day, Alfred called his cousin to pick up Zune. They took him and now he has a loving home with Gaiety and her family. We still hear about him, and his new mommy has posted a few photos. But we haven’t seen him since. I didn’t even really say goodbye to him, didn’t see him off. Alfred brought him and his stuff out of the house, and he was gone.

We want to visit him, but that might just confuse him. We didn’t want to mess up how adjusted he already is in his new home. Took him a few days, but he eventually warmed up to his new family. I am sure he is well and getting lots of love.

I didn’t cry that day, because I knew it was best. It could be worst right? But the next day I read a Facebook post from my Mom about him leaving, and it really broke my heart.


I’d always known that both my parents loved that dog very very much. In truth, they took care of him better than I ever did. He was the bunso. Whenever they had out of town trips, Zune would miss them and be so happy when they arrived.

I guess that was part of the problem. We babied him too much and didn’t always treat him like a dog. But we all cared for him the best way we could.

Alfred was hardest hit. He was never around when Zune bit somebody, so he always laid the blame on me. Why did I bring him down? We should have let him know who was boss. He’d make all sorts of excuses for Zune. He would get upset at talk of sending him away. Until he heard it straight from my Dad that it was best to give him up. Eventually, he accepted it too. Even when my brother cozied up to the idea of taking Zune back and just putting him in a kennel whenever Amir was home, he said no. He didn’t think we should bring Zune back home anymore – he already was home.

We had Zune for 4 years. Do we miss him? We sure do.

I would sleep on the couch and drop my arm by the side, expecting to touch his long hair as he took his 2nd favorite sleeping position: he’s head on my slippers right next to me (or whoever was on the sofa). His first favorite? His head on my shoes/slippers on the first step of our stairs to the 2nd floor.

The first weekend Amir was home, I think he was looking for Zune. He kept peeking over the back and side of the sofa where he used to find Zune guarding him. When you said dog or called Zune, he would look, but find nothing. I wouldn’t say he got sad though, he just didn’t see what he expected to see.

Yesterday we had McDonald’s delivery for the first time this year. I had fries. French Fries from McDo were Zune’s favorite treat. When the delivery guy arrives, he’s at the door and he just knows that there’s French Fries. He would wait for what he sure was coming. As we settle down to eat, he would settle down too. None of that yesterday. I felt that memory hanging in the air but neither I nor Alfred brought it up. It was best left unremembered. But remember it I did.

This evening I met up with friends and they asked about my dog. And then we talked about the Dog Whisperer. Alfred talks about that show a lot. He’s realized a lot about being a better dog owner. A more responsible one. He’s realized too what we didn’t do right, how we could have done a better job training Zune. When we got him we thought we were read. As it turns out, we weren’t. And 4 years with him weren’t enough to give us all the knowledge we needed to be good humans for dogs to live with.

Again, Zune is probably happy now. He has a loving family who understands his past and is patient enough to give him the time and maybe the training he needs. I always pray that he behaves well and doesn’t end up biting anyone. That he eats well and sleeps well.

Thank you Zune, for all the happiness you brought us, and the love you gave us. We miss you!




Well, the time says 10:35PM, but it’s really more 10:35AM when I tweeted that on Wednesday. Smile I finally got a taste of Magnum ice cream that I’ve been hearing about all over the social networking sites. It was love at first bite! That Belgian Chocolate is yummy!

Richmond (Senior Line’s resident angry bird, at work) agreed to run to the Supermarket across our office building to get us a bar each. He was back very quickly. My Almond Magnum almost melted only because I insisted on taking these photos.

Photo Mar 08, 10 19 09 PM

The Magnolia Pinipig Crunch we grew up on is no match to this. The almonds are way better than pinipig, and the chocolate coating is just divine. The bar is thick, more than enough ice cream for one serving.

We’re a family who loves their ice cream and chocolate, and I couldn’t resist not sharing the Magnum goodness with the rest that same afternoon. So after taking my car for a much-needed wash, Alfred and I went to a supermarket to get some more.

This time, I tried the classic bar. And guess who loved his Magnum too?

Photo Mar 08, 10 23 53 PM

Yes, I had two ice cream bars in one day. I just couldn’t resist it. This afternoon, Alfred kept on hinting at wanting more and it took all my strength to resist grabbing the keys and driving off with him to the nearest 7/11. Even more to keep my hands off the last bar in the freezer – Dad hadn’t eaten his until after dinner tonight.

These bars are a delightful treat. They cost 50 pesos apiece so I don’t think I’ll be having these everyday. But one Magnum a day would really make me happy. haha! Smile


If you have time to check your Facebook stream, or go blog hopping, then you have roughly 30 minutes to spare. Spend it to watch this video. You simply must.


Thank you.

I will not tell you why you must support this campaign, I think he’s said it all. I will tell you though that I was deeply moved by this video. This is not news to me, these children were once not invisible to me. I am aware of the plight of these children and their stolen childhood. I have heard of the LRA before. But like so many others, I knew, but didn’t do anything. Or maybe I did, but then I forgot about it.

We shouldn’t forget. We can’t forget. Kony and his army must be stopped. And this is the year to do it.

Support the Invisible Children, in any way you can.


Welcome Summer!


Summer really is officially here. Dad bought an inflatable pool for Amir and the little guy loved it!


Hello water bill! But as the Visa ad campaign would say – laughter and smiles from a one-year old: priceless. Smile

Extra Cash for Movies

This showed up on cousin Nikki’s timeline an hour ago:


My thought bubble – I can so relate. Same thought while I was watching the Oscars.

There are so many good movies, but it’s so expensive to see all of them at the cinemas. You use up gas driving there. Parking fee. Lunch/dinner OR drinks and popcorn. And the cost of a movie ticket – wow. PHP 140 to PHP 220 for regular screenings, double if it’s iMax or 3D.

Because of the cost, we thought we’d just see a few movies on the big screen and wait til the rest come out on DVD. As it turns out, we miss the DVD release most of the time. Or, even if we already have a copy, we don’t get to watch it. Thanks to cable, I get to see some of the good movies I missed – a year later!

The movies is something I’d spend my extra cash on. But what’s extra cash? Where does that come from? In my case – online earnings. Yes, I make money online. But that’s not news is it?

Okay, so my blogs aren’t necessarily cash cows, but I do get a few dollars from sponsored posts every now and then. The thing that makes that plausible for my blogs is that I setup my blogs out of a desire to write and share. Earning from blogging eventually just happened. I don’t even remember if I first got offered ads and links or if I signed up with ad networks. Nonetheless, it wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t invest time and effort on my blogs first.

So there you go, tip number 1 for making money online (via blogs): Develop your blog first. Content drives traffic, and traffic attracts advertisers.

Which leads me to tip number 2: Socialize. I don’t just mean be on Facebook or Twitter. Those definitely help, but reach out to fellow bloggers. Engage in their blogs and they will return the favor. Engage with your readers and respond to comments. I love comments (which is why I challenge myself again to leave at least a hundred of them on other blogs each month) and hope I get more, but I understand the lurkers too. On some days I write something that will just be so compelling and readers will comment, on most days though, they’d just breeze through. And that’s okay.

Apart from sponsored posts, link and banner advertising is another way for blogs to earn. I remember receiving an offer for a very simple text link on my sidebar for Where the Moon Shines. I got paid 100 USD for that. That was the biggest one time gig ever. I don’t get offers like that anymore. So sometimes, I think back on what I was doing right on my old blog and it always brings me back to tips 1 and 2. I should always remember those two.

Anyway… seen any movies lately? I posted some of my recent films at Between the Covers.

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