Sean and Sab


Weekends and Holidays. Who doesn’t love them? Unluckily for me (and thousands more working in the BPO industry) we have no such thing as a long weekend. Unless we go on leave. So while the rest of the country made plans for a long weekend, and while more still look forward to one more day work-free, here I am already over it. I already went back to work last night. Went to work silently wishing I actually had one more day. Sigh.

See, I need two days to just crash. One day to just eat-sleep-loaf around, and another day to do it all over again. This weekend, I only had half a day of such lifestyle (Sunday morning). On Saturday, we went to visit sweet Sean, his newborn baby sister Sab, and their parents. It was a good hour’s drive from the Metro.

It was a fun day and I enjoyed myself immensely, but I needed a full day to recover. Haha. Smile



Apart from allowing Sean to show us his toys, or amaze us with his mastery of using apps on both an Android phone and an Iphone, we also gushed over baby Sab, and caught up with Mommy Y.


We even snuck in some window shopping time at Nuvali, where we also had dinner, and bought yummy bread from Purple Oven.

I cherish these rare times with my girlfriends and try not to worry about time or expense when I do get to see them. After all, I hardly ever do! Like with Y, it’s been over a year since I last saw her. So I definitely do not mind having to drive all the way to San Pedro, Laguna. It’s not even that far really.

How did you spend your long weekend?