
I have long wanted to go on a staycation. To book a weekend stay at a nice hotel in the city, have a fancy dinner, order room service, and veg out on comfy beds and luxe sheets. Inside a cool room all day long. Well, Alfred would say that I finally did it, and for an entire week too.

Problem is, I didn't spend the week in a hotel. I've been a patient at the Capitol Medical Center.

My rehab doctor advised bed rest, stronger pain medication and twice daily therapy to manage the pain. They also did an EMG and an MRI. Both tests basically confirmed an impinged nerve due to slipped disc. That's no news to me. I am going home today although I can still hardly sit up nor stand for too long. I guess they can do nothing more for me and they haven't advised surgery just yet. I go for two more weeks of thrice weekly therapy then I'll see the doctors again.

I will also need to seriously lose weight. Being heavy is making matters worse. Like that's easy, no?

Alfred is my bedside nurse, though he sleeps a lot, he's been helping me get a proper bath.

Me & my bedside nurse @badodong #dblcam made with @dblcam

My parents have kept me company here, too.

Like a scene out of our living room :) #instaparents #parents #familynight

My nieces and nephew have also been by.

FaceTime with my nephew was a regular happy event. 🙂


Hospital food wasn't bad at all. Actually, I feel like they should have deprived me a little.

The bed and the room does not feel new. But the A/C works just fine and I have a refrigerator, cabinets and my own small toilet and bath. The nurses have been nice and friendly, so is my therapist.

But they don't have Wi-fi so I rely on Globe for connectivity. Rather than spend so much time on my gadgets, I read books and crocheted. Mostly though, I'd been sleeping.

So anyway, that's how and where I've been. How about you?