Christmas Presents
I still have not picked out a gift for my agents. I want to give something to my former agents that I left back at the 7th floor (after all their wonderful performance this year has paved the way for my monthly bonuses for me), as well as something for my 16 new kids (who are seriously challenging my abilities at this point). But I don’t actually have a bayong full of cash to spend for this, you know? Last year, I got cute bear cellphone charms for each of my agents, I attached them to these cute Christmas cards I printed out.
When we were at Greenhills a few days ago, I saw some cute stuff that would be awesome to give away. There’s this item we saw in Quiapo too that would make a nice present. Ijust don’t know when we could go back and finally make a choice. I’m tempted to get some small items that are normally used for promotional business gifts, but instead of having them stamped/printed with a business name, I’d have our team name and logo printed all over the stuff. That way, I’d be able to give them presents, and boost team spirit too! Haha 🙂
I also don’t have anything for mom and dad yet. Dad showed me a pair of trainers he’d love to have. Only, I don’t want to indulge him. Hehe. I’d probably check with Kuya so we can just put our budget together for their presents.
Ma will take care of shopping for the rest of the kids in the family. If they don’t finish today, Alfred and I would probably shop for more on Tuesday/Wednesday.
Quality Coaching
For December Week 2 (which ended Saturday noon) I didn’t meet my monitoring allocation. Bummer. I’ve always been proud of the quality of my coaching sessions with my agents. For the past eight or nine months this year, I’ve had the perfect situation because I only had a handful of agents and I was always a hundred percent with getting them covered in terms of monitoring their sessions, and coaching them on all of the other things they should be aware of as employees of the company.
That’s what I sought out to do with my new team. The thing is, I have more than twice as much agents, and I need to monitor and upload about four times more than I used to. I also need to backtrack a lot to have the best picture of their performance as I could get. Many, if not all of them, are in dire need of some TM love and affection. Haha. Seriously, they have a lot of potential that’s just waiting to be released.
I just can’t help but feel that I may not be focusing on the right things, at this point in time.
To be honest, I was so busy the past week I am disappointed that I still didn’t meet target. I don’t take breaks, and take my lunch so late in the shift already (or not at all). Still, I fell short. That’s not very encouraging.
But I can’t allow myself to dwell on that. I have to look and move forward. And you can bet your ass that I will.
Blue skies and Chocolate
That’s going to be the colors on our condo unit. We met with the designer again yesterday and that’s what we agreed on. Blue would be the main colour (a nice light and bright tone) and there would be chocolate accent walls.
Can’t wait to go back there on Wednesday to see the renderings and mock up 🙂