About verabear


Posts by verabear:

Was it the modem?

As a direct result of yesterday’s call to tech support, PLDT myDSL sent us Mike. He called early this morning and spoke to my dad, who probably wasn’t very forthcoming because he wouldn’t really know how to troubleshoot. 

I got home and found the PC up and running – minus the Internet. I tinkered around with it and was able to go online eventually. Mike called back around 10. I told him I was connected, but that I wasn’t 30 minutes before the call. He said that the Makati office probably just reactivated the line. I told him how it happens everyday, and that I hoped it wouldn’t happen again.

He asked me what kind of modem we had, and then immediately offered to come over and just change it altogether. They were just after lunch, plugged in the new modem, tested if we could connect, and then left. Apparently, there was a known issue with the old modem we had. Bummer.

So we ran a speed test and it showed a download speed of 222 kbps. Good enough.

But then it started to go slow again in the next 20 minutes.

So I’m not really sure if I want to be happy about this new modem or not.

Alfred has already left to take Frankie to Mang Romy’s. I called Kodak this morning and found out my test shots were unsuccessful. I must have put the film in incorrectly – they said that the film was unused. Aargh!

Zune was given a bath and groomed before Alfred took off. He always looks so cute with his newly brushed hair I couldn’t resist taking photos. I wish it was Frankie capturing the images (click on the image to see the other shots on my Multiply page):




Choosy Tuesday

I’ve mentioned this before – I have become a little more choosy/picky when it comes to downloading freebies. My harddrive is really bursting at the seams! Haha. 🙂

But I just couldn’t resist downloading these goodies prepared by Vicki and her friends, Linda, Mel and Dawn.

So for this Choose-Day, go ahead, and checkout Vicki’s blog for info about how/where to download the goods!

I really should do some scrapping this week. 

Boo you PLDT DSL!

We are PLDT DSL subscribers. I don’t know exactly how fast our connection should be. I just know that since switching to their service, I have not gone a whole week of blissful Internet surfing.

I used to subscribe with Zpdee Cable Internet. I rarely had problems with that service. There was a time that they replaced my modem when I started having problems with the connection.

With PLDT? No matter how many times we call to complain, they say the same things over and over. They will have us run tests. Power cycle the modem. Directly connect the modem to the PC, rather than through the router. Check the IP. How many lights on the modem?

Then they will say that the issue will be escalated, and a callback will be made. By the time we get a callback, sometimes a week later, the problem, of course, would have corrected itself.

In the past, the problem would consistently crop up every Saturday around lunch time. Lately, it’s everyday at around lunch time. EVERY eff-ing DAY.

I’ve come to the point where I refuse to call them. Because they don’t really do anything. Alfred was insistent though, so he called today. Only to be asked to run the same things that we already do anyway. 

And to be told the same old thing: we will escalate, and have you called back.

Alfred has insisted they send someone to check our phone lines, the phone box, and the modem itself. No one has done that in the time we have been with PLDT. I don’t know if they will ever come. 

I’d love to say I don’t care, but I do. Because I cannot live without connectivity.

Meanwhile, I have about two thousand unread emails in one email account alone. I just haven’t had the patience to wade through them in the slowness that is my highspeed Internet.

Bleh. PLDT DSL sucks!

Frankie’s sick

So I fed Frankie a 36-shot ASA 200 film on Saturday afternoon. I took test shots all through Sunday until…

The frame counter got stuck at 24.

I thought it was just because of the multiple exposure toggle, but it wasn’t. We could keep on cocking the lever, and it felt like the film was advancing, but the counter just wouldn’t budge.

Did I do something wrong? Did I feed the film incorrectly? Were we ripped off with that cheap film? Did it actually have just 24 shots? 

That was our initial conclusion. So I rewound the film, took it out, and fed Frankie a new one.

Yesterday, at frame 24, it stopped again. After trying and trying and shooting and shooting, it budget to 25. After several strokes and shots, moved on to 26. But I knew it was really broken.

There are a lot of resources on the Web (thank God) and I found one where somebody posted a similar problem.  The advice was to take it to a professional, but that it was a simple problem. So tomorrow, Frankie will be going back to her doctor. 

On Sunday, I took her with me to work. Proudly showed her to Archie, who knew how to admire her. He commented on the specks on the viewfinder and said that I should have had it cleaned. To be honest, I didn’t notice them while at the shop – it was bright then. Hehe. He says I got a good camera, and don’t I know it? 🙂

So Zune doesn’t get sick too…

A few weeks ago, we noticed a drop in Zune’s appetite. His nose was constantly wet too, and he had been sneezing. We decided to give him vitamin C and religiously give him multi-vitamins again. He just wasn’t eating because he probably couldn’t taste the food so much because of the sniffles.

In no time, he got better.  

But the experience taught us not to be remiss in giving him his vitamins. Ever.

So I should remind Alfred to replenish our stocks of pet supplements before we even run out. Or I’ll go get them myself.

Delayed Gratification

In this digital age, everyone’s so used to seeing instant results. Same goes for taking photos.

We took both rolls of film of my test shots for processing this morning. We asked them to print negative to CD. I have to wait until tomorrow to get it though. And they charged 160 per roll. That is not cheap!

Still, I can’t wait to see how they turn out. I know they will probably suck, but who cares? I’m learning!

Meet Frankie

Okay, so I’m not sure yet if I really want to call her Frankie, but I do know I want to give her a name.

Me: “Should we call her Makoy?” (After Ferdinand Marcos)

Alfred: “What about Ferdie?”

Me: “I don’t really want to name her after Marcos. What about Kiko for Francis Magalona? Or Frankie?”

Alfred: “How very Sharon Cuneta.”

Chuckles from both of us.

Alfred and I finally took the trip to Hidalgo this afternoon, with the rain and all. The FM2s turned out to be much pricier than we thought but we found this small stall (Shurdin) where the body was priced closer to what we thought. With the lens though, we still had to pay more than we initially thought, but more on the range of what I was willing to spend on a toy camera. So I still think it was a bargain!

Frankie is an FM, not an FM2. The stall had two FM2s, a solid black, and one with chrome, but manong couldn’t install new batteries on the black one, it wouldn’t budge! The chromed one’s metering wouldn’t light up, even with the new batteries. So though I really wanted the faster speeds on the FM2 (upto 4x higher than FM), I settled for the FM which had a better looking body hands down (less worn out look).

I’ve already been firing test shots but I don’t know how exactly they’ll turn out. I’m not even sure I loaded the film properly! I’m reading up on the FM, since of course, it didn’t come with an owner’s manual. And I will be taking her with me to the office so Archie could teach me how to get more out of her. 🙂

So this has definitely lifted my mood more. I will not think about leaving my job for the time being, and I will hopefully learn to enjoy my new work family more. I’ve met my agents over the course of the week and they seem like a rowdy bunch. Real nice boys and girls that I can totally work with. This week I’ll get to know them even more. I guess that means I wouldn’t have to update my resume to be like those hard ass Manhattan resumes after all, this girl is not going job hunting anytime soon. Hehe 🙂

Anyhoo, I’m not sure if I’ll be getting any scrapping done tonight as I am really pre-occupied with thoughts of Frankie. We’ll see. 🙂

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