I Made A Thing — Bobble Pillow Case

Woohoo! Last year, I bought a set of interchangeable bamboo knitting needles and I finally got to use them this month. I’ve been wanting to make a set of pillow cases so we have something to use when our beautiful artisan-made cases are in the laundry. Finally, I got the project going when I ran out of yarn for my other WIP (work in progress) – my Sophie’s Universe blanket.
Yesterday, I finally finished one pillowcase — happy dance!
It’s faaaar from perfect and it wasn’t a smooth project – my stitches are uneven, it’s a little wonky because I didn’t do proper measurements, I had to do it over several times, one of our dogs chewed on and completely destroyed my needles and the longest connecting cable that I can now no longer use.

But it’s husband-approved, and I love it too. I’ll make a second case with the same design but I’m thinking of using a different colorway. So to give myself some time to decide, I will not start on that case until after another side project (probably a knit twist headband, just because).
Sharing below the pattern I based this case on. I did three repeats of the bobble chevron pattern, knit stitch all the way for the back panel, and used a needle to join three of the four sides. It’s open on one of the short sides, and I did a thin braided cord to close it off with the pillow inside.
This was a good project for getting back into knitting. Compared to crochet, I’ve only been knitting for a few years, and haven’t done so consistently. In fact, I had to watch (partial) Youtube tutorials (again) to remember how to cast on, purl, and cast off. Definitely had to Google how the bobble stitch worked when the pattern instructions didn’t click in my head right away. eee
I knit while watching Netflix – unless I have to read subtitles (hello, Kdrama), and sometimes during Zoom calls where I don’t have to take down notes. I think I made the mistake of knitting while watching Hometown ChaChacha, and that was why I was surprised that my stitch counts were completely off for a few rows!
Anyway, I just wanted to share that I made a thing! And that thing is this sunshine-y bobble chevron pillowcase. 🙂