
UP Wins!

For day 28 of 30 Days of Thankful, I am saying BIG THANKS for this hard earned win: the University of the Philippines Men’s Basketball Team makes it to the UAAP Finals!

Stitches & Words | UP Wins

Photo grabbed from Nowhere to Go But UP Foundation Facebook page

This is so monumental, you better believe that Iskos and Iskas of ALL AGES have thrown their support for these 16 awesome student athletes. We have been the brunt of jokes for YEARS. It’s been 21 years since UP made an appearance in the Final Four of the University Athletic Association of the Philippines (UAAP), and 32 years since making it into the finals. That is sooooooo long.

Stitches & Words | UP Wins!

Photo grabbed from ABS-CBN News Facebook post

My friends and I wanted so bad to be physically present at the game at the Araneta Coliseum but we weren’t lucky enough to score tickets. They sold out real quick. Pero even if we each watched from the comfort of our own homes (except one who did get tickets for the game!), our Viber group was blowing up with our reactions and comments. It was a lot of fun! Heart-stopping kinda fun, hahahahaha.

It was an amazing game. The Adamson Falcons definitely gave our boys a real fight. Both teams were so hungry for the win, but the Maroons prevailed 🙂

Oh by the way, my husband is from the opposing school. He attended Adamson University but says he has absolutely no school spirit so he didn’t really care if they lost. But when I asked him if we should get him a ticket to see Game 1 of the Finals with us, he seemed kinda bitter: “Tinalo nyo kami tapos manonood ako sa inyo?” Indeed, why would he want to watch (and cheer for) the team that beat his team? 🙂

Hooked, and loving it

I am thankful for crochet.

I have been working on project after project this year and I love it. Some projects took longer because I had to learn a technique or a stitch, some went surprisingly quick.

This craft excites me – finding a pattern, sorting through my yarn stash for the right colors, learning something new.

It calms me and helps clear my mind – helps me focus. Even when I crochet in public, it helps me zone in on the conversation or the discussion at hand.

Looking at the finished project gives me pride. And seeing others admire them just about makes my heart overflow with joy. 🙂

So I am grateful for having crochet in my life.

Stitches & Words | Crochet Makes My Day

Sirius calling dibs on my rainbow leaf wrap while it was still a WIP

Stitches & Words | Crochet Makes My Day

I made a laptop sleeve for myself. I use it everyday.

Stitches & Words | Crochet Makes My Day

Round bag I made for a friend. I had to redo the base after this photo though.

Stitches & Words | Crochet Makes My Day

This wrap ended up in my Mom’s possession. I hope she’s using it!

*Click for my other 30 days of Thankful posts.


20 years ago, we were freshmen Psych majors at the University of the Philippines. As strangers we walked into that 4th floor classroom in AS for our Comm I class, and then walked all the way down to attend the Freshman Assembly as blockmates.

By the end of the day I was optimistic for the next four years of my life.

Soon after, I knew I had made friends for life.

Thankful for friends who get what’s deep down in your heart. 🙂

Mama, the Original #GirlBoss

My Mama, Mom, Mommy.

She is the original #girlboss. I grew up with an amazing female role model. She showed me that a woman can be many things – a leader, a boss, a wife, daughter, sister, mother, friend. She is strong and smart, loving and caring.

Amir and Arkin are soooo lucky to spend a lot of time with Grandma.

I am thankful for my Mama!

Dad and Kuya

I am thankful for my Dad and my Kuya.

Through them, I’ve learned what good men are supposed to be like.

My prayer is that they become stronger and healthier for many many more years so they can continue to be fine examples for my nephews Amir and Arkin. They truly are the type of men anyone would want their sons to grow up and be like.

Stitches & Words | Dad and Kuya

Photo from a few months ago. Accidental #stripesday for us three 🙂

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