Interesting stuff

UNICEF Auction for Action

I would love to say that I put in a bid in any one of the lots in UNICEF’s Auction for Action, but I have not. The current bids are all beyond me at this point. So if I can’t help UNICEF by winning a bid, I’ll do so by spreading the word.

UNICEF auction

There are only 3 days left before the auction closes. All the items were donated by the artists, so all proceeds from the sales of these pieces will fund UNICEF projects. All of it. The curator is Urbanista Daphne Oseña-Paez so you can be assured that all the pieces in this auction were chosen in very good taste.

It would have been wonderful to score a modern cocktail table while knowing that the very amount you spent for it is going to a good cause. Here’s one from the lot:


It’s a coffee table, with the view from above, minus the round glass top. Photo linked to the auction page.

But if I had the money, I would have really loved to bid on this chair:


It really looks quite comfortable. And cool.

Here’s another favorite from the lot, Tweet lamps!


Aren’t they cute? They are up for bid separately but look gorgeous as a group.

But if I were to pick one piece that really spoke of UNICEF’s work, or a piece that would speak to the young kids that UNICEF help, it would be the work of Michael Cacnio:


Children in difficult circumstances dream of a home. A small simple house up in the trees would do, as long as it is safe and they have family. The child flying a kite is a representation of a happy child. So yes, this piece speaks to me of the work of UNICEF. Whoever wins the bid, should donate the piece back for display in the UNICEF offices. Smile

As for me, I will sit back and keep looking at all the pretty things up for auction. And I will also continue to pray for its success. After all, more money raised from this effort, means more Filipino children finding hope in these bleak times.

As for my dreams of owning beautiful art pieces, and artsy furniture. Oh well, that can wait. If I were to buy any piece of furniture at this point, it probably should be like this 1001 console table, more function than style.

Go on and head over to EBAY.PH and bid on the lots for UNICEF Auction for Action!

UNICEF action

My Shopping Box

I received a much-awaited package today – my Project Life kit!

It’s such an amazing product, a simplified scrapooking system for those of us who don’t have as much time or creativity to build full scrapbook pages from scratch SmileLearn more about Project Life from this video from its creator:


But I will blog about this more in more in the coming days and months, for now let me highlight how easy it was to have it shipped to the Philippines.

Easy Amazon Transaction

I ordered the kit via Amazon on the 28th of March. The cost meant that the package qualified for free shipping within the US. At the time, there was a free trial available for an Amazon program and I signed up for that. It allowed for my package to be delivered for free, within 3 days.

amazon tracking

I loved how it was so easy to track the package from within the Amazon site, and how real-time the updates were.

My-Shopping Box

So from the store it shipped from (I’m guessing Becky’s homebase), my kit travelled to the US address assigned to me at My-ShoppingBox – a package forwarding service that consolidates your packages and sends them when and where you want them to.

Package arrived there on the 31st of March. I authorized the shipment, made the payment, and waited a full month (+ a few days) before I finally received it.

There is an easy way to track the package from My-Shopping Box as well. However, updates are not done as real-time as, say UPS. In fact, it’s only today that I actually saw the status change from Departed from US.

my shopping box

The service had some problems with their website last week – logins were not being accepted. I did get an answer from customer support about the issue, and they gladly gave me the status of the package upon giving them the tracking number. And guess what? They were pretty accurate. They said to expect the package on May 10 or 11, and it came today! Smile

Photo May 11, 6 37 40 PM

Photo May 11, 7 05 23 PM

I love it. I don’t have time today to work on it, but I will make time this weekend. Excited! Smile

Anyway, back to the shipping service… My-Shopping Box collects an annual membership fee. I forgot how much, but I got in for free because I’m a BDO credit card holder. There’s also supposed to be a rebate for shipping when you use your BDO/AMEX cards but I haven’t checked yet if I got any. There’s a good number of questions in their FAQ page that should help anyone decide if they’re going to sign up for the service.

You pay them per package you have shipped. To save money, you can consolidate several smaller items you purchase from different sites (or were given to you as gifts) into one package. If not all items arrive at the same time, you may have to pay a minimal storage fee if your package has been in the facility for more than 15 days. This shouldn’t be a problem as long as you plan your purchases. Smile

Though they weigh your package and charge accordingly, it’s still cheaper to ship via this service than if I shipped directly from the seller to my home. The time it took to get the package delivered would probably be just the same – 4-6 weeks.

The convenience is that they deliver it to your door and no more unexpected exorbitant Customs fees.

Have you tried My Shopping Box or any similar service? How was your experience?

The Royal Wedding

Did you see it? I was not excited for the wedding, and I had no plans of watching it.

But we got home, turned on the TV, and there was Kate Middleton about to walk down the aisle. I was hooked.

Prince (now Duke) William is my age (oh okay I’m a year older, ugh) so I grew up adoring his smile and yes there was a time when I would daydream about him. But since Kate Middleton figured in his life, and he started losing hair, I just couldn’t care less about him.

When news of their engagement surfaced, I wasn’t excited or particularly happy for them. I am a girl and they say all girls want to be a princess, and we love fairy tales. But I just wasn’t infected by the Royal Wedding Fever.

Until I sat down to watch it.

This was one of my favorite parts of the ceremony. I think the Prince was telling Kate and her dad how beautiful she was. And he was trying no to smile too much. Haha. Before this, there was Prince William walking to the altar with his brother Harry. Both just casually walking and seeming to kid each other from time to time. And then when Kate was making her entry, Prince Harry kept looking back. I just love how they weren’t uptight and all were just trying to proceed normally.

Westminster Abbey is huge and some who were lucky enough to be invited were not actually able to witness the ceremony in the inner sanctum. Mom has been there and says she has a photo with the Archbishop of Canterbury (we are Philippine Anglicans and Ma has been to London a few times for her work for the Church). Anyway, notice how there were trees inside the Abbey? How cool is that? Okay, so they were probably just brought in as opposed to them being really grown there…

I kinda wished they sang hymns that I actually knew. Or better yet, that they veered away from tradition and had a pop star sing something for the ceremony. Smile Theirs was a quick and simple wedding, because there was no Eucharist. I noticed there was no ring for the groom. I guess it’s not customary then for the husband to wear a wedding band?

Having come from shift, and then LTO, short drive to pick up Mom, and all that, I was sleepy and dozed off while the wedding party were off signing the register. When I awoke, they were walking down the aisle and out of the Abbey.

Anyway. It was by all means the fairy tale wedding we expected, minus the big grand bridal gown. Hers was understated, but very classy and elegant. Timeless, I think it’s been called. I love her ‘something borrowed’ – the Queen’s tiara!

The flower girls and paige boys were all so cute –

I found this cute too, when the Prince of Wales carried the little girl so she can have a better view of the big crowd cheering the newlyweds:

I didn’t see the first kiss but I did see the second. It was so simple. So sweet. And the wonderful thing about it is how happy they just seemed to be. Their eyes were glowing with happiness. They wanted to be there!

And here’s the boyish and gorgeous looking Harry, too bad Pippa was grimacing!

Photo from this article on The Daily Mail

This is another lovely photo of the couple with their small entourage, and their families:

See the photo in its original size here. Smile

They had two cakes for the reception, a cream/white one, and a chocolate cake from the family recipes. Although I always go for the chocolates, I think I prefer the elegant looking cake this time around:

Someday I’ll make a cake with elaborate décor like this too. Maybe. Haha SmileMy wedding cake would probably have a lot more color than this, but it looks really nice and elegant.

In closing, here’s a photo of the Duchess of Cambridge on her dress for the reception. She truly is a new style icon, among other things. SmileAnd I wish the royal couple all the best. May they do good for their country and their people, and may they use their stature to further what is good and beautiful. After all, they’re fairy tale has just started.

All photos in this post (except that of Prince Harry and Pippa) are from the Flickr account of The British Monarchy.

High 5 for Beautynomics!

Vanity blog Beautynomics is celebrating its 5th year of existence with an exciting giveaway! 🙂

She has 24 prizes up for grabs, I’ve got my sights on number one 🙂

1. 5 Pond’s Gift Packs ( full range of either Pond’s Gold Radiance, Flawless White, or Age Miracle )
2. 1 The Body Shop Shiso White Skin Care range
3. 5 L’Oreal Paris Gift Packs + Charm Luxe Kabuki Brush
4. 5 Avon Gift Packs mixed with Purederm Goodies
5. 5 Golla Bags with Pond’s Dual Action UV Therapy Eye Cream inside each bag!
6. 1 Obagi C-Rx Set ( Cleanser, Toner, Moisturizer )
7. 1 Kerastase Hair Care Set ( Basic Nutritive Set )
8. 1 Special Gift Pack from Goodskin Labs

I haven’t had much lately in the giveaways I’ve entered, but with the mechanics being so easy, I couldn’t resist giving this one a shot. 🙂

“Win prizes from Avon, Pond’s, L’Oreal Paris, The Body Shop, PureDerm, Obagi, Beauty & Minerals, Goodskin Labs and Golla! Visit Beautynomics’ 5th Year Anniversary Contest entryto know how!”

Contest runs until the end of this month so there’s plenty of time to join!

Back to Blogging Basics

Last night, I started thinking about the days when I had just started blogging. Back then, I had a list of blogs I would go through everyday. I’d visit other bloggers – some I’d interact with (comments), some I would just stalk. I developed some friendships doing that. I earned backlinks too even before I knew what those were. Through that I learned about the possibility of earning through my blog. My Bravejournal earned PR and I received paid link opportunities that fueled me on to blog even more.

I think that’s when things changed.

Now, I rarely visit blogs just for the sake of checking up on someone. I don’t always click on a link or badge looking forward to an exciting new post or another entry in a continuing saga of someone else’s life. More often than not, I click on to the next blog and expect nothing.

And that is plain sad.

Am I sad that my blog has PR and that I get sponsored link opportunities? No! But I have to remind myself every once in awhile NOT to lose sight of what blogging has always meant for me.

That said, let me just share with you two blogs that I visit even if they are outside of the two traffic-building blogging networks I am a part of – Entrecard and Adgitize.

I first found the blog Made by Petchy when I was looking for tutorials on how to make camera strap covers. You should really check it out, not just the tutorials but the rest of her blog as well. There’s a lot of eye candy with her sharing her wonderful photos, and the makeover she’s doing in her house. There is so much design inspiration in that blog, and some baking and cooking too 🙂

My first visit to Zakka Life was to checkout her post on this very cute 2009 calendar craft project. I did it too, and it looked like this:

But Zakka Life has many more craft projects to share and even if you’re not a crafter, you’ll spend a lot of time oodling over all the cuteness that can be found at her space. So check her out!
Zakka Life

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