
Danny and Annie

Design Mom Gabrielle Blair posted the story of Danny and Annie on her blog today. I watched the animation, listened to their voices, and was moved.

What a lovely story. I think it was wonderful how StoryCorps was able to go back and interview the couple before Danny passed on. I wonder how Annie is today? Listening to their voice as they shared their story, my grandparents faces flashed in my mind. How I wish I was able to document their story this way too. Simple, but very meaningful. Powerful.

It made me think a little about my love story too. And those of the people around me, my parents most specially. No doubt, in the 12 years Alfred and I have been together, we’ve got lots more stories to share, many are similar to the BUT post, but also others that are different. I would love to sit with my parents, together or separately, and interview them too. That would really be nice.

Watching the vid also got me to thinking about an idea I mentioned to my bestfriend when she was preparing to get married. An animated prenup vid or invitation would be nice. It’s a wonderful idea for people like me who don’t love being in front of the camera. An animated prenup or save the date video would be the perfect solution for me. Fun too.


So you don’t like pizza. I get it. But I happen to like Papa John’s pizza. Not just any other pizza, those at Papa John’s are the ones I like. We’ve danced this dance before. I ask where you want to eat, you say:

Kahit saan.

Really? Anywhere? To which I retort:

Papa John’s! (or more often, Mcdo!)

Then you say –

anywhere BUT there.

Then why don’t you just say where you want to eat and I’ll let you know if I like it or not? At least if I just go along with what you want I don’t sulk and bitch about it so much. How many times have we eaten Chinese food that I don’t totally like but eat anyway?

And I really wanted to have Papa John’s today. It’s not everyday I ask for it. When was the last time? And though reluctantly, you said yes.

There must be something in that menu that you would like. Not your favorite, yes, but edible. Laman tiyan. So I ask you to order what you would want instead of leaving it all up to me. And with your annoying voice and your annoying facial expressions, you say:

Ikaw na umorder. Kahit ano.

Wow. Really, I can order anything? Here I am giving you the opportunity to choose as a compromise. We’re in a restaurant you don’t particularly like, we might as well order something you’d at least try to eat.

So I tell you we should leave and just go somewhere else. At that point I am not upset yet. I just really would rather move on to somewhere else than look at you sulk in front of food. You say no, just order. I won’t. You won’t. No order. So what’s the point in staying?

So I walk out. Drive to the nearest Jollibee and get takeout. You still don’t order.

Ang gutom, talo.  


*I don’t like writing about fights, but this is to trivial I’m sure someone out there has a funny story to share about a similar senseless fight. Smile


We went on an impromptu road trip on Sunday. Nothing too grand, just a quick drive up to Tagaytay City and back. This was our map:

Photo Mar 27, 7 21 41 PM

It was the first time I drove that far and without a guide. Fun!

Everything still looked familiar, and yet new, all at the same time. Funny how they were familiar sights, but I’ve not been to many of those happening spots around the City. And on this trip we again went to an old familiar place for their famous Bulalo, and spectacular view: Leslie’s.

The view, captured through my camera phone:


It was a nice and windy afternoon, with scattered rainshowers. I wasn’t too worried about the rain spoiling our day. Come to think of it, I didn’t bother checking the weather forecast. I probably would have if we actually planned the trip.

Yep. This was an impromptu roadtrip. We were supposed to just go see a movie when I suggested a driving adventure instead. Alfred took me up for it, surprisingly. Smile Imagine, we’d been together 12 years and this was the first time we went to Tagaytay together. Haha!

Alfred toted Deena around and snapped some photos too. I haven’t looked at them yet. Here’s another one framed with my phone:

tagaytay leslies

I wish we had used that hut! What an amazing spot, no? I thought you had to pay extra to use it but as it turns out, you just have to request for it at the front desk. Maranaw 16, I think. Next time, we’ll try to eat bulalo from this spot. And maybe have a drink or two (not for me, I’m driving). Or doze off even? Haha!

But the next time we drive up, we probably won’t be eating at Leslie’s or at least we’ll try not to. There are so many other good places there that deserve to be tried at least once, so I hear. Or we’ll take our own baon and have a picnic at the park. Someday. One day. Smile

Oh and checkout this photo of us, from this trip too. Smile




Well, the time says 10:35PM, but it’s really more 10:35AM when I tweeted that on Wednesday. Smile I finally got a taste of Magnum ice cream that I’ve been hearing about all over the social networking sites. It was love at first bite! That Belgian Chocolate is yummy!

Richmond (Senior Line’s resident angry bird, at work) agreed to run to the Supermarket across our office building to get us a bar each. He was back very quickly. My Almond Magnum almost melted only because I insisted on taking these photos.

Photo Mar 08, 10 19 09 PM

The Magnolia Pinipig Crunch we grew up on is no match to this. The almonds are way better than pinipig, and the chocolate coating is just divine. The bar is thick, more than enough ice cream for one serving.

We’re a family who loves their ice cream and chocolate, and I couldn’t resist not sharing the Magnum goodness with the rest that same afternoon. So after taking my car for a much-needed wash, Alfred and I went to a supermarket to get some more.

This time, I tried the classic bar. And guess who loved his Magnum too?

Photo Mar 08, 10 23 53 PM

Yes, I had two ice cream bars in one day. I just couldn’t resist it. This afternoon, Alfred kept on hinting at wanting more and it took all my strength to resist grabbing the keys and driving off with him to the nearest 7/11. Even more to keep my hands off the last bar in the freezer – Dad hadn’t eaten his until after dinner tonight.

These bars are a delightful treat. They cost 50 pesos apiece so I don’t think I’ll be having these everyday. But one Magnum a day would really make me happy. haha! Smile

The MOA Eye

On Tuesday last week, February 21, 2012, I took my first ferris wheel ride. Yep, it took 30 years before I would step in on a ferris wheel gondola. I’ve always just chickened out. SmileI shared the moment with the boyfriend – who almost didn’t get on. It was also his first time!

Who's afraid? Not me!

It was a week day and we both had work but we went to the Mall of Asia anyway to meet up with Alfred’s parents, his older brother Andy, and little cutie Alphonso, his nephew. We were there for a birthday dinner to celebrate Tatay Fred’s 70th birthday!

Here’s the boyfriend’s parents inside the roomy gondola:

Alfred's Mom and Dad

The rest of them had been at the Mall hours before because little Alphonso who’s only 3 years old wanted some play time. I arrived home from work at past 2pm so Alfred and I were only out on the road at past 3pm en route to the MOA. Traffic and wrong turns made our travel time longer – must have been 430PM already when we arrived at the MOA.

We hung out at The Creamery while Phonso cooled down with his favorite ice cream cone. Then we headed out to the bay side restaurants to get dinner. While Alfred and his brother went to market to buy the seafood we would have cooked at one of the restaurants, I took these shots of the MOA Eye –purportedly the biggest ferris wheel in the country today at 180 feet tall:

MOA Eye from afar

MOA Eye Closer

Photo Feb 21, 5 47 29 PM


Alphonso was excited and really wanted to ride. It wasn’t difficult to convince Nanay and Tatay to go. But it was a challenge to convince Alfred that this was the day we would finally get on this ride. But convince him we did, and he even paid for it – PhP 150 pesos per person, even for the little 3-year old boy.

Each of the 35 gondolas is air-conditioned, and seats up to 6. There are a few VIP gondolas that offer more privacy – you can’t see inside. They aren’t in use yet and will cost extra. I don’t see the point though. People are too busy either getting scared of being so high, or admiring the view, they won’t have the time to check out the couple next door.

Photo Feb 21, 5 57 05 PM

As for me, I was busy being scared. I didn’t move around much and only took a few photos.


Photo Feb 21, 6 05 56 PMPhoto Feb 21, 6 03 21 PM

The ride only took about 10 minutes. It wasn’t shaky at all. I felt quite stable actually.

I’d like to ride again, maybe at night so I can see the lights all around.

For now, I am just proud to say that I no longer fear the Ferris Wheel! Smile

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