Back when I was a senior in high school, there were supposed to be career talks to help us decide what course to take for college. I looked forward to that, but I don’t think it happened for our batch. I sure wish it did.
Growing up I had many dreams. At some point I wanted to be an architect, then an interior designer. I remember a friend wanting to be a fashion designer. I think there is a phase in every little girl’s life when she pictures herself in medical uniform. But I don’t remember going through that phase. I grew up a stone’s throw away from St. Luke’s Medical Center and have family and neighbors who have become nurses and nursing aides, but the nurses scrub pants (no matter how colorful they’ve become in recent decades) just never appealed to me (except those worn by this male nurse I crushed on for a time).
Over the years as I became more exposed to social issues, legal thrillers, and as lawyer TV shows aired one after the other, I zoned in on the one thing I wanted to be – a lawyer.
That career choice was the reason I took up BA Psychology in UP. A few years later though, I gave up on that dream. I didn’t need to be a lawyer to “right” wrongs. I didn’t have to be a lawyer to keep on helping the kids and NGOs I worked with. And I didn’t like all the readings law students had to go through.
So I started off on my adult life as an NGO worker. Now, I’m an operations manager at a BPO. Things couldn’t have been more different than where the younger me imagined I’d be. Though I am serious at my job and current career, I still dream of someday doing something else – becoming an entrepreneur. A successful home baker or pastry chef
Or maybe becoming a teacher? Now, where did that come from?
Image lifted from this article, also about career choices.
Did you see it? I was not excited for the wedding, and I had no plans of watching it.
But we got home, turned on the TV, and there was Kate Middleton about to walk down the aisle. I was hooked.
Prince (now Duke) William is my age (oh okay I’m a year older, ugh) so I grew up adoring his smile and yes there was a time when I would daydream about him. But since Kate Middleton figured in his life, and he started losing hair, I just couldn’t care less about him.
When news of their engagement surfaced, I wasn’t excited or particularly happy for them. I am a girl and they say all girls want to be a princess, and we love fairy tales. But I just wasn’t infected by the Royal Wedding Fever.
Until I sat down to watch it.
This was one of my favorite parts of the ceremony. I think the Prince was telling Kate and her dad how beautiful she was. And he was trying no to smile too much. Haha. Before this, there was Prince William walking to the altar with his brother Harry. Both just casually walking and seeming to kid each other from time to time. And then when Kate was making her entry, Prince Harry kept looking back. I just love how they weren’t uptight and all were just trying to proceed normally.
Westminster Abbey is huge and some who were lucky enough to be invited were not actually able to witness the ceremony in the inner sanctum. Mom has been there and says she has a photo with the Archbishop of Canterbury (we are Philippine Anglicans and Ma has been to London a few times for her work for the Church). Anyway, notice how there were trees inside the Abbey? How cool is that? Okay, so they were probably just brought in as opposed to them being really grown there…
I kinda wished they sang hymns that I actually knew. Or better yet, that they veered away from tradition and had a pop star sing something for the ceremony. Theirs was a quick and simple wedding, because there was no Eucharist. I noticed there was no ring for the groom. I guess it’s not customary then for the husband to wear a wedding band?
Having come from shift, and then LTO, short drive to pick up Mom, and all that, I was sleepy and dozed off while the wedding party were off signing the register. When I awoke, they were walking down the aisle and out of the Abbey.
Anyway. It was by all means the fairy tale wedding we expected, minus the big grand bridal gown. Hers was understated, but very classy and elegant. Timeless, I think it’s been called. I love her ‘something borrowed’ – the Queen’s tiara!
The flower girls and paige boys were all so cute –
I found this cute too, when the Prince of Wales carried the little girl so she can have a better view of the big crowd cheering the newlyweds:
I didn’t see the first kiss but I did see the second. It was so simple. So sweet. And the wonderful thing about it is how happy they just seemed to be. Their eyes were glowing with happiness. They wanted to be there!
And here’s the boyish and gorgeous looking Harry, too bad Pippa was grimacing!
They had two cakes for the reception, a cream/white one, and a chocolate cake from the family recipes. Although I always go for the chocolates, I think I prefer the elegant looking cake this time around:
Someday I’ll make a cake with elaborate décor like this too. Maybe. Haha My wedding cake would probably have a lot more color than this, but it looks really nice and elegant.
In closing, here’s a photo of the Duchess of Cambridge on her dress for the reception. She truly is a new style icon, among other things. And I wish the royal couple all the best. May they do good for their country and their people, and may they use their stature to further what is good and beautiful. After all, they’re fairy tale has just started.
All photos in this post (except that of Prince Harry and Pippa) are from the Flickr account of The British Monarchy.
I’m trying an iPhone app for blogging. If this works, I’d be so happy 🙂
Dad took me out for parking lessons and after an hour of going back and forth, left and right, we took a break.
Since we were already at the Quezon City Memorial Circle, we checked in at Serye.
At first things looked great. They served Dad’s tea first and the contraption used was quite interesting. But it took forever to serve my Tsokolate Frappe and the Suman sa Latik. When those arrived though, they were worth the wait.
The suman was so small though so there’s really not enough to share. After having a small portion to taste, I decided to order another serving. The waitress said it would take 5-7 minutes to prepare. 20 minutes later, it was nowhere to be seen. Dad asked for the bill so we could run soon after it is served. Guess what wasn’t included in the bill? The second suman order. So it looked like we waited for naught. Grr.
I would have recommended Serye for the little of it’s specialties that we sampled today, but their service leaves much to be desired. Sayang.
The post is successful BUT the image was way too big. Plus the image tracker of BlogBooster isn’t showing properly. Oh well. I just have to perfect posting images from mobile devices. 🙂 What follows is what I added from my PC, after resizing the image above. 🙂
Soooo… Serye was a bummer. I might give it another shot, perhaps at a different branch. The waiter was actually nice enough to tell us that they were selling the teapot that was used for Dad’s one-serving tea. He also showed us the tea leaves in a jar that they were also selling for 200 pesos. It really was interesting and would make a good gift for Mom, or for any tea drinker. Then because we waited so long for my orders, I had time to daydream about what kind of silverware, china, cups and glasses I’d like to have in my future home. Thought about furniture and Sferra linen even.
Anyhoo. We ended up spending an hour at the restaurant for just a drink and a light snack. Bummer.
I ordered a few stuff from Photojojo and today I got confirmation that the goodies have been delivered. No, I didn’t have them shipped all the way from the US to PH again like what I did when I ordered the DigiCloverSan and other stuff. The Customs fee then was way expensive! This time around, we took advantage of the boyfriend’s cousin who is travelling home to Manila in a few weeks.
I wish I could say that this is the package that includes my coveted Polly, but no. I had to forego my wish of owning the Fuji Instax 50s. Just temporarily of course. I just switched to an iPhone 4 and that entails costs, so no Instax for the time being. I’d been so excited about it, but the iPhone won out. Good thing there’s Instagram that will, in a twisted kinda way, satisfy my Instax needs for now. Haha.
So my blogs have been quiet since the Holy Week started. It wasn’t intentional and I haven’t been busy mulling at my life and the sacrifices that Jesus did for us (wish I could say I was), in fact it’s been work work work (and I will be at work in two hours). Just haven’t had much to say lately.
Here’s another blog I keep going back to. I remember first following Dee via tblog, and then when she moved to her self-hosted blog I kept on her stalking her there too. When I started reading up on her blog, she wasn’t a mom yet. Now her son Z is a little man, and her daughter E is such wonderful and bright little girl. Her mom’s model for her fantastic photography!
Isn’t she cute? This photo was grabbed from Dee’s Flickr pool and is also on her blog, DeePerrin.Com.
She writes about all sorts of things, she even has a craft blog (is it still around?) where she posted a tutorial for cute little pillow case dresses that she made for her little girl awhile back. Those were really cute! I wish I was more crafty and could make dresses and such so I admire those who can really make good stuff.
Now going back to this little girl, doesn’t she look like she could be a model for girls dresses? She’s so pretty and obviously loves the camera. Of course, I’m sure it helps that the lady behind the lens is her dear mom. Yes, have I mentioned that Dee does amazing photography? Go check her out already!
I’d been thinking lately about Dee’s blog, and her daughter, and this online store for pretty dresses for little girls. The thing is, the memory that stands out while I think about that combination, is my grandmother and how she used to sew our dresses. It’s sad that none of us kept those vintage clothes, but they were really something. Shanti and Butchik were the last ones to receive handmade clothes by Lola, at least that’s what I remember.
To this day I still dream about someday being able to sew beautiful clothes, even if just for my future daughter or for myself. I actually love dressing up and weight issues have kept me from donning dresses more often. Ugh.