In the next few weeks, I will be working on moving my blogs to a new host. Thanks to Gee, I have found an alternative to my current hosting plan. Again, let me say that I’ve had no snags in the nearly two years I’ve been with Dreamhost. But the cost of renewal is going to be high, because the discount I got for the first two years will no longer be available.
Of course the low rates was a primary consideration, but I also checked out the reviews and none were on the negative as others tended to be. That’s a big thing for me. Like I mentioned before, I don’t mind paying premium for premium services and I’d rather continue paying that if going for the cheaper option meant having a lot of problems along the way. I had a super cheap plan with a local hosting company, and well, my site had frequent downtimes and I received lousy customer service. I learned from that experience and it ended up costing me more than if I had never done business with them at all.
I’m hoping that the transition will be smooth and won’t be noticeable. I will start moving my other blogs and keep online as much as I can. Wish me luck, and pray I don’t lose anything in the move! π
The way I sit around here blogging, you’d think we had no plans of going out this afternoon, much more that I had not work at midnight tonight. But blog I must while there’s inspiration. Blogging is sometimes like eating. You need to have an appetite for it in order for you to really enjoy it. There are so many topics to write about but don’t we suffer from writer’s block so many times in the course of a week? It’s like that with food too. Even while surrounded with a lot of good food, if you simply have no desire for it you will not be tempted.
So I eat when I feel like eating. And I write when I have the urge to write.
I only wish that I had more writing inspirations than I have food inspirations. Sometimes when I feel so good eating, I’d like to believe that the advertised Bangkok and Ballerina pills don’t have the alleged side effects of diet pills that scare me. Wouldn’t losing weight be so much easier then? Oh well.
I feel silly having to mention it over and over, but I will anyway. Over at Between the Covers I’d already mentioned how hectic things have been to find time to read, but you see it’s not just my books I’ve been neglecting. My mailbox is overflowing with mail too.
So I’m reading back on all the mail I’ve received and just got to read the December 1st strip of the Daily Dilbert:
Hilarious! They say Facebook is the new TV. As in, if you used to ask in shock when a friend tells you they have no TV at home, now you’re sure to be shocked to if a friend isn’t on Facebook. But it would be so sad to be in on FB, but not have friends around. Oh well. π
It’s 430 PM on a Monday, and I have shift again at midnight. Perhaps I should go to bed now? How could I when I only got up at half past eleven this morning? Haha. Indeed, I’d slept my entire rest day off, in an effort to defy the makers of the best eye cream for dark circles. I don’t need your product to get rid of these dark circles, ample sleep should be enough! But then again, didn’t my doctor tell me I wouldn’t ever get rid of these? Ugh.
Who hasn’t been envious of Oprah’s audience on her annual reveal of her Favorite Things? I know I’ve been jealous of the luxurious freebies since the first time I saw one such episode on TV. This year’s list is even more amazing, what with it being the last season of The Oprah Show, that’s not a big surprise. You can head on over to Oprah.Com to check out the full list, but here are the ones I’d specifically LOVE to have from there:
Hope in a Jar -
I’ve heard of this product before, in fact I’ve read a lot of positive reviews for Hope in a Jar by Philosophy. And I keep checking back at the Beauty Bar if they have it marked down so I can finally get me a jar. It is a little too pricey for the average person, but I heard it said that it is all worth it. Maybe I’ll have my first jar next year. I am happy with the moisturizer I currently use (Myra E), but we all deserve a little pampering every once in a while and it wouldn’t hurt that it will make us look more presentable. If I do get a jar, I probably won’t use it daily anyway. π
Le Creuset -
Oh this would be wonderful to have! The Pioneer Woman has had several giveaways featuring this brand of cookware. Now if only I actually cooked.
Miraclebody Jeans - Oprah.Com
They say these jeans will instantly make you 10lbs lighter, I want one! I want the skinny version, specially since my one and only skinny-looking pair has given up on him. The zip’s broken and I haven’t had time to take it in for repair.
Jessica Leigh Diamond Earrings - Oprah.Com
I don’t own any diamonds and this would be a wonderful first pair, if ever I do get to own one. Very elegant, classy, and doesn’t scream – KIDNAP ME I’M WEARING DIAMONDS! π
VW 2010 Beetle - Oprah.Com
We were once Beetle owners and so, this VW model will always have a soft spot in our hearts. But if the old Beetle was the people’s car, these modern ones have become too expensive for us common folks. The silhouette for the 2012 Beetle looks exciting, and looks more like the original version. The audience members are so lucky to be getting one for free!
Baker's Edge Baking Pan - Oprah.Com
No more worrying about getting the perfect edge for each individual brownie!
Netflix - Oprah.Com
How I wish this was available here. Is Apple TV available in the Philippines? If we had this, maybe it’ll keep us Pinoys off torrent sites that don’t respect Intellectual Property Rights.
Royal Carribean Allure of the Seas - Oprah.Com
I’ve never been on a cruise and would love to be on one. I wonder if the boyfriend would entertain an Asian cruise for honeymoon?
Sony Bravia 3d - Oprah.Com
As Oprah put it, it’s definitely a Wow-er.
Tory Burch Tote and Flats - Oprah.Com
Tory Burch flats, I’ve heard, are ultra comfortable. A pair of these would send me to heaven, and the tote would be a nice bonus.
It’s also wonderful that Oprah encouraged those who received her gifts this year, to also give. The DonorsChoose Gift Card from Bing.Com and the Kiva cards are precious!
DonorsChoose - Oprah.Com
Kiva Gift Card - Oprah.Com
Oh well, at least I do have two things from that list: the iPad, and the Scrabble app for iPad. Haha! π
*All photos in this post are courtesy of Oprah.Com
Welcome December! It’s the last month of the year, and we’re closing this first decade in the newΒ millennium. Whew.
This has been a very busy week. It’s my fourth and longest week at work yet. I’ve got one more shift to go before I close out this hell week, but I have yet to feel good about the work I’ve done. This is not me starting to complain, but I certainly have learned a couple of lessons from this week’s experience. Like never to take for granted any bit of ‘downtime’ you can get. I’d been secretly feeling guilty about not being busy enough last week, until Monday happened. I’d never been on my toes so much at work than I have this week. Haha! The other OMs were right, I should have just enjoyed the moment while it lasted. π
But enough about work for now. π
Since the month of November, it’s time to get a final roundup on the number of comments I left on other blogs:
Hmm. 142 comments. Better than September and October, but sill only 14% to goal, and 36% of August’s output. Still, it’s been fun leaving my footprints all across the blogosphere. I’ll continue challenging myself to comment more but I am thinking of discontinuing the ticker on the sidebar. I’ve got a suspicion that the widget is what brought the Hyperpromote ads that pop up sometimes when you’re visiting my blog. It’s the only change I’ve made on the blog since those ads started showing up. I will need a means to track my comments though, and I have yet to find an alternative to Ticker Factory. If you have any suggestions, hit me up on the comments box will you? Super thanks in advance! π
I’d also like to say THANK YOU to Moonangelnay for being one of my Top Entrecard Droppers for November!
I know I normally acknowledge the top ten droppers here, but it won’t hurt to change it up a bit this month would it? π
A grand SHOUT OUT too to Zoan for being my top commenter for the second straight month! π
Check out her blogs and you might just find a new friend π