I’ve been getting a lot of sleep lately, which is a good thing 🙂 Last week was marred with runny rose, cough, and fever. I was also a bit hypertensive. For that, the doctor sent me home and advised me to rest (skip work) on Saturday night.
One would think that with time off work I’d get more stuff done at home. Like blog, or edit and upload photos, and even bake cupcakes. Sadly, it wasn’t to be the case. I took the doctor’s advise and really rested. I slept off almost the entire weekend, the exception being Sunday afternoon. I couldn’t miss my nephews’ championship basketball game! It was a fun afternoon and I have pictures to show for it. As usual though, I have yet to have them sorted and uploaded. 🙂
Around here though, we’ve been griping about not having had to go on vacation, and we’re almost running out of summer! My brother has been to four out of town trips already, while I have had none. Pathetic 🙁 I haven’t even been anywhere near a swimming pool. I’ve been bugging the boyfriend, sabi ko we’ll go on a short out of town trip just so I could feel like something happened for my summer. Schedules don’t match though. 🙁
Hay. If only I could afford a vacation package to Disney World, that would be a vacation to remember! I swear I wouldn’t chicken out of their rides like I did with the Space Shuttle at EK, haha 🙂 Another dream vacation for me would be a tour of Europe. The other day, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants was on TV (the second movie) and I was so inggit how the girls could just say, okay, I’ll go to Greece, and then be there the next day. Sigh.
This year’s general elections, the first ever to be automated in the country, was a family affair for us. We headed to the voting precinct together, Dad, Mom, and I. Kuya followed a few minutes later.
We didn’t necessarily leave the place as a family though.
For Ma, and this will show her age (sorry!), her voting experience was expedited. Let’s just say that she qualified for special treatment. She stayed in line with us for almost an hour though before she was able to get on to the express lane. Hehe. My big brother was a few people away from us to the back of the line. He was there for over an hour before he decided to join mom and dad for lunch at KFC a few steps away from the precinct, after that, he decided to go home and bring lunch to Diane. He was supposed to go back but we were waiting in line for five hours, and the line behind us was growing longer. He had work that night so he had to go to bed…
So I spent the most time with Dad, and my cousins Nikki and Che. We ate kwek-kwek, KFC fries, drank KFC Krushers, cold water, and Coke, in those five hours. It was soooo hot that day, but being under the tent, and there being chairs, helped to keep our heads cool. Cool lang kahit na there were people who cut into the line. Friends who were supposed to be about four or five people down the line from us got pushed farther back. Tsk.
Anyway speaking of family, I’ll try to include a photo of Dad showing how much stomach fat loss he’s had. Yep, he’s lost a lot of inches and he’s been very proud of that. Other photos of the family on election day will be added to this post in a few… 🙂
Please put up with me today. These are just a bunch of random thoughts…
I keep going back to DPS to check this out. But I don’t make the purchase, or at least I haven’t.
Yesterday’s baking session really helped take me out of the rut I seemed to have been in last week. They turned out yummy! And they’re all gone, haha. Photos coming soon 🙂
The boyfriend is more excited than I am about getting a D90. I think we’re going to call it Deena. Or something like that. Maxine will be his.
I have cable and broadband payments due tomorrow, and loan payments due on Friday. When’s my credit card bill due again? I just realized that I wasn’t able to post about an important event! Last week, I zeroed my credit card outstanding balance. Seriously, I was debt free for a day. Haha. I used my card the next day though at the MOA sale. It wasn’t a big purchase, I’d be able to pay all of it off come due date 🙂 I swear BDO won’t be getting any extra fees out of me anymore. Zero interest!
What do you need colon cleanse products for? Like, what do liver supplements really do for your liver? Just asking.
Why is it so easy for some people to lose weight while it’s so difficult for me? Skinny people get skinnier doing nothing; I lose zero pounds even on a diet. Nah, I’m just bitter.
It seems like I’m in a ‘funk,’ and the only reason I can come up with is the intense heat.
Seriously, noticed my absence in the blog over the weekend? I haven’t been on Facebook much either. No I haven’t been busy. I’ve not gone to have a great weekend or anything like that. I just haven’t been online much.
And I’m not in the mood to do much of anything else either. Hay. And sometimes it feels like sitting on the couch or simply being here at home, is like I’m on natural sleep aids. Yet I still feel like I haven’t had enough rest. As if there’s ever enough right? Haha.
The BC Bloggers’ Party has commenced! This is an awesome opportunity to go around and get to know other BC Bloggers. Thanks to Paula, we have a list of 45 to start with! 🙂
Paula – A certified BC blogger – wife, mother, employee, blogger all rolled into one.
Bambie — Living a blissful and simple life in a fast paced city of tokyo with her Love and lil bundle of joy, Azumi. Loves anything kawaii and fabulous things.
Bambie/Sunshine – blogging to let you take a sneak peak into a world that is MINE. This is me, the real me. No hesitations, no presumptions, no holding back. I’m sharing my heart to you, no-holds barred.
Beng – A busy working mom of 2 handsome boys, Financial Analyst by profession.
Cacai M. – a Stay-At-Home-Wife and blogging is my passion. I am happy when people are happy. I view blogging as my open or public diary of random thoughts wherein I can express and share my views, reviews, thoughts, happiness, adventures, and experiences.” ~hugs&kisses~
Carmz – Newest Blogger on the Blogosphere! Workaholic, Fun and Crazy Girl of Makati District
Chin chin – Christian stay at home mom blogger blessed with 5 children – Thanks be to God’s grace and strength to live the everyday life.
Chris – A follower of Christ who loves being a wife and a stay at home mom.
debrajills diary – A Diary of a Mom and her Journal through Life as a wife, daughter and a mother.
Fedhz – I have a Kris Aquino mouth and a Judy Ann heart. Yes, I’m very sentimental and talkative and I guess that’s the very reason why I found myself blogging for more than 7 years now.
ferr’zWILL – I am just a simple jolly girl, sweet and heedful lady I love to depict unto others how I feel towards them.
Jade – A certified BC Blogger. Blogaholic, Workaholic but will soon be taking it slow…
Kaye – Blog designer extraordinaire. Not. Just blog designer. And writer, if you could consider my inane blog entries as “writing”. A WAHM from the beautiful city of Baguio, Philippines.
Inigo – Probably the youngest blogger at 21 months old. Posts were as early as fetal age.
Irish – A Christian family woman who’s trying to juggle her blogging duties, her full time work, taking care of a 2 year old daughter and being the best wife ever to her hubby.
Just Simple Thoughts – loving wife; loving daughter; loyal friend; wants everything to be fair and just…
Laane – Usually I describe myself as a mom of 6. The oldest 4 are boys, all with an autism spectrum disorder. The youngest is dealing with classic autism. The other 2 are girls. Twins. One is dyslectic, like one of the boys. I’m always busy arranging things for them, solving problems or guiding. Dealing with the problems other people caused is one of the main issues.
Liezl – the frustrated chemist but now a passionate blogger and an aspiring psychologist. Proud Batangeña living all alone in Manila, deeply in-love, spontaneous and witty. A good conversationalist, fearless enough to tackle love, sex and politics.
Lizeewong – I’m a girly girl, mommy and wife. My world is quite simple. It revolves around my babies who amuse me, my husband who completes me and my blog which pleasures me.
Mommy Bonz – Certified BC Blogger. A simple mom and wife with lots of hopes and dreams for her family. Finding time with everything, being a full time mom, wife and an employee and now a part-time blogger.
Mommy Rubz – a simple stay at home mom who takes care of three kids and 40 plus domains.
Nelson – A Surgical Nurse who blogs down his experiences, both clinical and personal. Happily married and now living in the UAE.
Niko – Happy Mom and Wife, Full time office slave and Part time BLOGGER
Nicquee – A corporate slave wanting to be WAHM for her kids and husband through blogging
Nuts – Blogging with my family as source of my inspiration..
Peachkins – babaeng bakla. foodie.mahilig magluto.coffee addict.froyo junkie. loves photos.dating call girl[call center agent].loves peanutbutter.NCIS LA & CSI fan. nanonood ng BITAG tuwing sabado ng gabi…..frustrated cop.
Pehpot – is a stay at home mom of four kids. A part time blogger of 8 blogs (and soon to be 10). A novice blogger who always share her new found tips and techniques (through NOOB) and your slave if the price is right.
Red is Marose – simple pero rock, a working mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend, hoping to be a work at home. A forum addict and now a trying hard blogger.
Ria – Wife, and a mother of one lovely daughter, likes to read books and collect just anything. A person of unpredictable characteristics, stubborn yet soft hearted, active yet demure.
Rossel – Maybe an addict blogger but very proud to say that she is a loving and caring queen of their home.
Rosette – Mysterious gal who finds happiness and contentment in her son and partner.
Sam – Adik na WAHMmy (Work At Home Mommy). Former call girl, este call center agent.
Sarah – A mother of two wonderful smart and active kids. A wife, enjoys singing, playing the piano, and a friend in need…
Shamrocks and Shenanigans – I’m a Wife, Mom, short order cook, driver, maid, gopher….My life is perfect. I am happily married…unless he takes the remote from me. I love food and I love to cook.
Shydub – stay at home Mom, full time wife and started blogging since 2008 as pastime and moolah maker.
Tetcha – A WAHM chronicling her experience as a mother and wife and everything else in between.
Valerie/Surreal Princess – travel enthusiast, half –vampire, half-human, multi-tasking extraordinaire. Backpacker, Blogger, budding photographer, housewife and work at home diva.
Verabear – I’ve been blogging here and there for about four or five years. I write for myself mainly, but I am happy whenever I get visits from both friends and strangers (*hint* I love getting comments!).
Vernz – A mother of three who loves free, budding potter, frustrated painter, trying hard blogger, dedicated teacher and a devoted mother.
Yami – Owns three blogs and work full time as work-at-home mom. I write just about anything that caught my interest and earn at the same time.
Yuuki – the drama queen, otaku, junkie collector, shopaholic, book worm, traveler, scientist, blogger, entrepreneur, lover, friend, fighter, survivor – complexity to the max!
Kerslyn – A work-at-home wife, hubby’s cook, chef wannabe, and shutter button addict. Half Ilocana and half Bisaya with a Chinese taste buds.
Josie – Mother of three grown-ups, work at home mom, managing a home-based business,workaholic, busy as a bee but still trying my hand on blogging.
Gracia – A savvy chick with a big heart for fashion.
Kayce – I’m a stay at home mom, a businesswoman who manages our own business, an ebay seller, a singer-musician, a Christian and a servant of the Lord.
Charmie – I’m a frustrated career woman, a responsible, loving daughter and a sister.
ferry’zPROFESSION – A happy fulltime employee who loves to snip some of my time to blog, being a multi task is my game.
Mommy Liz – I am a wife and a mother to my 4 wonderful children and to 2 more, so we have 6 beautiful kids. I am a Stay at home mom and I am proud of it.
Maritz – A Civil Engineer by profession but work full time as a church admin officer. A fulfilled wife to a loving and God fearing husband and a mother of two wonderful children.
I hope those of you who drop by today come back tomorrow, I will be announcing my giveaway on Earth Day! 🙂