Ramblings and Brain farts

Thirteen ideas for a TT (also known as my TT#19 on the 19th)

I’ve been wracking my brain for a Thursday Thirteen post but I just cannot make up my mind. I’m sure if I started writing things will just spill out but I don’t want to do that. Haha 🙂 

  • I thought about posting Thirteen shares from my mailbox but it may be a little too tedious for me to work on just right now. I’d have to download graphics and then post them up here. Because I wanted to browse at the same time, it would take at least an hour to finish off such a post.
  • Since I was going through my Entrecard visitors, I figured, why not post links to thirteen random blogs in my EC inbox?
  • Then I had another idea, why don’t I try out all the gym equipment we had around here and then post about my attempts at thirteen ways to use the Nautilus? Okay, I scrapped that – me, do gym equipment? Huh. Oh, then I remembered seeing an ad for an elliptical, and if we didn’t already have a treadmill, I’d totally show it to my dad. I had a chance to try one of those when I was still signed up at a gym (yes, I had that phase too), and it doesn’t look as simple as it looks!
  • I just setup my photoblog right? I thought of posting thirteen photos up there, ones I have not posted here yet, but I scrapped that idea too. I’m just not up for it. Tomorrow I will definitely add more content there though.
  • Now, Alfred is currently off somewhere at a job interview. He doesn’t really need a new job, but since the opportunity presented itself, he’s giving it a try. I don’t want him to leave for petty reasons, but I did think about blogging thirteen reasons why he shouldn’ move. Haha. But I’m a supportive girlfriend, so I scrapped that idea too.
  • Another idea was to post thirteen freebie digiscrapping finds but I want to post only stuff I really liked and also downloaded myself.  So like the other ideas, I didn’t have enough time to go hunting. That takes up a lot of time, believe me 🙂
  • I have twenty agents in my team currently, plus our two techleads, that’s twenty two people I can write about. I could have written about the first thirteen and then the rest on another week, plus other personalities at work to complete the thirteen. Hmm maybe I will do that.
  • I’ve been thinking of reasons to leave my job, just because I’m so tired of working. But maybe I should think about thirteen reasons not to. You know? After all, I really should be greatful that I have a job in times like these.
  • Here’s another idea that I just thought of – I could go into my saved conversations from my Windows Live Messenger and post thirteen bits of conversations I’ve had with my contacts. That would be fun! 
  • I’ve been browsing through so many WordPress templates/themes and I thought I’d post thirteen of my favorites, but I don’t think I actually have thirteen. Hmm.
  • I could pick my top 13 for American Idol’s Season 8, but I haven’t actually been following it this season. In fact this is the first episode I’m going to see. (It’s on right now)
  • Ahh, I could rant about thirteen headlines from the past couple of days! But that would take too much emotion. And some of those really just frustrate me. 
  • Oh my gawd, there’s 270 million pesos up for grabs on the Lotto tonight, and none of us in this household got a single ticket! I could be ticking off thirteen ways to spend that money right now…

Wait – that’s thirteen! What do you know! haha 🙂

**Checkout my previous TT’s here and here

**I just have to say, this isn’t my favorite Mister Linky version but the original one just doesn’t work too well with my theme. 🙁

Taking photos

When I bought Frankie in November, I knew this year was going to bring me a lot of photos. I knew that I was going to take more photos, that most would be crappy, but that in time they will be better. Sadly though, I have not been using Frankie as much as I want to. I guess I am too much of a sucker for instant gratification that having to wait for the photos to be processed (and bringing the film for processing) just isn’t working well for me. The functions of the camera are just not making much sense for me because I don’t see the results right away. Even if I see the photos after processing, I don’t know the settings I used anymore. There’s probably a method to it, but I don’t have that method as of yet.

So am I giving up on Frankie? No no no. If anything, I want to find more time and opportunity to use her and learn her secrets. 

Doing Project365 this year was a very good decision. I find myself putting thought into photos I take. I don’t just point and shoot anymore. Okay, that’s a lie, I still do. But I think of ways to make a photo look better without resorting to post-editing them with software that’s always readily available to me. I think about the pros and cons of using flash, and I try to adjust ISO on my digicam too. With a digicam, it’s so easy to do this. To shoot, check, adjust, re-shoot. With Frankie, it’s impossible.

When I’m using the digicam instead of my camera phone to shoot a photo for the day, I usually take so many shots before I decide on the best one to use. It’s like kissing so many frogs before finding my prince charming. Surprisingly, I don’t get frustrated with the whole process. I don’t mind re-shooting. I guess that’s because most of my subjects are inanimate. So if I’d have to take photos of moving and breathing stuff – that would probably kill me. Haha.


*Background paper is from Valorie Brown’s Ture Colors Kit

All smiles

Around Christmas and just before New Year’s I made a banner for Alfred’s family reunion. I didn’t know that they actually had it printed and used it until I saw the photos when Alfred came back. Here it is, slightly modified, life-sized, and with Alfred’s neices, nephews, and even grandmother posing for happy photos:

I’ve been meaning to post this since the third of January but it’s been stuck in my drafts for some reason. Don’t they just all look so young ang happy? Hehe. I’ve met all of them already, except for one of the girls, and Lola.

Random Reaction

Around the world so many things are happening every minute of the day. I see news items on Msn.com, on TV, hear stuff over the radio on the taxi ride to work every night, and occasionally I read the papers in the mornings too. 

I love the random reactions that go through my mind as I listen, watch or read. Really, sometimes I wish I carried a recorder around and just spoke into it so I could later blog them word per word. But that’t not how it goes. So anyway, here are some links to stories I’ve read this week and the reactions they elicited from yours truly…

Jessica Simpson’s pictures and her recent performance – I saw the photos first from sis Joan’s blog and my reaction was that I didn’t see anything wrong with the way she looked. In fact, I thought that she looked like she was having fun. Others hit her for dressing in a way that didn’t flatter her added curves, while others still hit her for allegedly letting herself go. In my eyes she was beautiful. I didn’t feel I had any right to bash her, because I don’t look that good in photos (yet, haha). 

I was surprised though about the way they say she botched her performance as front act for Rascal Flatts a few nights ago. So unlike the Jessice I heard about in Hollywood True Stories.

This one about FedEx leaving Subic Bay to move to China, I actually read this in the papers. I had the impression that they were leaving Subic because of the economic crisis, but apparently it was a business decision made quite some time ago. It is sad that hundreds lost their job there, but China needs the jobs too considering the millions of migrants who went home for the holidays and with no job to go back to. FedEx will still have a base for its Philippine operations but it will be in Clark Field, not very far from what once was its Southeast Asian hub.

I’ve heard about the birth of the octuplets, the celebration, and later the outrage that welcomed them into this world. I’m a fan of Jon and Kate, Plus 8 on Discovery but I’ve never wished to have that many kids of my own all at the same time (although theirs were a set of six, and an older twins). But as for this latest set of multiples born in this world, it’s quite a different story. I was surprised that she already has six kids (sixtuplets?). And more surprised that she was in her early thirties, and single! And though I am happy that all the babies lived, I can’t help but also question what has happened. In an interview she admitted not having a very happy childhood being alone. Ugh, okay. O-K. Kids are not treats that you use to fill what was empty in your life. Yes, they have that effect, but they should never be brought to life with that in mind, nor should you adopt a baby because you want something to make you happy. If anything, take them because you know you can make them happy. I’m sorry, I might be hurting the feelings of other people here, but the tug of parenthood, in my opinion, is a tug borne out of a desire to care for someone else.

Anyway, goodluck to the mother and the rest of her family. May they have what they need to provide for all the needs of all their children. And in a few years, I hope to hear how happy and healthy all fourteen kids are.

There were more stories that made me laugh, frown, or had me puzzled throughout the week. These probably weren’t the most striking nor most significant to me personally, but these are stories of our world nonetheless.

Child Safety Online

In a former life, my everyday life was battling against the commercial sexual exploitation of children, then of combatting the trafficking of children. But in the last three years, I’ve managed to steer clear of this advocacies save for the very seasonal activities I still join. When I saw the story on MSN.com, some of the sparks were rekindled in me. I’m referring to efforts to rid MySpace and Facebook of registered sex offenders. That’s all well and good, but I think they can only do that for sex offenders who have been convicted in the United States. MySpace and Facebook have worldwide following, how would they address the possibility that there may be child sexual predators online who come from other countries too? It’s a good start anyway, and it really should be up to owners of the social networking sites to institute safeguards for kids.

One thing’s for sure though, it is easier to safeguard kids online when there are laws like the COPPA for the US, and the one for Korea too. Because it obligates web sites to have a strict privacy policy for the information of minors.

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