Juana Change

Last night through The Probe Team, I met Juana Change.  She embodies an advocacy calling for social renewal and political reform.  We will be electing a new president in May 2010, and Juana Change (May Paner in real life) and her friends seek to educate the Filipino electorate such that they may vote wisely for the next leaders of this great nation. 

On a more personal level though, she is also undergoing changes.  She seeks some reform in her own life.  She’ll be undergoing a politicized weightloss program in the next 360 or so days.  After all, she says, how can she call for change when she herself cannot let go of her excesses in life?

I would love to say that I want to join her in her journey to wellness.  But I don’t want to commit to something again when I am unprepared.  I will take little steps in this journey.  Next week, I will register to vote.  Then maybe, I’ll also be able to plan out my own path to a lower BMI.

Anyway, here’s one of Juana’s YouTube videos, visit their blog to learn more about their campaign, and see her other videos: