Potable Water from Air

The social media is all about sharing stories. A lot of times, there’s crap out there, but there are rare gems. There are stories that inspire, and give hope. There are stories that, when told properly, spark a revolution. We choose which stories to share and read. We choose which stories survive.

One story I found on my Facebook timeline today is about this collaboration between a Peru University and an advertising company. They setup a billboard that actually generates potable water out of air. Details are found in this linked article, but I am also embedding a Youtube video of this project below.



We probably thought that water was  an unlimited resource. After all, about 70% of the Earth’s surface is made up of water right?

But not all water is readily usable, much less drinkable. There are areas all over the world where clean, potable water is a life-or-death issue.

The technology they used in this billboard project is something that can be replicated in many parts of the world. Granted, currently the cost of maintaining the setup might be too expensive, but harnessing the power of the sun (solar energy) could make it more affordable, and sustainable.

This is the kind of innovation and innovative-thinking we need to solve the country’s problems.


What do you think?