About verabear


Posts by verabear:

Thursday Thirteen #18 – Sending you hugs!

Do you pray everyday? I don’t. At least not in a way that I speak to God directly. I’m pretty sure though that I send up one form of prayer or another, on a daily basis.

Like, when I say: Ingat or “take care.” Usually to someone on their way home from work, or to my dad on his way back from a trip. What I think I really mean is – “Lord, take care of him/her.”

I don’t devote a specific time of day to just have conversations with God. I used to pray every night though – just to give thanks mostly and that was a long time ago. I didn’t just decide to stop praying, it just happened.

I belong to this online group where women just chat about anything and everything. It is not strange to have someone talk about an illness she has, or something that a family member is getting treatment for. Even when I don’t pray a lot, I find myself responding to their emails and saying that they’ll be in my prayers. Sometimes I feel bad doing that, because I don’t really pray, so I just say they’ll be in my thoughts. 

But then I realize, that when I do read what they say, and when I reply back about sending a quick prayer on their behalf – I actually am praying for them. 

The way I see it, whoever God we pray to, He can hear us whenever we call out – in whatever manner.


When blog hopping, I find myself to be more conscious about comments I leave. I rarely say that i will pray for someone because not everyone believes in prayer. So when I read a post and I feel compelled to reach out and just say something – I just leave/send out virtual hugs. I’m not so good with words, you see, and I know that nothing I say will be truly comforting. And somehow I feel that hugs would be better when truly meant. I feel that a hug may mean as much to the giver, as to the receiver.

Here are 13 graphics to give out HUGS (or just to say “I’m here if you need anything”):



What about you, do you leave comments saying you’ll be praying for someone and really do? Oh, do you feel that when a blog friend leaves you hugs, she really means it?

Anyway, if you’re playing TT, leave a link so I can visit you too 🙂

Spread the hugs!

**Checkout my previous TT’s here and here.

New Header. Melamine Eggs. High-end Faucets.

Before leaving work today, I promised myself I would not turn the computer on. But I noticed that I had stray black pixels on my new header and the knowledge of it just nagged at me – I simply had to get it right.

So I cleaned it up. 

I’d also like to take this opportunity to credit Caneelia for the moon shot/image used for it.


You know how they keep on repeating the headlines at CNN until you just about memorized them? Well, this morning, another form of China Melamine Scare was up – this time, on eggs!

How on earth could eggs get tainted with Melamine? 

It couldn’t be industrial transfer, that’s for sure. And it’s not middlemen adding melamine to up protein content (just how would they do that?). So how does it happen?!


My mom bought the Bathroom Special of this magazine called Condo Living so we can find inspirations for our units that have been waiting for us for months.

Instead of being inspired though, I think it got me depressed! The featured spaces were just so lavishly furnished, and the surroundings so much more beautiful than what we’ve got. The faucet line alone – true steel works of art – made me cringe. They looked so modern and elegant – but most come with a heavy price tag. Oh, I’m sure there’s something there for the budget conscious too. I just can’t wait for the time when I can have the home I would grow old in, with resources enough to not worry about costs. 😉

Fear Factor

So I did not sleep and now I’m regretting it – I am so sleepy! 

I’ve got rice cooking already, and I’ll be working on the rest of our lunch before I wake Alfred up. So, no HSM3 for E today. Looks like he’ll have to wait til Friday. 

I found this WordArt from Bethany over at Elegant WordArt:

Sorry, I didn’t have time to add a background to it seeing as it is black, I’ll try to do that later. But you can go over to her site to download the PNG file and thank her too. Anyway, it appealed to me because Cebu Pacific had their promo on airfare again and Alfred and I were supposed to purchase tickets for another trip in March. When it got right down to deciding where we would go we had to consider what there was to see, and how much we would need to spend.

My suggestion was to go to Cagayan de Oro, famous for white water rafting, the canopy walk, and so many other wonderful things to do. It’s also near the island of Camiguin and we could go on a day trip to the falls at Iligan. 

But Alfred’s not up to it – not a big fan of extreme sports! Haha. I have to show him this WA and then try to convince him again. We won’t be able to avail of the marked down airfare though since the promo ended last night. It would still be a good idea to condition his mind to go for the adventure this early, no matter when we’ll actually be able to go.

Monday SleepFest!

The kids are on their week-long break and I am so green with envy! 

Here I am pining because the weekend is over. It’s almost 5AM on a Tuesday, and I am due back at work by 2PM. I feel like I wasted Monday; since I slept through most of the day, it wasn’t really wasted. Sleeping just kept me from doing other things. Haha.

Alfred was already back from his Sunday night shift when I eventually went to bed at 7AM yesterday. I scrapped two more layouts after the one two posts down. I was thrilled! I’ll keep my layouts on reserve until Saturday though so I can be on time posting for SS, for a change. 🙂 I hope I can scrap more this week, because I really want to move on to other photos.

My nephew Esban was sent up to my room to wake me up at almost 4PM! I haven’t had a full eight hours of sleep in a LONG time! And having E wake me up was a treat too. He used to do that all the time. I had asked him if we were going to make invites or an announcement for the Halloween party. He immediately volunteered to make them! He took my multi-colored pencil and a piece of white paper, and went on to write down his cousins’ and neighbors’ names. We’ll have ten kids ranging from four to fourteen years old this year. 

The names took up all of his front page. Oh, did I mention that he spelled out most of them on his own? He only asked for help for about three names – he wasn’t sure about Butchik, Shanti, and Claire. At the back, he drew ghosts, and then wrote down the date and time for the party – October 31, 2008, 7PM. He added trees too!

When he was done he rushed down to show the others; he only came back briefly to borrow a ruler, and to let me know that he and his ate were making more invitations that they would deliver to each household. I’m glad those two are excited about it.

We also made plans to see High School Musical 3 with him this week. I’m just not sure exactly what day we’ll get to go. It will all depend on what time I wake up. If I don’t sleep anymore today, or if I sleep now and get up by 9, we can go by 11AM; that should still give me time to be at work by 2.

Anyway, having slept that long yesterday, one would think that I won’t be sleepy again for at least the next eight hours right? Well, one would be wrong to think so! Rather than enjoying watching the teleseryes during Primetime Bida, I was drifting in and out of sleep! I’m not sure I finished Kahit Isang Saglit at all, the last scene I remember seeing was Christopher De Leon crying at Eunice’s grave. Oh well, I was out until an hour ago.

Hay. When I get back to work, I’d be back to thinking about the future again. So many changes are happening and those changes directly affect me. I’m not sure what will happen this week but now I know – I am SURE that I want to stay put, if what I want really mattered.

October is National Childrens Month in the Philippines

October is already drawing to a close. Years ago, I regarded October as a busy month because it is dubbed as the National Children’s Month. Government and Non-Government agencies alike usually have programs all throughout the month, and the organizations that I’ve been a part of would surely participate in some form. 

Now that I am no longer involved in children’s organizations, I still find myself looking around for signs that this month’s theme is actually being publicized. Call it bad timing, but worldwide, October is Pink Month for Breast Cancer Awareness – and you can see that everywhere (including in this blog).

The other day though, I did see a banner about this year’s theme right in front of the offices of the ABS-CBN Foundation. Other than that, no sign. I don’t read the papers much, but of what I’ve read, there was no mention of children’s month. I usually get to see the weekend news; but then again, no news on Children’s Month. 

Then just now, after searching for signs on the Internet, I found that there was a festival right around the corner. The Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA) spearheaded a Children’s Theater Festival this weekend (October 24 to 26). Their Theater Center is about three to four blocks from here, and I could have brought my nephews and nieces there had I known of the Festival beforehand. Alas, that’s how out of the loop I am. Buti pa when PETA had their shows and festivities in far away Raja Sulayman Theater of the Fort Santiago, I was able to go. Now that they’re here, and they’ve been here for YEARS, I haven’t been to see a single production. 

What I’m trying to say is, it is so frustrating that no matter how long the child-welfare circle has been celebrating Children’s Month, we still haven’t been really able to break into the mainstream.

Who knows about October being the National Children’s Month in the Philippines? I hope that we have had more success in raising awareness of actual child rights/child protection issues.

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