About verabear


Posts by verabear:

Myanmar and China need aid

I am working on the pictures from yesterday, I’ve decided to scrap them rather than simply posting the photos up here.

All night I’ve been tuned to CNN and getting updated on the crisis in Burma, and now also in China. We have had our fair share of disasters here in the Philippines, and I sure pray that we won’t be next. Summer is almost over and we do have occasional torrential rains, still I pray that no big disaster comes our way anytime soon.

There’s a page in CNN that has a collection of links to charity organizations that have the capacity to give aid in Myanmar. Please do consider visiting any of their web sites and make a donation.

From there I found a link to the diary of Save the Children’s director in Burma. In the beginning when the cyclone just hit, it didn’t sound as if there’s much to worry about. But soon enough, his posts talk of his personal experience putting together teams to assess the situation, and eventually, the relief efforts. Save the Children also has a page with children’s voices in the wake of disaster.

It is sad that in the face of disaster, where tens of thousands of people have perished and more in danger, Myanmar’s military junta refuses to let aid in.

China has just been hit by a massive earthquake and an estimated 9000 people have already died. There’s news of two chemical factories going down – that in itself could be a different disaster too. There was also a school where they estimate about 900 students are trapped; 50 bodies have been recovered from there. China is no stranger to earthquakes but we don’t know how prepared China is to respond to a disaster of this magnitude. I pray that they are quicker and more capable to bring aid where it’s needed and accept international help, unlike the Burma junta.

Sunburn, waves and water proof paper!

I feel like I’m on vacation right now but I’m just on my regular weekend off. I had such a fun day yesterday – water fun under the sun! I had the best company ever – boyfriend, my friend from work Vanette, my niece Dalnes and my nephew Esban.

Vanette loves swimming. She’s gone to two swimming courses in the three years I’ve known her. We’ve been talking about taking a dip for the whole month of April but didn’t get to go then. Oh when we finally got to go, the sun was really on it’s brightest and hottest! Yesterday seems like the only day in the past week that didn’t have rains in the afternoon. There were threatening rain clouds at around 4PM but they didn’t blow over Taytay (the municipality where the resort is at), and even when it started drizzling as we were on our way home, it was just brief like the wind just blew them over there.

We went to Club Manila East, a resort that’s about 35-45 minutes away from here. This was the same resort that Vanette and I went to 3 years ago with 3 of our other guy batchmates from work (who are all no longer in the company). This visit was in stark contrast to the first one: we were practically alone there on that Friday afternoon while we shared the resort yesterday with hundreds of people! They have more pools this time around though so it didn’t really feel very crowded, except perhaps in the Beach Waves pool.

As my dad drove us in to the entrance of Club Manila East (CME), we were overwhelmed by the number of people hanging around at the gate and the vehicles that filled the parking lot. Thankfully, the queue for tickets wasn’t that long so we were in after about 5 minutes. While waiting, Alfred lifted Esban to see the people on the kayaks. We also saw the sign for surfing lessons up front. At first we wondering, how could they do it? Surely, the artificial waves wouldn’t be that strong. Later in the day, we learned just how possible it was to really ride those waves!

The only thing that kept me from really enjoying the trip to the max was that I caught a cold the night before and it’s just no fun swimming with colds. I also couldn’t stand the intensity of the sun’s rays. It was really awesome that one of CME’s maintenance guys put up our table and chairs about five feet from this pool that had the least people in, and right under a mango tree! Shade! We had the coolest spot ever and we only had to pay 100 pesos for it. Before we got that spot we wanted to rent a hut or a cabana but all of them were already taken. That turned out to be a blessing in disguise really.

The kids really maxed themselves out swimming, it was fun to have them because they could both swim already so we didn’t always have to fuss about them. All we had to was just make sure we had our eyes on them. They did venture out on their own to the Kiddie Pool on the other side of the resort. Dal is very capable to watch her brother though so I didn’t worry too much. They came back in less than 15 minutes.

The first pool we checked out was Beach Waves. Of course, within 5 minutes of our arrival, the kids were on there. Good thing too because the waves just started. Us three adults didn’t get to experience the waves yet in the morning, it’s like the waves went on break or something. So we checked out the other pools and found our awesome shaded spot.

When our pool (yes, I claimed it) was closing at 5PM, we decided to go back to the Wave Pool. Vanette and I would not leave without getting a taste of it (not literally okay). Alfred and the kids went there after lunch so boyfriend already knew why Esban just couldn’t get enough. So off we went and WOW, those are some waves. The whole time I was thinking, real waves are more forgiving! Haha. We stayed for like three cycles, the last one were just at the “shore” where the waves break. It was so much fun. I kept worrying about Esban though because as violent as the waves were, he kept taking them on and pushing forward! I had Alfred and Dal alternately chasing after him. Near sundown though, he was the one who said we should go – he was hungry and looking forward to going to SM Taytay!

The shower rooms weren’t crowded as I though they would be. Thank God. There wasn’t much hassle getting the kids cleaned and dressed up. Esban even came back for me asking me to hurry – that’s just because we thought it was going to rain. We had to take pedicabs to the main street as the shuttle was no longer available (too bad, we were looking forward to taking a ride on those). And then we took a jeepney to SM Taytay. We really just wanted to check it out a bit and maybe find something other than Jollibee to eat, but we ended up eating at McDonald’s! I figured it would be easier to get a cab from there too. Okay, it wasn’t easy, but we did get a cab that agreed to take us home.

Esban fell asleep on the ride home, just as expected. He came up here after lunch to tell me he liked it at CME and wants to go back. That’s just as expected too. I want to go back too sweetie 🙂

Any regrets on the trip? I guess only that I didn’t borrow Edsel’s camera pack to get the digicam water proofed. Another would be that we didn’t ask other friends to tag along. There’s always a next time. 🙂

Oh, this has turned into a long post and I haven’t even mentioned the water proof paper bracelet they make you wear upon entrance. No worries, I’ll have another post on this later with pictures! I’ve just transferred them from the camera and checking them out!

The 7th Regular Synod of The Episcopal Church in the Philippines

In this pre-dominantly Roman Catholic country, belonging to a different church is to be part of a minority. I was born into an Episcopalian community – my grandparents served the Church and are known figures in its history (in the background, of course), and my parents also served the Church and the community. I grew up thinking that maybe someday, it will be my turn to serve too.

Last night was the opening night of the 7th Regular Provincial Synod of the ECP. This is an event where delegates from all the dioceses of the national church would come together and talk about issues confronted by the church and society. This is also where they talk about their vision for the Church and its people, and in turn chalk out plans to reach that vision.

This year, they will be electing a new head of the Church, a new Prime Bishop.

Just as mom asked me to help out with their website, she has also asked me to help out with a special newsletter for this momentous event. I went to work early yesterday so I could catch the opening of the Synod last night. I didn’t make it to the mass and the PB’s speech, but I did sit down for dinner and the wonderful Entertainment Night. There were performances from all Dioceses present.

It was a fun night, it reminded me of what makes our church special – the sense of family.


A few posts down, I mentioned having really bad headaches while I was on the pill. The pill is used as some sort of hormone replacement therapy for my PCOS. On my first check up after a month of taking the pill, I told my doctor about the 2-day headache I endured the weekend before and the pain in my breasts too. She did acknowledge that those were known side-effects of the pill and the proceeded to give me tips so I can avoid getting them. We agreed to go through another month with the same pill. If the headaches returned, we’ll change it.

Boy did they come back.

So I went to see the doc again the week before last. She wasn’t in and I had to see a substitute. That was not a good experience. Really. I went to the hospital early (as in 9AM-ish) so I wouldn’t have to wait in a long queue at the Medicard clinic. It took about 3 minutes to get the slip and I proceeded to Dr E’s clinic where I was told that she wasn’t in that day and was in a convention. If I wanted, I could see the substitute or I can wait until the following Monday to see Dr. E. The sub was to come in at 11am til 3pm. Since I was already 4 days into my period that day, I knew that I could not wait until Monday in case the doctor advises me to take the third cycle of pills. I would have to wait for the next month to start on the next cycle. I didn’t want to delay it any further so I decided to see the sub.

Instead of waiting at the clinic, I went to see my nephew attending a Vacation Bible School class in our church right next to the hospital. Promptly at 11, I was back at the clinic but the sub wasn’t there. It took several calls to her clinic, and a full hour, for her to come in. By then, there were three patients waiting and I was very sleepy. I had shift the night before and came straight from work. I was drowsing off at the waiting area!

She sauntered in. Listened to me a bit. Prescribed Metformin for three months. Said to come back for a TVS order after the medication. Wrote up a medical certificate for me (for work). All done in less than five minutes. I didn’t even get her name!

I was happy she took me off the pill (though Alfred ain’t too happy about it, hehe). But I felt that the whole consultation was rushed. Seriously. I don’t doubt that she’s a nice, competent doctor and all, but I waited hours to see her. KWIM?

I felt that way too when I first went to see Dr E – rushed. I thought, maybe it’s because I don’t pay her (the HMO does)? Or maybe it’s because she has too see more patients? But on my second visit, my perception of her changed. She did remember my case and seemed to have been paying attention after all.

Have you had similar experiences with doctors? My OB five years ago was very very nice, even the subs I had to see when she was out. I hadn’t had to see any other doctor on a regular basis aside from my pediatrician Dr. Lopez of St. Luke’s. He and his assistant are very nice people. All the doctors I’ve had to see at the ER are ok too. Eye doctors, Medicard clinic doctors, all ok. I guess I’m just not used to that.

Anyway, I had no intention to rant.

I didn’t purchase Metformin until last week. I am familiar with it because my second OB (the nice one from 5 years ago) prescribed that for me along with pills (which I didn’t have a negative reaction to). I only regularly took it in the prescribed dose yesterday. Bad me.

My mom saw the bag of Metformin yesterday and looked it up on the Internet. Reading what was here gave her a scare, I think. I assured her last night that I took Metformin for three months years ago with no side effects so I should be okay this time around too. I went through the info on the site though and it’s better to just be aware of those, just in case.

Videoke Night Out

After a week of talking about it, we finally went out to a night of videoke fun last night.

Everyone in the team was there so that was good. I think everyone had fun too though it did end a little too early. Haha.

There’s definitely something more that I’d like to write, I just don’t have the energy anymore. Perhaps tomorrow. 🙂

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