About verabear


Posts by verabear:

No more pain, please!

Last night and all through this morning, I had a very bad headache. This is the third month it’s been like that. I’ll swing by my doctor’s office tomorrow because I don’t want that again next month. The pill has got to be changed.

I started feeling the headache coming up while I was singing along to the videoke at my aunt and cousin’s birthday bash yesterday, probably at around 4pm. I blamed it on the fact that I hadn’t had a wink of sleep since getting up for work the previous night. I went back and took a dip in the pool and had my little nephews massage my head a bit. The shower after seem to have given me some comfort – but not for long.

The pain became a little stronger on the trip home, specially when I had to sleep at an uncomfortable position, having to share the backseat with three other sleeping boys – AJ 3, Esban 6, and Adam 7.

I had a temporary reprieve from pain when we stopped for a light dinner at McDonald’s and I bought a cooling Starbucks frappuccino next door. I didn’t sleep the rest of the way home, my nephews wanted to sing. It was straight to bed as soon as we arrived home at around
9pm. I didn’t even bother to download the few pictures I managed to take. I woke up several times through the night with the pain really giving me a hard time, and the heat making matters worse. Medication wasn’t something I wanted to resort to at that point, I was determined that sleep was all I needed. But at 6 in the morning – it was just unbearable. My mom said I should just take the meds, or go to the hospital. I took the pain medication and my dad used this massaging contraption on me. There was temporary relief with that, but the pain came back as soon as it stopped. I waited about 15 minutes but the nagging pain was still there. I felt like throwing up and remembered what the ER doctor told me last time: if I threw up, I had to go back and see them. No. So I went back to sleep.

At 10AM, I woke up and the headache was gone. I was still feeling heavy. When I went to the john, I saw a small brownish spot. All that pain for that!

I swear I feel it coming back right now. It’s like it’s lurking. Like the medicine temporarily numbed me to it but it’s still there. It’s not supposed to come back though, the doctor said the medicine has a 24-hour effect. I’ve only had it in my body for a little more than 12 hours.

Please, I don’t want anymore of it.

Enrich your vocabulary while donating free rice!

I was browsing the World Food Programme website today and found a link to a nice and fun way to continue making a difference. The link led me to Free Rice; all I did was play a word game and I ended up donating 1260 grains of rice and I am on Level 37 for my vocabulary!

Now 37 is not even the average score, which disappoints me, hehe. So I’m pretty sure I’ll be going back to that site, play the game, and donate more grains of rice. You should go play too.

I am skipping Thursday Thirteen this week, but you may check out my old TT’s here and here.


Okay, so boyfriend was away for about 4 to 5 days last week having fun in the sun. Now, he’s been hanging around here for, hmm, about 3 days? Not bad.

That means Patapon is back in town too and I’ve been playing and getting victories (ok, I’ve lost several times too). This is one game that Alfred won’t be beating me at. He just doesn’t have much rhythm (he said that).

So anyway, I was out bloghopping and going through my bluemoon email that’s subscribed to a sharing group. Through either of those (I don’t remember which one in particular), I stumbled upon a wonderful new blog that I’ve added to my digiscrapping blogroll.

It’s Kirsty Wiseman’s blog and you’ve got to go and visit.

She gives away lovely overlays that you can you use for digital scrapbooking but what I loved about her blog was reading about her 12-year old daughter Ellie (or Belle as she is fondly called). She has a special condition that requires further medical attention and they are flying her to the US just for that. To cover for her journey, Kirsty and family and friends have put up the Ellenor Wiseman Trustfund to raise money. You can purchase a raffle ticket as your way to donate to her cause or just simply donate through PayPal.

As for me, I’ll be purchasing the collab kit that some designers have put together for Belle. It’s available at nuts4digi.

Anyway, it’s almost 3PM, way past bedtime – I’ve got work tonight at 11. Oh well.

Movie Date with the Girls: Step Up 2

So while Alfred was on his way to Boracay last week, I had to kill time doing other stuff with other people (though I really just spent a lot of time sleeping during my 4-day weekend).

That Sunday, I decided to take my nieces (who are no longer little kids) out to see a movie. I think I mentioned that in this post.

I gave them the privilege to choose the movie, and being the young teenagers that they are, they chose Step Up 2 over Horton Hears a Who (I personally wanted to see Horton with them).

It actually turned out to be a good choice for the girls, and me too. I enjoyed the movie.

I only saw a feature on the making of Step Up 1 but didn’t get to see it so I had no idea that there already was a Step Up 2. Anyway, I think it was the right movie to see with the girls because it seems to have got them to thinking about choosing the friends they hang out with, and also about what they need to prioritize. It didn’t talk much about family which was a theme that the girls really need to focus on as well, but I guess you can’t have everything in one movie.

Andie’s admission into MSA got me to thinking about young dancers out on our streets. I don’t think they would ever get the chance that Andie got, except maybe if they went on to join dance contests on TV shows. Even then, I don’t think they’d be taken into any real training program for dance and learn about different genres and all that.

Or maybe I’m wrong, and I’d like to be proven wrong. I’ve seen young people who love dancing and form their own groups. They rehearse everyday and make themselves available to dance in fiestas in different barangays (local communities). All they’re hoping for, is to become good enough to become part of dance companies who perform regularly in TV shows. Some of them make it, most of them don’t.

What would be great, is if there’d be dance companies who’d reach out and organize dance workshops or dance camps for these kids. They’d get the discipline, learn new stuff, and maybe even just learn how to exercise and stretch properly, along with safety measures so they can avoid injuries while practicing or performing.

Back to the movie.

Missy quitting 410 and showing up at MSA was a surprise, or maybe I wasn’t paying much attention earlier on in the movie. But her jumping right in and rallying the new crew to step up and continue the fight, was a bigger surprise.

But the dancing was awesome. The music was great.

Come to think of it, when you watch the movie, you aren’t supposed to be thinking or analyzing, but just enjoying the scenes and tap-tap-tap to the beat. In all honesty, all the thinking I did, happened after the movie. While watching, we were just captivated by all the cool moves.

Thursday Thirteen – #10

I can’t believe I almost missed Thursday Thirteen again this week…
In the spirit of Idol Gives Back, which was an awesome show that I almost missed too, here are 13 ways to give back – online.

1 to 6: On my sidebar I have my ‘one-click donations.’ All you got to do is go to those sites and click on the button to make a donation. It doesn’t even take 5 minutes of your time (on hi-speed Internet)

The Child Health Site

The Breast Cancer Site

The Literacy Site

The Hunger Site

The Animal Rescue Site

The Rainforest Site

7 to 9 Care2.com is another site that offers you an opportunity to click to donate and they have quite a number of campaigns going there. Sign up to learn more of what you can do. Click on these three buttons to start your own race.

10 Save the Children UK used to have a Philippine office and I was involved with some of their projects as a teener. You can shop at their site to make a difference. Just click on the logo and it’ll take you to their page.

11 ECPAT is a global network of organizations dedicated to combat the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. I was very active in this network in my young life and was involved in many activities. Here’s a link to a page that lets you make donations to the cause through PayPal, but please explore their website for information on this issue plaguing the world’s children.

Ok, I am two links short but I really got to go and get ready for work tonight. I’ll come back and add two more to these links. C’mon, let’s all give back…

Edit: Ok, here are the additional links.
12 I found this website a long time ago (I already forgot how) and was fascinated by the work they do. I even wrote to them asking for any possibility that they may feature kids from the Philippines and Asia, but they weren’t prepared for that at the time. Today I remembered how I was so interested to maybe even organize a local chapter or start something like this here. Maybe I shouldn’t give up on that. Visit their site and learn how you can Make a Child Smile by sending them and their siblings real cards. You can make a donation too, if you want.

13 This website is for a local foundation taking care of abused and abandoned girl children. I’ve never really worked directly with the organization itself but I’ve worked with some of their girls in the past, through my involvement at ECPAT and the youth organization we built – Young People against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Childern. Visit the CRIBS Foundation website and checkout their How to help link to find out how you can help a child in the Philippines.

Move along now, you got 13 sites to help you give back 🙂

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