About verabear


Posts by verabear:

Mont Albo Massage Hut

Alfred and I are trying to establish Mondates – Dates on a Monday. We’re both off on Sundays and Mondays, and after sleeping through the better part of Sunday, it looks more and more like Monday is when we could actually go out and have our date. Not that we don’t always eat out.

Last weekend, Alfred went on a Boracay trip with his colleagues. They were due back on Monday afternoon so I was assured that I would still have plenty of date time available, hehe. When he came home though, I was still in a sleepy stupor (Monday Snooze Fest). But I still suggested a movie date – Safe Haven is showing and it seemed interesting enough. While getting ready, I realized there may be other things I want to do instead.

So off to dinner we went, with plans to see the last full show of Safe Haven at Robinsons Magnolia. We ate at Chocolate Kiss, Roces Avenue branch because I wanted some pesto pasta (it was the fault of Carlos of Kitchen Boss who prepared yummy pasta on his show). During the course of dinner we decide instead to get a massage.

Mom purchased these coupons for discounted services of Mont Albo Massage Hut, so we decided to swing by the house to pick them up en route to the spa.

Photo Feb 19, 6 00 50 PM

We called the Tomas Morato branch and asked if we could avail of their services right then. It was already 850PM when we called so it was nice that they didn’t refuse considering that terms of the coupons include calling in to make an appointment. Well, we did call in, technically, 10 minutes before we arrived Smile

The place isn’t so big. I didn’t notice how many beds they have but we were led to the last two that were adjacent each other. There was a male therapist for Alfred, and a female one for me. We both got the Hilot – traditional head to foot massage. It lasted an hour (or so) and was very soothing. Because I had a nagging headache, I actually wanted more, but it was enough. As with other massage sessions, I told the therapist not to go too hard on my left back side because of my slip disc. All was good though and I don’t feel any negative effects of the massage.

They also placed heated leaves on our backs at the end of the session. I think those are supposed to suck in the cold from our bodies.

The place smelled nice and clean, and the music was calm and soothing. The curtains were thick enough to give us privacy. I didn’t notice though that they had anything for sale (website says so), not even at the front desk. Maybe I was just too sleepy by the time we left to notice anything else.

At the end of the massage they brought in hot teas and hot towels. Nice touch.

Alfred liked the experience and prefers it to our Nuat Thai massage from several months ago. He wants to go back next week, and with the savings that mom’s coupons gave us, we probably will go back. We used the Buy 1 Massage, Take 1 Massage coupon, and there are four of those left. So for this pampering session, we only had to pay P380 pesos.

Mom got the coupons for around P350 from a sales agent that visited her office. It comes with one free Hilot with Bentosa, 5 buy 1 take 1 massage coupons, 5 buy 1 take 1 body scrub stubs, and a 50% off on any body treatment (1 coupon). A lot of good value – as long as you actually use them.

Where do you get your regular massage?

The Mont Albo branch nearest us is located in:

186b Tomas Morato Avenue, Quezon City.

(02) 416- 41-54 / 0908 863-0252

They have other branches too and you can check them out at their website: www.montalbomassage.com

Brunch at Pan De Amerikana

I’ve been to Pan De Amerikana twice this month already. Last week, I took my team there for breakfast, and just this morning, Alfred and I had brunch at the restaurant famous for its Pandesal, and upside-down fun theme.

Photo Feb 13, 2 26 35 PM

We had a full brunch, and it was very sulit! They serve Pinoy everyday food. Snacks, breakfast, lunch/dinner, even dessert. Each dish is priced very reasonably so we actually bought a dish each, plus a plate of sisig to share. I also ordered pumpkin soup, and we both had dessert of ginataang bilo-bilo. The melon shake was also very refreshing, but it comes in a small glass. To take home, we got their big pandesal and ensaymada. All the food we got only cost us 622 pesos.

The food wasn’t exceptional, but it was good enough. And for the price, it’s really no wonder people keep coming back.

The décor was really something. Outside, the place looks like an upside down house. Inside, you’ll see the baby grand piano, dining and sala sets up hanging above your head. I bet everyone who comes for the first time cracks a worried joke about the entire thing falling straight at you. But it looked like they were fastened securely by bolts. It’s like you need special tools, or delrin levers, to take them down. We were definitely safe sitting right under them Smile

It’s a one-floor affair with a high ceiling so it was quite cool inside even with just a few industrial-sized fans. The place looks really good, it made us think about what we would love to replicate in our future home.

Before leaving I used the comfort room and was delighted at the Gramps and Granny figures they used to mark His and Hers CR (see Granny on the collage above). Behind the beautiful colored glass door, you’ll find a clean functioning CR with an interesting wall! They put old plates or dish covers as a design element. Fun and whimsical. Smile

Anyhoo. I just thought I’d share a restaurant post, and not have a bunch of food photos to go along with it for a change. Winking smile

What did you have for breakfast/brunch today?

Caramel Macchiato

Recently I’ve taken to drinking two cups of coffee a day at work. One cup would be Caramel Macchiato, and the other could either be Creamy and Sweet Coffee Brew, or hot Caffe Mocha.

But my coffee expense does not exceed 30 pesos. Thanks to this company-subsidized coffee vending machine:

There are about 3 or 4 of these machines just outside the pantry. I didn’t pay much attention to it before, but I realized that as long as I drank coffee at the right time of the day, it actually helped me. So now, it’s become a coffee habit. Or is one week of doing it too soon to call something a habit? Whatever.

Don’t worry about my caffeine intake. Each cup is teeny tiny. My ceramic Starbucks mug is barely half full. If I still wanted to drink lots of water though, I’d have to bring another tumbler. Or I can alternately use my mug for coffee and water, which isn’t a bad idea naman. So we’ll see.

The key is not forgetting to bring a fresh clean reusable/spill proof mug with me everyday. I left it at home once, and I felt so bad about it. I didn’t like having to buy bottled juice anymore. It feels like having too much sugar and bad for the environment too.

So, really, the simple act of bringing a tumbler/mug to work does wonders. It’s:

  1. Economical
  2. Eco-friendly, and
  3. Healthy Smile



Wonder why I’m writing about coffee? Well, I’m a little bit bummed. Remember when I posted about the printer I bought in 2011? I’m about to give up on it. It just takes too much effort to get it to work smoothly. I was so excited about printing photos and other stuff for Project Life with it, but it just refuses to cooperate 75% of the time. The ink through the tubes tend to dry out unless you use the thing regularly. Ugh. Thoughts of flyer printing, and getting my Project Life pages done weekly are out of the window. It’s just not going to happen.

Question is, is a new printer the answer? Maybe not.

Jesus Loves the Little Children

I grew up learning Bible stories and the teachings of Christ through Sunday School. It was there that I first experienced being taught to make heart-shaped cards to give my parents for Valentine’s Day.

Sunday couldn’t come too soon because on that day we get to go to school in the Seminary and yet have fun. We learn songs. We draw, color, cut, paste, and do lots of creative things.

It’s almost like every other afternoon spent with friends in some grounds or corner of the compound. Except we’d be wearing our Sunday best.

Every Sunday at around 8 or 830 AM, all the kids would head to their respective classrooms, while our parents or older siblings proceed to the chapel. We all meet again later, during Communion. And then after Mass, the community gathers for coffee at the Common Room. Sometimes, the Sunday School kids would mount a performance.

Fun times.

All those memories came back to me after seeing this short video.

Thank you indeed for all the support given to the ECP’s Sunday School programs. Though their own experiences may be different, I’m pretty sure that when these kids are as old as I am now, they will look back to these times with fondness.

Then I remembered too, that at some point I thought about volunteering for the children’s ministry of the Church. So why haven’t I? It would honor Auntie Leesah’s memory to do it (ask any Seminary kid of my generation and their Sunday School memories will not be complete without her). It would also be a way to give back to the Church who has given us so much.

I don’t even go to church regularly. Sad to say, but the only times I’ve been at church lately, is to attend a memorial mass for friends or loved ones who died. So I won’t make a promise today that soon I’ll be back on track, attending Mass, and volunteering for Sunday School. No I won’t make a promise I’ll break. But I am reminding myself today. Reminding myself that I’ve been looking for something new to be passionate about. I’ll never know if this is it all along if I don’t give it a try.

Did you have Sunday School at your church? What was it like?

Fab Feb!

I have a feeling that February is going to be a Fabulous month! Smile


That’s our Feb wall paper, the template is a freebie from Zoe Pearn. All I had to was slip in the photo of my Dad and my nephew. Don’t they look so happy? This photo was taken on the first of the month, when my brother and his small family dropped by the house after the little boy’s checkup. He had fever that day but he was so happy to see us it didn’t seem like he was having any downtime.

I am really look forward to what this month would bring, specially on the work side. This is the first month I’ll be spending with my new team (more on that later) and I am filled with hope that our goals are going to be within reach.

As for January, let’s not forgot to be thankful for the blessings we received:

  • It was a record month for my Team. We ended with 7% higher CSATs than December, and we also hit our sales goal.
  • I’ll be first to admit, having set a routine for the month, and having a smaller team, gave me less stress than I’ve had in the last year. But my team is growing this month so we’ll see how my newfound routine holds up.
  • My Team Leads are showing progress in terms of coaching, and taking care of their people. We’re not there yet, but we will get there.
  • On the Savings side – I have so far kept up with my goals and also increased my Stocks portfolio. The boyfriend has also begun turning over a certain percentage of his salary to add to our savings. It took some arm twisting, but he’s onboard. We’ll see if we can increase that % this year. Winking smile
  • We set a record high for going to the cinemas in January – we haven’t done this in a long time! I’ve seen a total of five (5) blockbusters in the cinemas. One More Try, Sisterakas, The Hobbit, Life of Pi, and Les Miserables.
  • To watch Les Miserables, I went on a date with my Mom! Here’s a photo of her on the reclining seat at Gateway’s Platinum Cinema. The movie was just about to begin Smile
  • Photo Jan 28, 8 49 35 PM
  • Finally met my new godson Jonas! He’s so cute and big at only 5 months.
  • Photo Feb 04, 8 11 02 AM
  • Spent an afternoon with good friends to see the newest baby – Julia Zemira! She’s the first daughter of my friends Reyna and Joel. Though they haven’t really asked me yet, I’m presenting myself to be Ninang!
  • JuliaZemira
  • My bestfriend whose family is all the way out in Dubai also asked me to be godmother to her first born, Kenzie! (See his photo collage here) Of course I couldn’t be there for his Dedication last week, but in spirit I definitely was with them. I have yet to meet him in person, but he already holds my heart in his small hands.
  • Though I really thought I would be holding my purse tight in January, I bought two pairs of inexpensive but comfy shoes from Payless, and another bead for my Trollbeads bracelet. I named it my Troll bead, for all the Trolls that tried to put me down in December, unsuccessfully. Here’s the official photo of the Troll with Gems bead from the Trollbeads website, and its description is spot on for the qualities I realized I possessed because of this episode in my career. Smile
  • trollgems
  • I finished Catching Fire and Mockingjay of the Hunger Games series. Also Book 5 of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series, The Last Olympian. My to be read list hasn’t been updated though.
  • We also remembered the first anniversary of Papa’s Heavenly Birthday. We still miss him very much. We are grateful for the presence of family and friends who came to remember him and celebrate his life. Sadly, we had to bid goodbye to other uncles in January. Uncle Bawil who I last saw after one of my last therapy days in St. Luke’s last year. He had lost a lot of weight and was there for his regular checkup. We chatted a bit before I had to leave. We felt his absence in Papa’s memorial. Whenever there’s a celebration that calls for sacrificing pigs, he would be here bright and early, ready with his tools. Oh yes, we felt his absence.  Uncle Artie passed on a week after him. They were once housemates, all those years back when Uncle Artie first suffered a mild stroke that changed his life. I think I last saw Uncle Artie during the wake of his aunt, Mama Sen. And before the month ended Uncle Arthur also left for Heaven. I was very good friends with his youngest daughter Yaki and so I saw him a lot when were young girls. But the very last time I had an actual conversation with him was years ago when I was trying to make tennis my game. I was at his Requiem mass and heard his first born Manong Ronald speak about him, I realized that yes, he truly was a man of few words. No wonder I could remember only one conversation with him all these years. I am thankful to have known all these good men. They will always be remembered by their friends and families.


I feel like there was so much more in my January. Unfortunately I didn’t do a very good job blogging with only nine posts for the month. My Comments challenge wasn’t met either. That meant I spent more time sleeping in January. I felt like crashing on my bed or on the sofa just as soon as getting home from work. No complaints though.

So January was a blessed month and that gives me a lot of reason to be believe that Feb is going to be a Fab month!

How was your January?

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