Mont Albo Massage Hut
Alfred and I are trying to establish Mondates – Dates on a Monday. We’re both off on Sundays and Mondays, and after sleeping through the better part of Sunday, it looks more and more like Monday is when we could actually go out and have our date. Not that we don’t always eat out.
Last weekend, Alfred went on a Boracay trip with his colleagues. They were due back on Monday afternoon so I was assured that I would still have plenty of date time available, hehe. When he came home though, I was still in a sleepy stupor (Monday Snooze Fest). But I still suggested a movie date – Safe Haven is showing and it seemed interesting enough. While getting ready, I realized there may be other things I want to do instead.
So off to dinner we went, with plans to see the last full show of Safe Haven at Robinsons Magnolia. We ate at Chocolate Kiss, Roces Avenue branch because I wanted some pesto pasta (it was the fault of Carlos of Kitchen Boss who prepared yummy pasta on his show). During the course of dinner we decide instead to get a massage.
Mom purchased these coupons for discounted services of Mont Albo Massage Hut, so we decided to swing by the house to pick them up en route to the spa.
We called the Tomas Morato branch and asked if we could avail of their services right then. It was already 850PM when we called so it was nice that they didn’t refuse considering that terms of the coupons include calling in to make an appointment. Well, we did call in, technically, 10 minutes before we arrived
The place isn’t so big. I didn’t notice how many beds they have but we were led to the last two that were adjacent each other. There was a male therapist for Alfred, and a female one for me. We both got the Hilot – traditional head to foot massage. It lasted an hour (or so) and was very soothing. Because I had a nagging headache, I actually wanted more, but it was enough. As with other massage sessions, I told the therapist not to go too hard on my left back side because of my slip disc. All was good though and I don’t feel any negative effects of the massage.
They also placed heated leaves on our backs at the end of the session. I think those are supposed to suck in the cold from our bodies.
The place smelled nice and clean, and the music was calm and soothing. The curtains were thick enough to give us privacy. I didn’t notice though that they had anything for sale (website says so), not even at the front desk. Maybe I was just too sleepy by the time we left to notice anything else.
At the end of the massage they brought in hot teas and hot towels. Nice touch.
Alfred liked the experience and prefers it to our Nuat Thai massage from several months ago. He wants to go back next week, and with the savings that mom’s coupons gave us, we probably will go back. We used the Buy 1 Massage, Take 1 Massage coupon, and there are four of those left. So for this pampering session, we only had to pay P380 pesos.
Mom got the coupons for around P350 from a sales agent that visited her office. It comes with one free Hilot with Bentosa, 5 buy 1 take 1 massage coupons, 5 buy 1 take 1 body scrub stubs, and a 50% off on any body treatment (1 coupon). A lot of good value – as long as you actually use them.
Where do you get your regular massage?
The Mont Albo branch nearest us is located in:
186b Tomas Morato Avenue, Quezon City.
(02) 416- 41-54 / 0908 863-0252
They have other branches too and you can check them out at their website: