About verabear


Posts by verabear:

Pesos and Sense: Make Your Money Grow


This hot Saturday afternoon, I broke routine and did something I don’t normally do: attend a  seminar that promised to help me MAKE MY MONEY GROW.


Oh the idea of growing my money! Last year, I got to read Bo Sanchez’ very short but totally eye-opening book: My Maid Invests in the Stock Market… And Why You Should Too! So I’ve been thinking about investing in stocks, but months later, here I am probably poorer than the day I read it. Thinking about it isn’t the same thing as doing it.

Then sometime this year, I caught a rerun of a Pesos and Sense episode. I liked their Facebook page after the show, but again, it didn’t take me any step closer to investing.

A few weeks back, I saw the above image on the Pesos and Sense Facebook page. Minutes later, I filled out the registration form. I paid the PhP 495 fee on Tuesday. I attended the seminar earlier this afternoon.

Am I any closer to investing? I’d have to say YES.

The seminar was held at the premises of Citisec Online, a brokerage company, at the Philippine Stock Exchange Building. At the back of the room, there were sign up forms, which were quickly snatched up by attendees. I didn’t get a single one. No biggie, they’re available online. Citisec is also the company mentioned by Bo Sanchez in his book. The presenter, Aya Laraya, is also affiliated with the company.

But this seminar isn’t specifically about investing in the stock market. Other investment options were discussed as well. What the presenter tried to do was give us basic information to help us decide where to invest. Before he did that, he of course made a quite convincing case for why it is wise to invest your money NOW, and why yesterday was the best time to do it.

Am I any richer for attending the seminar?

Hmm richer in knowledge YES. But I think I could have skipped this seminar altogether, only because I am already convinced that I should invest in stocks. I do recommend this seminar to those who need more info, or even those who are not yet decided on what is the right investment for them.

Would I attend other seminars? If it was more specific to investing in stocks, then yes I would! And they are cooking up more seminars, this is the just the first in a series. For COL, Aya Laraya also holds seminars twice a week.

Old Manila Fountain

It is too hot. Seriously.

Sometimes I wish we had water fountains everywhere and the water was clean and you could dip your feet in and splash splash the heat away. Sorta like what they have all around Italy. Or at least what I think they have around there. Haha.

The closest we have to water fountains here are the ones in malls and parks. But you can’t really go near them. and the water isn’t to be trusted. I ran a search for water fountains in Manila, and came across this photo and blog:


It looks very simple, not too old. Where is this? I’d like to see it up close. I love that it’s under trees so it won’t be too hot out there. Or shouldn’t be. Can anyone tell me where exactly this is? Smile

Dad’s Hospital Holiday

On Friday morning, my Mom sent me a message saying she was at the Emergency Room with Dad. Daddy had felt light headed and his blood pressure went low so she took him there. He was okay but was being admitted for more observation. I probably should have rushed then, but I finished my shift, went a little overtime (last day syndrome), took time with lunch, before we finally made it to Dad’s room.

He didn’t look sick at all –

Photo Apr 20, 7 08 28 PM

Now, in 30 years of my life, I have no memory of my Dad ever being hospitalized. He’s been to the ER several times in the last 10 years, but he’s never had to be kept overnight. So this was definitely something new. He stayed for two nights, and was discharged by Sunday morning. He might have overdosed on his new BP meds, so they lessened his medication. He is also on a strict diet now – dunno how long he’s going to sustain it though.

Mom mostly stayed with him, but he didn’t really needed to be looked after. On the first night they took his blood pressure and blood sugar readings hourly. I only stayed until around 8 or 9PM. The next day, readings were only done every four hours.

Guess who else went to visit on Friday afternoon?

He’s really grown up na! He is 10 years old and he’s wearing a shirt that he and my parents got from their Pagudpud vacation when he was such a small toddler! Haha Smile Anyway, he stayed in the hospital until it was time for me to go home. We had argued about dinner too. He wanted Mang Inasal while I didn’t want to have to get off the car to buy the food. It was too hot outside and I was already up a long time by then – my laziness has been amplified. Hihi. Winking smileIn the end he agreed to Jollibee drive-thru. Chicken Joy for him and the boyfriend, Burger Steak for me.

We ate our dinner together at home while Alfred was still sleeping (his shift wasn’t until 3AM). He asked for extra rice and I was so surprised! He’d worked up an appetite, this kid. No wonder he’s growing real fast. Back in the day he would be so picky with food, and would hardly finish his plate.


I went back to the hospital around lunch time the next morning. All I did in the intervening time was see two movies on Fox Family, sleep, wake, dink water, and sleep again. Saturday morning plans had to be scrapped, it was officially time to catch up on sleep.

Shortly after I got to the hospital, my brother arrived – bearing food and drinks too! Hah! And just in time because I was really hungry by then. Amir was supposed to go in for a checkup but they cancelled it on account of Dad’s hospitalization. Since we were there already, Mom took a few hours to herself and went home.

It wasn’t long until Dad was his nutty self – he actually wanted to go out and get himself some coffee. I managed to convince him otherwise and Alfred went out to get him a cup of coffee without sugar. Still, he wanted to walk around. He wasn’t hooked up to a dextrose by then but the IV tap was still on his hand. He had just taken a shower and we were waiting for a change of linens, so he thought he was free to roam around. I couldn’t stop him entirely, but he didn’t go very far. He wasn’t gone 5 minutes before he came back in again.

He kept talking about going home and I really couldn’t see why – the air-conditioning was such a welcome treat. Imagine not having to roast while you sleep?! With everything covered by the HMO, he hadn’t to worry about cost really. But yeah, nothing beats the comfort of your own home. Or maybe he just wanted to go home so he could eat all the oily and sweet food he could grab!

Seriously though, just so thankful that Dad is okay. Thankful that we live so near the best hospital in the country. Greatful that I have a job with free HMO extended to Mom and Dad. Now Dad really has to take better care of himself now. He needs to get back to his old exercise routine, and a better diet. Hopefully that rubs off on us too.

Plum Delite

Last week, one of my TLs sold me a product that promotes weight loss/detox.

It’s basically a prune. What sets it apart then from the regular supermarket prunes? Hmm. I don’t know yet. But just checking on the packaging, it looks like these plums are enriched with Green Tea, probiotics, and Pu-er Tea. It supposedly provides a good source of fiber, and promotes healthy bowel movement (for detoxification).

I finally got to try one today – the recommended intake is only one plum per day.

Photo Apr 15, 2 13 41 PM

It tasted okay. A little bigger and more chewy than your average prune. What’s the effect? Well, I took a dump soon after having lunch but I can’t really attribute that to the plum just yet. So we’ll see. What I do want to know is if it’s going to make me go more than once in a day. I can’t have that on work days, it would be too inconvenient. So I’ll continue to observe its effect on me today.

Each box contains 10 individually packed plum, and costs P940.00. Purchasing a box also automatically makes one a member of the organization that sells these – BWL group. If this works and really results to weight loss, I will definitely spread the word and sell these myself. When people come to buy their boxes and boxes of plums from me, they’d knock via our engraved door knocker which I would have bought by then just because we’re cool and all. Haha! Smile

Have you heard of this before? How do you find it?

Freebie Find: Photo Templates

I haven’t used on in a while, but I photo templates for blogs are wonderful things. Here’s a set from the newest addition to my RSS Reader – Pugly Pixel:


The Photo Templates come with Fabric (texture) labels too. I look forward to using them on the blogs. SmileDownload them here. (Photo credit goes to blog owner)


So today is another lazy day. It’s middle of the week but I was off work last night. Why? I was at The Cranberries concert! I absolutely love their songs, love the band. Sitting at our Upper Box seas at the Araneta sent me through a trip back to my highschool days when I first heard those songs. Dreams and Linger were the first two songs for the night and they are my favorites!

Alfred couldn’t get time off work (I was pretty bummed about that) but my cousin Nikki kept me company. We were almost late because I slept until 7PM (left work at past 1PM), but we made it to Araneta by 8PM. There was no front act performer, it was straight to the main show. Don’t remember what time it actually started, probably around 830PM. We didn’t mind the wait.

After the party, we stopped by the table where they were selling CDs. I got me their all-hits CD as well as their new album, Roses. Can’t wait to get those loaded on my iPhone. Listening to them with these Sennheiser CX400 in-ear earphones would be great, yah? Too bad I don’t have those. Very tempted to get them on sale from Yugadeals.

I Instagrammed photos straight to The Newbie Photographer, not much but something to check out.  Smile I tried to send them real-time but 3G signal wasn’t good for me at the coliseum, so those were sent after the show.

We arrived home around 1AM. I dozed off on the sofa and maybe an hour later got the beginnings of a nasty headache. In the morning it was full blown. I threw up all the contents of my stomach without even getting any breakfast in. Sad smileI only started to feel like myself again at lunch time. So yeah, wasted a day.

Also wanted to share that I got a new case for my iPhone over the weekend. One that lets me carry my security badge too. It looks like this, but mine is in a darker, old-rose. Click the photo to buy one for yourself.

iphone4 cardcase

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