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Posts by verabear:

Picnic at the Park

At the Memorial Park, that is.

We had potluck lunch at the Loyola Memorial Park in Tandang Sora to celebrate Papa’s birthday. He would have turned 85 tomorrow, February 27. On Tuesday, it will be the 40th day after his death. We will mark that with a Memorial Mass right here at home, followed by dinner for family and friends (guests).

So here we all are (minus Alfred, who took the photo), just before leaving:

Photo Feb 26, 10 34 25 PM

By the time this photo was taken, we had:

– A sumptuous lunch of chicken adobo, bulalo (deadly!), liempo, and eggplant and mango ensalada. For dessert we had Crema de Fruta and Cathedral Window from Goldilocks. We had plenty of ice for water and soda so we had cold drinks too.

– Setup and taken down Kagawad Walter’s tent. I didn’t know he had one. Mayor Bistek’s face is all over the thing. Okay lang, at least we didn’t have to melt under the heat of the intense sun.

– Two contests! The first one was involved the name Maria and the kids spreading out taking as many qualifying photos as they could. The second was a classic: who could say Happy Birthday Papa the longest! Fun!

We used to go on picnics frequently when we were kids. There was no need for any occasion, we would just decide we wanted to have lunch together and have a picnic. Usually, we’ll have it on the grassy area of the basketball court. Or under the caimito trees lining the volleyball courts. Those days are long gone.

But I foresee more picnics in our future. We’re thankful that there’s ample space beside and above Papa’s grave. They can seriously put a small sunroom out there if they wanted to. But it’s not really necessary. I can imagine that during All Souls’ Day, when the other families are there, we can have one big picnic with them. We know almost everyone who has a loved one buried in that lot.

Mama and I were talking about picnic gear and I remembered the cute colorful picnic plates and utensils at Greenhills. They’re Ikea and I loved them. I should go back and buy a set, for next time.

The MOA Eye

On Tuesday last week, February 21, 2012, I took my first ferris wheel ride. Yep, it took 30 years before I would step in on a ferris wheel gondola. I’ve always just chickened out. SmileI shared the moment with the boyfriend – who almost didn’t get on. It was also his first time!

Who's afraid? Not me!

It was a week day and we both had work but we went to the Mall of Asia anyway to meet up with Alfred’s parents, his older brother Andy, and little cutie Alphonso, his nephew. We were there for a birthday dinner to celebrate Tatay Fred’s 70th birthday!

Here’s the boyfriend’s parents inside the roomy gondola:

Alfred's Mom and Dad

The rest of them had been at the Mall hours before because little Alphonso who’s only 3 years old wanted some play time. I arrived home from work at past 2pm so Alfred and I were only out on the road at past 3pm en route to the MOA. Traffic and wrong turns made our travel time longer – must have been 430PM already when we arrived at the MOA.

We hung out at The Creamery while Phonso cooled down with his favorite ice cream cone. Then we headed out to the bay side restaurants to get dinner. While Alfred and his brother went to market to buy the seafood we would have cooked at one of the restaurants, I took these shots of the MOA Eye –purportedly the biggest ferris wheel in the country today at 180 feet tall:

MOA Eye from afar

MOA Eye Closer

Photo Feb 21, 5 47 29 PM


Alphonso was excited and really wanted to ride. It wasn’t difficult to convince Nanay and Tatay to go. But it was a challenge to convince Alfred that this was the day we would finally get on this ride. But convince him we did, and he even paid for it – PhP 150 pesos per person, even for the little 3-year old boy.

Each of the 35 gondolas is air-conditioned, and seats up to 6. There are a few VIP gondolas that offer more privacy – you can’t see inside. They aren’t in use yet and will cost extra. I don’t see the point though. People are too busy either getting scared of being so high, or admiring the view, they won’t have the time to check out the couple next door.

Photo Feb 21, 5 57 05 PM

As for me, I was busy being scared. I didn’t move around much and only took a few photos.


Photo Feb 21, 6 05 56 PMPhoto Feb 21, 6 03 21 PM

The ride only took about 10 minutes. It wasn’t shaky at all. I felt quite stable actually.

I’d like to ride again, maybe at night so I can see the lights all around.

For now, I am just proud to say that I no longer fear the Ferris Wheel! Smile

Domain Setup

I’ve been feeling good about work lately – I get excited about projects that involve research and troubleshooting, and learning something new, yadda yadda yadda. SmileBefore moving to APAC, my call center life was all out tech support. My educational background is nowhere near tech, but it was something I found that I could actually do. Somehow, my mind was wired for it. Funny!

The last time I felt this energized about some product was when we supported this web host solution for small businesses. Everyday was like having to solve a big puzzle, chopped up in smaller parts. As then trainer my favorite job was creating job aids. I especially liked including screen shots. My current project for my two LOBs will involve creating job aids Smile 

When I first learned that product, my experience in blogging with tblog and Bravejournal were useful to me. I could relate to the product. Later on, I also applied what I learned from work when I decided to go on and build a website.

Domain registration was a topic we had to become familiar with, and I appreciate all the information I got there. Supporting that business opened my eyes to how some consumers tend to be careless about specifics and terms of use, and how that can cause problems for your website in the future. Once registered, domains cannot be edited, so choose your domain name wisely. If you don’t provide accurate and up to date information upon sign up, it may cost you your domain in the future.

Unfortunately, I seem to have forgotten all about it when I let my domain Verabear.Com expire on me. I had intended to get the domain released from my then registrar MelbourneIT and moved administration to something I had grown familiar with already – my current host, Dreamhost. By that time, I had already setup this WordPress blog on this domain.

Once you’ve locked in on the domain you wish to register, the next big step is deciding which registrar or reseller to sign up with. Of course, you must check if your domain of choice is still available. My favorite to run searches with are CentralOps.Net and Whois.Net.

A very important tip:

Use an email address that you will always keep. I’d stay away from another domain email address because if I lose that domain, I will lose that email too. If you ever forget your password or login credentials for your domain registrar, you can only prove ownership by accessing links they would send you via the original email address you registered with.

Anyway, I am sleepy and to bed I must go. Should you decide to register a new domain and setup your own website, tell me about it! Smile

DIY Animal Mobile

At least five friends are expectant moms this year. Three are new mommies. I’ve been thinking of what to give them and I saw this today:

The pattern for everything on the mobile is for sale (at a very reasonable price). But I wonder how long it will take to actually make this? And could I make more than one? I sure would like to make at least one, and send it all the way to Dubai so Jo could have it for her first baby (best friend Jo who I haven’t seen since her wedding and is now based in Dubai with her husband).

Anyway, this will be one of those dream projects. Hmm..

Oh by the way (unrelated to the mobile) – does anyone know where I can take our Garmin GPS and have it serviced? It just suddenly stopped working. We’ve missed it and we’ve been using the maps on iPhone to navigate unfamiliar areas but it’s not as easy to follow while driving. I tried to run a search but what came up is the Garmin chirp, which is interesting, but not what I need right now. Any info would be highly appreciated!

I got a Retro Phone!

I had no intention to go shopping over the weekend, all I had planned was to accompany the boyfriend for his shopping outing. He intended to buy pants and a couple of shirts. His mall of choice: The Megamall.

We initially intended to leave early (we were up very early on Sunday morning and watched ‘Real Steel’ in bed), but Amir happened. By that I meant, he ruled our morning and we just couldn’t leave as soon as we wanted. And we also had our mid-morning nap. Plus my Dad prepared Sunday lunch and I didn’t want to leave home and miss that. Smile

So anyway, we ended up arriving at the mall at around 5PM. We’d been to Mrs. Howard’s for a bite, and then a long queue at Megamall’s Parking Building C. It was a nightmare! I won’t ever park in that building again. It is poorly designed. Plus there was this dude who dared take my slot from me! I guess all that delay made me even more pumped up for a visit to Forever21. Yes, I was once again at my favorite store! Checkout my loot from the first visit.

So I guess you already know where this is going. The boyfriend knew it before I did, but I was really there to shop for myself SmileThese are what I came home with:

Source: forever21.com via Vera on Pinterest



Looks familiar? Yes, it’s pretty much the same as my first F21 skirt that also happens to be my favorite. I know this one will be another favorite. I love it!


Source: forever21.com via Vera on Pinterest



Now what about this open cardigan with crochet trim? I was drawn to it when I saw it. I love that it is black AND colorful.

I wanted to try on some sparkly blouses and a dress, but maybe now’s not the time for those. I don’t any events they’d be appropriate for anyway. But next time.

And of course, I wouldn’t leave that store without a stash of lovely accessories!

Source: forever21.com via Vera on Pinterest

Source: forever21.com via Vera on Pinterest



No dangling earrings this time. Smile

As F21 was our first stop, the department store was next. Sadly, Alfred didn’t find anything that he liked so it really ended up being my shopping day. We didn’t leave SM without picking this up though:

Source: instagr.am via Vera on Pinterest



I bullied Alfred into getting me this Retro Phone, on sale for only PhP 399.75 for SM Advantage customers. Got him convinced it’s be a most appreciated post-Valentine’s gift. It’s available in all SM malls and comes in a variety of colors. I was tempted to get the pink one, but the red one was calling to me too. They have it in dark blue and yellow too. It is lightweight and if you already bring a bag everywhere, it won’t take up too much space (be creative!).

I first saw this handset at the Dimensione, but it is way pricier there, so this was a good deal.  I’d been using it for my phone calls today and I even hooked it up to my work PC to listen to calls in lieu of speakers/earphones.

What a day it was. So much shopping done in under 2 hours. Of course I could have bought a new computer cabinet instead, or saved the money for our bike fund, but isn’t this more fun? Smile

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