About verabear


Posts by verabear:

Andes Mint Cookies

Post drafted on Sunday, December 11.

I have been staring at Becky Higgins’ Andes Mint Cookies on and off in what might be the last 24 hours.


Photo linked to source.

Since seeing it featured in her 12 Videos of Christmas, I pulled up the recipe and it’s been there in the background while I got busy with other online activities.

I love chocolate cookies, and mint chocolate is a household favorite – Andes Mints being one of the brands I love.

It is probably not a coincidence that I saw Andes Mints the one time I accompanied my Mom for grocery shopping two weeks ago.

At the time, I successfully kept myself my buying a package or two. But this recipe is the perfect excuse to go get some.

The thing is, I haven’t baked anything in over a year. Since moving companies, in fact.

Christmas has always been a time for cooking and baking. Families would be doing so much because they have people over, or they make stuff to give and sell.

I was like that for several Christmases in the past ten years. I loved spending hours baking goodies even when I know that at the end of it all, none would be left for me to eat because they’re all orders and I only make enough to cover orders. Being so busy in the kitchen gave me sleepless days and nights because I still had my regular job to attend to.

I loved it.

Again, the thing is, I haven’t baked anything in over a year.

My stuff is all over the place. I’ve got ingredients that have likely spoiled already.

Measuring spoons and cups have been used for other purposes.

Our kitchen isn’t ready for my baking.

So in order to get baking, I first have to be organized.

Organize and declutter my baking supplies, and hopefully our entire kitchen area while I’m at it.

That’s what’s keeping me from baking.

I’m so lazy to do the work so I can get to what I love to do.

Let’s see if I can get over it today. Or this week.

Besides, it would be nice to give away some homemade cookies.

Anyway, check out Becky’s video:

Juice Pack

I tried four times last night to blog, but something happens each time I finished: I ran out of battery, I hit the wrong sequence of keys that ended up erasing my entries, I fell asleep on the keyboard.

So this one has fewer words. I’ll let the photo, and my handwriting tell the story:


Here’s another juice pack I’d been thinking of lately, the Juju Cleanse.

Qube and Sake


So my 3-4 year-old LCD monitor is actually 22 inches in size, not 19. We brought it into the Qube service center this afternoon. Looks like they can fix it, we’ll either pay 1000 pesos for just repair, or 1500 if any piece has to be replaced. We’ll go back for it in three days.

Three more days without my PC. I’ll survive.

But I’ve got projects I can’t work on because of this hitch:

– My blog overhaul. There’s been malicious attacks on both Verabear.net and The Newbie Photographer. The latter has been completely disabled so I need to rebuild. For this one, I’m thinking of taking this down to be built it up gain . I can’t do that on an iPad, nor on my dad’s work laptop.

– Organizing our photos. I took (or should I say ‘am taking’?) Kayla Lamoreaux’s Finding Photo Flow class. It’s really great. I haven’t gone through all the class content and haven’t really begun work on my cluttered photos (digital clutter of course).

– Project Life. Okay, it’s not my PC or the monitor that’s keeping me from this one… Smile


Just found out that my nephew AJ has a new puppy! I don’t know what breed of dog 6-month old Sake is, but he’s so adorable! I’ll take a photo soon and post, I’m sure his new family won’t mind. Sake, that’s a cute name isn’t it? I think my Zune senses him. He’s lying in front of the door as if waiting for something, or someone.


Also early this afternoon, my Dad asked about flash drives that go as much as 4G in capacity. I told him he should get a portable external drive instead so he can have all of his files handy. Later on though, I realized he can just use online storage. There are free options like SkyDrive and Oystor that would be sufficient for his needs. He would need to be online to access them though, and I guess that’s the only downside of it for him. Everything’s found online these days, and there are many solutions for mobility like the iCloud.

So many things online, I wish I could just telecommute for work. And still earn as much if not more than I do now. Hope. Long ago, job hunting has been brought online, even teaching, freelance, nursing, and physician jobs can be found online. But those jobs are still offline, if you know what I mean. Wouldn’t I love a job that would just all be online? Haha. I feel so at home online, maybe it’s because I find so many inspiration all over the place. Smile


Okay, sounds like I’m rambling? Yes I am. Trying to distract myself from looking at bags at the Cath Kidston website. I fancy this:


My CD-R King Loot

Here I am again, blogging from my iPad. This time though, I am typing using a Bluetooth Keyboard.


Alfred bought it for me as a very very late birthday present. It only cost PhP 990, a third of the cost of an Apple keyboard for the iPad. I hope I get to use it for a loooooooong time. 🙂

There are other compatible keyboards sold at CD-R King for the iPad but this was the one I got because of its size. There’s a pocket-sized one but typing with it would be too uncomfortable. My iPad already has a case so I didn’t go for the other style. Besides, the case wasn’t as good as the one I already had.

There’s talk of tablets being issued to OMs at work and we’re all looking forward to that. I’ve always wanted to use my iPad for work, but there’s no Wifi access there at the moment so I wont be able to send my work to my email like I do with my phone. Another alternative for me is to finally upgrade the iPhone to iOS 5 so I can get the wifi hotspot functionality and take advantage of my 24/7 unlimited Internet connectivity. But once the tablets are issued to us, Wifi won’t be my problem anymore.

We’ve been discussing getting a new (personal) laptop so Alfred and I wouldn’t have to wait for each other’s turn on the PC. But if I get one, it would have to be good enough for photo editing and digital scrap booking. I would want it to be fast, of course. A MacBook is ideal, but way out of my budget. Just now, I’ve sort of decided not to get a laptop anymore. I’ll just spend the money on premium iPad apps. Much of my blogging and surfing could be done here anyway, right? The rest I can do on the PC when Alfred is done with his games and PP.

Back to CD-R King. That store is full of stuff! Imagine they even have LED TVs now. My 19″ LCD monitor seems to have died already, and I’m seriously considering getting a replacement from the gadget store for the masses. We’ll take the monitor to the Qube store at Gilmore where we bought it 3-4 years ago and see if it can still be revived.

For Pinoy readers, would you consider buying an LED TV or monitor from CD-R King?

What a Gem


I was supposed to be married by the end of this year. Well, we didn’t really go out and announce anything to anybody, but it was something we had talked about plenty of times.

December would have been a good month. His brother’s family would be home for the holidays. My BFF Jo would be home from Dubai too for the first time since getting married last year. Yes, December 2011 would have been a good month.

But we didn’t get anywhere with planning.

And it’s really okay.

Because that only means I can still ask the boyfriend for a ring. Haha!

And I was looking at gemstone rings that are oh so lovely! I tell ya, these are pretties!

Here are my two favorites:




The first time I saw Princess Diana’s (and now Catherine’s) ring, I coveted it. I want one like it. But I haven’t found just the one yet. Maybe I’ll get Ruth’s jeweler to make me an affordable version of it. Hmm.

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