Blog Makeover


It’s been so quiet around here I feel like stepping inside an old house and hearing my voice echo off the walls as I say “Hello! (oh-oh-oh)”

I attended the Life Bliss Weekend a month ago and I had a milestone – I came home with a different realization than what I thought I set off to have.

Let’s just say that thinking about what I thought my life’s mission was (prior to the weekend) meant staying in my current job for another year or two, and then setting off on an entirely different course.

What happened was that I went home with a renewed sense of what I should be doing in the role I currently have. How my mission can and should remain the same over time, albeit set in different roles in life.

I have tried many times to write about that weekend, but where do I begin? What’s important is that I have taken steps to work on my takeaways from that experience, and it looks like I’m well on my way to finding bliss.

How does that relate to this blog? Everything is connected. My desire to define my mission in life, the need to rekindle a passion for my work, and the non-activity on the blogs, are all connected.

And things that are happening now couldn’t have come at a better time. I’ve had an opportunity at work to attend a training/workshop that gave me further affirmation that I’m where I am supposed to be.

For my blogs, I’ve been working on material that I signed up for two years ago. I’ve been stuck on having a mission and unable to move forward. But working offline on myself, I think, is allowing me to move forward here too. So I’m working on that.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I am in an ongoing reboot process. Personal Reboot, Work Reboot, and even a Blogging Reboot, because really, how can you separate the three?

When was the last time you did a reboot?

Custom Blog Design Giveaway

Mye De Leon is a digital scrapbooking artist that I’ve followed for awhile now. Seems like she has now ventured into professional blog design as well. And she has a giveaway!


I just learned about it today and there’s plenty of time to get your entry in. Image links to her blog post announcing the giveaway.

Oh I would love to win! My blog is desperate for a makeover Smile

Well, I could probably do it myself, but I can’t even decide on a new header or layout. I could also pay for a redesign, but aren’t freebies just the bomb? If I win this giveaway, I can save the money I would have spent and get the tele, or a piano. Or another blogging tool, a Macbook. Or just save the money. Period. Haha.

Badodong.Com Reloaded!

Badodong.Com, the boyfriend’s blog is being renovated. I finally purchased a subscription to Elegant Themes and because the boyfriend wants to turn the blog into a photoblog or online folio, the first theme to be put to the test would be ePhoto. I’ve set it up at his blog, so go on ahead an check it out in its default settings.

I’ve yet to tweak the SEO settings, along with the ads, and I haven’t changed the blog header/logo because I’ll need his input for that. Better yet, why don’t I just ask him to design his own logo, no? 🙂 There will be more tweaks yet before the blog is fully relaunched.

We could have completed this earlier, but I was having connectivity issues on the laptop, and the boyfriend was busy with SC2 on the PC. Maybe he should have an SC2 background on there. Hmm..

Suspended @ Twitter

I’ve been suspended at Twitter. Ugh. 

I don’t spam, I hardly even update there.  I did post a link yesterday but that was only for the post below, and there certainly is nothing malicious about the link is there?  Ohh, maybe it’s because an ad appears when you click on the ad first, before you get my actual page? Like this, check it out. 


I’ve been cooped up at home since visiting the office on Friday morning. It is just too hot to go outside.  I need to go to the mall though and pick up some stuff:

  1. Sunblock – I need this before we leave for Baler
  2. Lock and Lock for my camera storage.
  3. Maybe get that Crumpler bag I’ve been eyeing too…

I probably should have gone to church with my parents, but I’m way too lazy for even that. How embarrassing to admit. 

I was trying to overhaul my photoblog, but decided to try a real gallery. I didn’t like how it turned out though so I’m going back to the original idea of using WP as my platform.  I think I’ve found a way to make it work the way I want it. Fingers crossed! 🙂

I’ve also joined MyLot, even though I don’t really know what it’s supposed to be.  I’m still not done setting up my myLot User Profile so I haven’t really explored the rest of the service yet. Anyhoo… back to photo blog tweaking/gallery hunting…


I am no longer suspended. That was quick. I wonder what prompted it though?

Anyhoo… Bakerella shared this video of an awesome wedding photographer tandem. I want one for my weddding announcement/prenup!

Meet the Brockintons from ashley brockinton on Vimeo.

Hello, muse?

This feels weird. I finally have a new permanent home for my blog and yet… 

I find no mojo. I know there are a lot I want to write about but they’re just not flowing out of me. I was thinking about reposting all my Project 365 photos but I haven’t even started editing them yet. I wanted to write about our 9th anniversary yesterday (yes, Alfred and I have been together for 9 years!) but I want that post to be special and it isn’t something you’d want to write while you have a nagging headache.

Yes, I’m having another spell. I already popped a pill and that has helped, but I still feel quite heavy. I have errands to run today and we should have actually left this morning but I postponed it to this afternoon until I feel better. But go we must. This was supposed to have been done yesterday but neither Alfred nor I were up to it. Remember the San Benissa unit improvement? Well we have to claim our keys first before they can start that. To get the keys, we need to pay the move-in fee. That fee can only be paid at their head office. Normally, my brother takes care of things like this but his work schedule is a bit crazy this week so he can’t.

Before we leave, I’ll probably just import the posts I made on Blogger during the time that my site was down, or tinker with a new theme that’ll give my blog a more home-y feel 🙂 I’ll also be adding a Dreamhost button that certifies as GREEN! Yes, learn more about that when you see the button go up on my sidebar.

I’ve been thinking too much about my work lately and that has also scared away my muse a bit. There have been times when it’s still work that floods my mind even when I’m already home – and even on my rest days. That’s not good. I moved to this job because I don’t want to be that way anymore. I guess I’m still just feeling very stressed about work. I want to stop thinking about handle time and QOS. 

So anyway, I’ll go make myself busy with other things while I also wait for my muse to come back to me.

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