

Umpukan is a Tagalog word used to describe people who have come together to socialize (naks, that’s my definition, hehe). I did a Bing search and found a Wikipedia article on Philippine Psychology that mentions umpukan and it’s role in our culture. Anyway, I mention this now because I’ve spent hours with my cousins and their kids in an umpukan outside our homes.

The kids in this compound don’t need reasons to spend time outdoors. Recently though, they installed a basketball ring in the driveway and the boys have played ball at all hours of the day (and night). Sadly though, it broke off on Saturday. For us adults (their Moms and Aunts), Ton’s garage sale and the arrival of Edward were good enough reasons. Edward was an old neighbor of ours, and also my cousin’s brother-in-law. He also does hair. So he’s here from the province, and on this particular visit he had the tools of his trade. So while others lined up to get a haircut and color, I stayed there to just hang. Thankfully, mahangin kahapon so it wasn’t too hot out. Sunday afternoon was pretty much the same. I had a shift from 2am until noon, and then Alfred and I went to Trinoma right after. Still, I felt good and okay to sit with my cousins exactly where we were the day before.

What do we do in such occasions? Nothing. Mostly, we just chat. There are no restrictions too on what we talk about. It’s a good opportunity to catch up on everyone, and to find out what’s been happening to everyone else. You know, stuff you won’t read in the news. hehe. We used to do that a lot, there was a time when we’d be outside every afternoon or even in the evenings seated in the mismatch pieces of log furniture (benches/tables made of hardwood) outside. An iteration of this gathering would be when we would actually be doing something apart from just chatting: making cards (my uncle used to be in the card export business), playing Bingo, or even tong-its.

I realize that I can’t hangout that way with everybody else. I mean, with some people it just isn’t enough, we have to be doing something. You know what I mean? Others don’t like spending their time doing, as they say, nothing. Take the boyfriend for example. Simply hanging out isn’t his thing, unless there are bottles of ice-cold beer involved.

Elections 2010: A Family Affair

This year’s general elections, the first ever to be automated in the country, was a family affair for us. We headed to the voting precinct together, Dad, Mom, and I. Kuya followed a few minutes later.


We didn’t necessarily leave the place as a family though.

For Ma, and this will show her age (sorry!), her voting experience was expedited. Let’s just say that she qualified for special treatment. She stayed in line with us for almost an hour though before she was able to get on to the express lane. Hehe. My big brother was a few people away from us to the back of the line. He was there for over an hour before he decided to join mom and dad for lunch at KFC a few steps away from the precinct, after that, he decided to go home and bring lunch to Diane. He was supposed to go back but we were waiting in line for five hours, and the line behind us was growing longer. He had work that night so he had to go to bed…

So I spent the most time with Dad, and my cousins Nikki and Che. We ate kwek-kwek, KFC fries, drank KFC Krushers, cold water, and Coke, in those five hours. It was soooo hot that day, but being under the tent, and there being chairs, helped to keep our heads cool. Cool lang kahit na there were people who cut into the line. Friends who were supposed to be about four or five people down the line from us got pushed farther back. Tsk.

Anyway speaking of family, I’ll try to include a photo of Dad showing how much stomach fat loss he’s had. Yep, he’s lost a lot of inches and he’s been very proud of that. Other photos of the family on election day will be added to this post in a few… 🙂

Fairview Episcopal Resurrection Church (FERC)

I have so many photos to edit, and to share, and many stories I’d like to tell. There’s also the boyfriend’s blog that also needs updating. My Photo blog, and the new photography blog that I haven’t even started cooking up. Yet today, I’ll sidetrack all of those projects to post about FERC.

It would be best if you viewed the videos prepared by its members, because they own this story, and they are sharing it with everyone. Once upon a time, we were part of this congregation too, since we attended Church there while we lived in Fairview. My parents still sometimes go out there.

I share this with you today too because they’re story is so inspiring. It is a story of how a Church is a community of people. And how no Church can stand without the support of its people. That seems to be the story of our Church, The Episcopal Church in the Philippines.

Many of the faces you see in the videos are our friends and relatives. A lot of them I grew up playing with, or calling auntie or uncle.

Where am I in all these?

I still don’t know.

Kids Praise and Cookies

After walking to McDonald’s to meet up for brunch with the boyfriend, we walked to Hi-Top a block over to buy dog food and some brown sugar. I felt like making chocolate chip cookies and though I didn’t look at the recipe I wanted to try, I knew I’d be needing brown sugar.

On the way to the grocery, I saw that the House of Praise was already open. Though I was across the street from the open doorway, I saw the rack of Kids Praise and I was drawn to it.

We went in, then out five minutes later with this:


As a kid, I grew up listening to and singing along with Psalty. How many albums were there? I forgot. But we must have had all of them! Everyone at Sunday School knew the songs and we’d often perform them in the annual shows we’d mount.

I must admit, I still could not help but remember my Aunt when I started listening to this album, but that need not mean sad thoughts.

One of the dreams I’ve had, or one of the things I listed as stuff I’d rather do, may soon start to happen.

I intend to start teaching my nieces and nephews the songs in this album, and if they want to, we’ll mount a mini performance for friends and family. What a wonderful way to learn about Jesus, and cultivate their talents right?  Today our kids, tomorrow Sunday School. Haha.

And what a coincidence too. While I was baking cookies today, I heard the kids singing outside. And they weren’t singing their usual picks – Love Story, Jai Ho, etc – they were singing tunes they learned from Vacation Bible School. Yay!

So I can’t wait til we can start doing this, but I’ve got to map it out first, have some sort of schedule. I hope they’d buy into this, the big girls too.

Help send me to Photography Class!

I am doing something I don’t think I’ve ever done anything before. I am asking for donations.

But it isn’t for any cause or charity. It is something that will benefit me, and well, you too. Wouldn’t you like to see me post even better photos?

Well the gang at JessicaSprague.Com is celebrating their second anniversary in DigiLand.  And one of the surprises announced today is a special summer offering of one of their online classes that I’d been anticipating:Candice Stringham’s Oh Shoot! Beginning Digital SLR Photography class.  I’ve wanted to sign up for this class since I saw it on their store, but I just couldn’t justify the costs. But now… I really really want this.  There are other classes available here that I can physically attend, and would cost a little less (though with transpo and food expense, maybe it will cost more after all). But if you read her class description, you’d understand why I want to sign up.

The thing is, the registration will open in a few days and I only have about 70 USD in my Paypal account, and the class costs 126 USD. So what I’m asking is — could you help me make up the difference? Please? I don’t know if anyone will actually donate, but it wouldn’t hurt me to try would it? Click on the button to donate! 🙂 And don’t forget to leave a note so I can thank you properly 🙂

*The Paypal website seems to be having problems. If so and the button above doesn’t work, please try to send your donations to verabear (at) Thanks again!

Ohhh… I almost forgot about posting pictures! I decided to join in for a picture meme called You Capture:


This week’s theme is SUMMER.

It’s my favorite time of year.

First off – our beach side photo from Baler. My niece Hannah snapped this for us at around 8 in the morning.


Later that morning, we hopped on a tricycle, just the boyfriend and I and we were taken to this wonderful place. The water was so cold! A welcome respite to the heat of summer.  This is about 45 minutes away from the beach.


This boy was with us in the trip. He’s the son of one of my childhood friends! Isn’t he cute? He loved swimming in the kiddie pool at the resort!

BALER MAY09 - 24

Summers are the perfect reason for team outings. And what are summers if not for goofing around?

GRID boys 4

The boyfriend and my nephew Esban are perfect companions for outings like this!


Every summer we realize how fearless E becomes when in the water. Because he knows how to swim now, he wasn’t afraid of tackling the slide! Alfred was waiting to catch him of course. Hehe


And here’s one more photo from Summer of 2009:


Happy birthday Ma! (today’s her birthday!)

Go visit the other participants to You Capture:  Summer 🙂

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