
Congrats Bestfriend!

After weeks of cancelling and rescheduling, I finally got to meet up with my bestfriend on Sunday.  We met up, sat down for a snack, and then we stayed there for the next 4 hours.  It was nice catching up, and even more exciting to hear the good news.  She’s getting married next year! 🙂




Preparations are already full swing and I’ll try to help her as much as I could though, for the life of me, I have no idea about these things!

Anyway, we talked about things we’re up to and things we look forward to. It was so nice to feel grounded again; that’s what seeing her does to me.  She’s always a breath of sunshine, you know?  I guess because we’ve known each other so long, and were inseparable when our lives were so much simpler. 

We had spent the afternoon at this place called Secret Recipe at the Atrium in Megamall.  We had no idea what they served, but the cakes on the display just convinced me to step in.  Here’s the cake we shared (to be honest though, I ate most of it!):


See all those alternating layers of chocolate cake and mousse filling? Yummy, I tell you!  And we were so fascinated about the smooth thin layer of chocolate that coats the cake.  Ahhh this cake sparked a conversation on baking too. 🙂  We also talked about my new interest in photography, and my blogs!

But the most important news of the day?  Of course, it’s about her wedding in a little less than a year’s time.  Her fiance is currently working abroad (in Dubai, where her mom also works) and he hasn’t sent over the ring because he wants to give it to her personally (makes sense).  So she’s preparing for the wedding all by herself! Good thing she has a wedding coordinator friend who’s helping her.  And myself? Well, I’ll help in any way I can. Like I said, I have no idea about these things!

Oh well, I just hope we don’t wait another six months before we get together like this.  I’ve missed having girlfriends around all the time. I miss being a friend to a friend, you know what I mean? 



It’s been awhile but I scrapped a page yesterday! You’ve seen the photos, I know, but I still wanted to post the layout. Hehe.

In a way, what helped bring this on was a post on The Daily Digi here. But even before I read the article and some of the links attached I had already cleared up my work desk so I wouldn’t feel so cluttered. Having cleaned up here as well really makes a big difference. At least even when my mind is still a bit cluttered, my surroundings have improved. know what I mean?

I have come to enjoy visiting The Daily Digi, thanks to Tracy who told me all about it. I can’t put a finger on why I like going there, but I just do. And though I’ve kind of promised myself I wouldn’t buy digiscrap stuff anymore, I find it hard to resist the Digi Files. It’s such a steal, in my opinion. I will wait until the last minute to decide whether to get the bag or not, I have about ten days left…

I think I will tackle my truffles bag next. It’s a huge back that contains all the stuff I used to make and sell oreo truffles. It’s been months since I touched it and my mom has stowed it away in a big old cabinet. I’ve got to either take it out to rescue them, or throw most of them out. I’ve mentioned before that baking, and in this case, making oreo truffles de-stresses me. Maybe I should do it again if only to help unhinge me. Ah whatever…


Iskra’s mom is back in town. But another friend is leaving for Abu Dhabi and will be staying there for probably the next two years and start a life with her husband. Though I don’t see her a lot when she was living here, it’s still going to be sad to think that it would now be even more difficult to just schedule get-togethers with her. But I do feel excited at the new she’s starting. And excited to see the girls again, now that my sister’s back! 😉

I won!

For the first time ever, I won something online! Woot woot! 🙂

Remember me blogging about Dette’s birthday party? Well it has started and what a blast, specially since I won the first giveaway. I’ve almost given up on online contests and giveaways because in all these years I’ve never won anything, but what a suprise I had when I swung by Dette’s this afternoon! 

Now the fun has really just started because she has so much prizes to give away. Thank you to all her sponsors for making it possible, it’s the biggest giveaway I’ve seen so far, I think. 🙂 The updated Everglow Party button on my sidebar will lead you where you can know what exactly I’m talking about. It’s really amazing how so many generous people have come together to help celebrate MammaDawg’s birthday with a very loud bang.

So let’s all head on over there and party!

Mammadawg’s Everglow Party!

See the new cute banner on my sidebar that just screams Party!? Well that’s the little sister of this one:
MammaDawg's Everglow Party
It’s a party for Mammadawg’s birthday, click on the banner to find out what cool giveaways she has for those attending her party.

I met  Dette (online, of course) through the Thursday Thirteen meme, many many moons ago. She was one of those blogs that I just continued to stalk even when it wasn’t Thursday. It’s probably because she’s Pinay, and she responds to comments. Oh and she writes well too – always has fun and interesting content about her family. 🙂 She started Scrapbook Saturday and so many other cool stuff that gets bloggers together. 

In advance, Happy Birthday Dette! 🙂

Celebrating Life and Family on All Souls’ Day

Sunday was All Souls’ Day.  On this day, as well as November 1st, Filipinos remember the faithfully departed and flock to cemeteries and columbariums to spend the day with their family and friends. 

It has often been wondered why the living seem to always feast during this festival for the dead. Some people don’t understand the need for a celebration

In truth, I didn’t fully appreciate it either, until recently. 

Since as far back as I could remember, my family and I would go to Caloocan to my paternal grandmother’s house in on November 1st so my Dad could visit his dad’s grave. The next day, we would all go with the rest of the family on my mom’s side, along with other families in our community, to South Cemetery to pray at my older brother’s grave.

My dad never really brought me to the cemetery where my grandfather was buried – it was always packed full of people and it would have been easy to lose kids amidst the chaos that the cemetery was on November 1st. When his remains were moved to my grandmother’s gravesite, I was already in highschool then, that was the only time that I was really able to say I visited his grave. 

The visits to the South Cemetery were always solemn. Since the plot where my older brother (who died when he was just eleven days old) is buried in is leased by the Church, his neighbors there are also other Church members (some of whom are probably distant relatives of ours). We would always have a priest along with us for those visits. The priest would lead the prayers, and we would sing a hymn or two. Some of the families (and probably my Lola too) would bring cold water/juice and light snacks that we all could partake of before we leave and head back home. 

It was an outing definitely, a commemoration of life. (more…)

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