
Bringing back Frankie

I have been enjoying taking photos with my digital point and shoot Kodak that I have forgotten Frankie and left her to gather dust. But I was reading The Pioneer Woman’s blog and came acrosee her Photography section, and her series on Aperture.  This has prompted me to pickup Frankie once again and test out what I’ve read. Of course I can’t see the results right away, but it helps to put things into perspective. 


Today, Archie showed me his Nikon FM2 (loaded with a Fuji Velvia and geared up for a weekend at the beach) and his Nikon F4 – a huge and heavy camera!  If there was anything I was looking forward to in the TM team building, it would have been photography with Archie’s manuals, and Edsel’s DSLRs (he recently bought a Nikon D700 that I have yet to see!).  Sadly, I really am not just up to a weekend with new friends (not A and E surely, but the other TMs).  My colds have been on and off and well, yesterday they decided to come on again.  I consulted with the company physician and he prescribed antibiotics and something for allergic rhinitis too.  I just don’t feel like jetting off somewhere because the meds are supposed to make me sleepy.  Added to the mix is my tummy, well let’s just say that bowel movement hasn’t been quite normal. Ugh.

So there, a weekend of photo opps missed. But I still have tomorrow and Monday to make myself a fun weekend 😉

Unrelated stuff…

Digital Candy has a $1 Sweet Sensations sale and I am tempted to buy this colorful kit, oh and this one too. Hmm… It’s only a dollar each after all…

The Soap Factory, Etc.

After seeing the movie yesterday, we strolled around The Block for a bit. 

I saw this store, and fell in love:


The Soap Factory, Etc just really drew me – nay, sucked me in! With such yummy colors and scents so delish, I’d have stayed to try each and every variant if I could. Their products are all hand made and all natural. The factory is in the shop itself, and you can sit and watch the staff as they make them!


Their space isn’t so big. It’s just this wall of shelves arrayed with their products, then the factory on the other side. There’s a private place at the end of the room.  By the entrance, that’s where their POS system is, and there are jars (what do you call them?) for their small selection of massage oils. 


I was short for cash so near the next payday (tonight, yay!) so I had to scrimp. I ended up going home with one slice each of the Geisha soap and Choco Cream (that’s what I remember their names are). You know I cannot resist chocolate, soap isn’t any different. 🙂 Each soap slice retails for 99 pesos, with a discount if you get a dozen. They have specialty soaps too that come in the form of your favorite desserts – cakes, donute, and yes, cupcakes too! They have about five product lines with one being Save Our Skin. I don’t have the details, but you can check out their site.

And you know what this is?


That’s the bag I used to take home my two slices. It’s a small reusable bag and they have bigger sizes too, and a few other colors, though I can only remember seeing pink and brown. A killer combination. Haha. Next time I go to The Block to buy soap, I’d be taking this bag with me. PLUS points for The Soap Factory. Now, I’ve saved the best photo for last. You saw the photo of the cashier and the display rack there right? The one that looks like what you’d see in cafes housing cakes and pastries? Well see what’s on the top shelf:



See what I got today!

My uncle is here for a short vacation, and with him are the three books I ordered from Amazon last month. Yay! 🙂


Tales of Beedle the Bard is actually available locally but I think I got it cheaper from Amazon anyway. Hehe.

I will definitely have to test my oven again in the next couple of weeks, and I’d make do with all it’s flaws so I could sample some of the recipes from these books! See that bag next to the books? A bag of chocolates for everyone! And I was totally surprised to see these inside, specially for me 🙂


Remembering Sharpay

Because I was trying to listen to Eat, Love, Pray, I could not concentrate on anything much except mindlessly browse through blogs and other websites. I was trying to scrap a page about photos I took on January 11, but I didn’t get anywhere. Now I figure that the inspiration for a layout would come after I tell the story behind the photo/s.


It’s been over a month since I took this photo but I can still remember being surprised that morning when I arrived home to see these flowers here. This is right outside our home, by the street side. When Sharpay (my nephew’s 2-month old puppy Shih-Tzu) died on New Year’s Day, there was a much tearful funeral and the kids gathered round to bury her here in this piece of land right outside our home. I guess putting flowers right there was the kids’ way of saying that they remember her – specially because she was so affectionate when she was around (not to mention that she bit three of them in her short life!). I thought it was sweet that they remembered her and finding these flowers probably required a bit of effort – we don’t have a lot of flowering plants around here. 

Some time later, coming home from work, I saw my niece Hannah, with nephews Esban and Adam hanging around this spot. They were putting flowers there again, and sort of cleaning up that slab of concrete. Sweet.

On other news…

Two people are going to split the lotto pot that was elusive since December 2008. The draw last night will eventually change the lives of two people and their families. That’s a whopping 340 million pesos that they will be sharing, at 48 pesos to a dollar, see how much money that is? My dad got two tickets, but we only got three numbers at most. Only enough to get back the money he paid for the tickets. Haha.

Alfred and I were talking about how we would spend the money, had we won. 

We have to secure our future financial freedom of course by investing, or going in to our own respective business ventures. I’d start with investing in a really sturdy and big oven, plus baking courses. We would travel the Philippines and the world – Europe tour, Asian tour, visit Australia and NZ, and then go on a US tour as well. Alfred isn’t too keen on a US tour but there are so many beautiful places to see there, and if we’ve got the money anyway, why not go visit? I mean I’ve read so much about families enjoying Disney World, and having a blast at Vegas vacations, and even my parents have treasured their trips there. I also have relatives there that I would love to visit. Like I said, if you can pay for it, why not go?

We’d also give to charity, of course. And help out the rest of our families. 

But all that is a dream.

Days 6 – 10 Project 365

I’ve posted Days 6 to 10 of my P365 photos up at the gallery and it happens that I have never showed Day 10 here, so here it is:


That’s my desk on that day, but it doesn’t look quite as crowded anymore because I’ve since moved the in/out tray to a sidetable that I salvaged. Haha 🙂 Yellow M&M is a real M&M dispenser. I took it to work as a treat for my agents on New Year’s. My dad bought it during a trip last year (or was it the year before?). See that table on my screen? It’s a daily report I send to my agents so they know how they did the previous day. That means I must have taken this photo a few minutes after arriving at work that evening.

Anyway, do hop on over to Digital Memories and look at the rest okay? 🙂

Oh, and I played around with this one again:


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