Ramblings and Brain farts

Free Popcorn

Maybe that’s the key – free popcorn! Key to what? Well, employee satisfaction!


Of course free popcorn is just the symbol. Unless you have something specific against popcorn, you will generally have thoughts of fun and leisure associated with it. After all, you mostly eat it while watching a movie. Eating popcorn is almost synonymous to kicking back, relaxing, and seeing a movie. Free flowing popcorn in the office may elicit positive feelings and may actually usher in the fun!

And it’s relatively inexpensive right? A commercial popcorn machine might have to be purchased, yes, but most offices already have microwaves in their pantries so that’s a good start if there’s no budget for additional equipment.

I’ve been thinking of ways to bring the fun back at work and somehow popcorn just popped in my head. It is comfort food, like chocolate. And it can be healthy granted there’s not much salt OR sugar thrown in. Or oil.

This site gives one a good idea on how much popcorn machine supplies cost. I wonder if it’s the same locally. I’m sure that if I raise this at work I will be asked about costs and ROI. Smile Seriously, we’ve been coming up with so many different things just to hype the floor and drive the vibe.

Maybe I’ll bring some popcorn to the next brainstorming session.

Rio 2014

While watching the game tonight, Alfred up and asked if we could make it to Rio in 2014 for the World Cup. No, he wasn’t asking about the Azkals making it through. He meant us. Can we go and watch? Well why not?

We’re going to need a lot of coin banks to save up for that! Smile

So it’s really sad that the Philippine Azkals didn’t win over Kuwait. Even that amazing goal by Stephan Shrock wasn’t enough to keep the boys going for more. They played well. We made a lot of attempts at goal but the Kuwaiti defense was tough, and so was their goalie.

Tonight’s home game was a far better game than the last one. Too bad we couldn’t pull off a miracle. We could have at least won the second leg though. Still, nothing to be ashamed of. The boys fought well. It’s that coach I’m not too sure about. Hahaha. Smile


(Image linked to source)

There are variations to the Azkals logo, but this is closest to the one I actually like. Alfred wouldn’t let me buy an Azkals shirt though, hahaha. He’s not a fan, or maybe a closet fan. He doesn’t like it that the Azkals is dominated by Fil-Europeans. I keep telling him there will be more homegrown players because the sport is gaining ground in the Philippines. It takes time.

Anyway… The Kuwaitis must be partying now, sharing their Black and Mild cigars around. Well they deserved to win. They were pretty solid as a team and they worked hard. The Philippine National Team must have learned a lot from competing against them. For that, kudos to Kuwait.

So, will me make it to Rio in 2014? Time will tell. Smile


My birthday is coming up in a few days – Friday is the day. I am turning 30!


What’s happening then? I’m still not sure actually. I do want to spend the day with friends and family. I think a birthday dinner with everyone would be fun. More fun if I actually prepared it, but we all know I won’t be able to pull that off. Haha.

But where will I have it? Where will I get the food? I’ll have to organize it tomorrow so there’d still be time to invite people over after ironing out the details.

This will be tricky. Bwahaha Smile

Oooh… I had recently linked my Gmail email to my domain email so I can receive them in one place. that turned out messy because all my all mail is coming through. Although there’s good in it because I am reminded of old friends I made through an online group I was a part of. Like rediscovering this birthday page they made for me 4 years ago. So there’s good in going through old mail too. I even read a few messages from a group member who already died of cancer. That was a fun, tight group of women from all over the world. Hmm…

Anyhoo, I gotta round up some money for this birthday bash. I don’t intend to get anyone drunk (my friends aren’t really the drinking lot – except my YP friends), but I guess I’ll have to make provisions for some drinking. I don’t suppose going through a list of effective alcohol rehab treatment centers would do any harm, having that info must serve someone some good SmileHaha!

Google Reader

We cleaned up the PC because our 500GB hard drive was almost full. We got a new 1.5TB EHD (at almost half the cost of the 500GB EHD we bought years ago) and transferred all files we wanted to keep before re-formatting the old harddrive.

I got all my files and downloads transferred over – all photos are secure. Everything was ready. The boyfriend went ahead and cleaned up. The entire process of reformatting and reinstalling the OS was faster than previous times we’ve done it. There was almost no downtime.

Last night I sat in front of the PC and downloaded Google Chrome – my browser of choice. That’s when it hit me – I did not backup my bookmarks. This happened to me before and I was pretty sure I did some backup at some point, didn’t I? I logged on to my Google account but there was nothing in Bookmarks. Seriously?

So I set out to build up my link list but then I figured I’d just as well set them up in Google Reader as most of the sites I want to keep up with are actually blogs. Here’s an old video introducing Google Reader:


I’d never been an RSS reader fan – it took the fun away from blog hopping and I loved doing that. I tried using the RSS reader on the Windows Live Toolbar a long long time ago, but it just wouldn’t stick. It was no fun.

Thanks to this tutorial on I Heart Faces though, I can blog hop with the aid of Reader, without missing out on the personality of the blogs I visit. Smile What’s more, I don’t have to visit each one just to find out which ones are updated, I just hit Next on my Bookmarks bar and I’m on the next unread item on my list! Coolness!

I do receive blog feeds on my email, but sometimes I feel like it just adds clutter to my Inbox. So I might stop subscribing to feeds via email altogether.

How about you, how do you keep up with your favorite blogs?

Stay Dry and Safe

I didn’t find the Bamboo Stylus at the Mac store, but I did find and purchase the Targus stylus which is half the price of the Bamboo. Got it for 849 pesos yesterday and have practiced using it to write on my iPad. I so do NOT love my handwriting, but I’m getting the hang of it. I’m still trying to picture myself lugging the thing around at work and using it in place of my handy dandy notebook. We’ll see.

So I’ve been MIA on my blogs, and have passed up a handful of opportunities that would have put more shopping money in my virtual wallet.  I wish I had a brilliant excuse, but I don’t. There have been so many blog ideas running around in my head, but getting them out has proven to be a big challenge.

It’s probably got to do with me being distracted. I try to multi-task too much. As a result, for example, it has taken this post 2 hours to type. I surf blogs, read mail, check Facebook and Twitter, all while I compose a blog. Not good.


Manila and other parts of the Philippines have been through rough days (and nights) lately. Us included. It’s rainy season, and we’ve had so much rainfall in the past four days. Yesterday and the day before that, our street was flooded and my grandpa’s and cousins’ houses were invaded by stinky flood waters. Last night, I was worried that my parents would have to move our stuff to the second floor on their own because the boyfriend and I were stuck elsewhere, unable to go home because it was already too flooded.

Good thing the water stopped rising when it reached the first step of the stairs leading to our door. But for it to even reach that high meant that water outside the gate was already at least 5 feet deep.

Here in QC, the rains have stopped. Finally, people have been able to clean up without worrying that tomorrow the floods will mess up everything again. But the rain still pours in other parts of the country, and the flood has not subsided in some others. So tonight I think of them, and wish them well. Stay safe, and try to stay dry everyone!

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