Ramblings and Brain farts

It is the 25th day of the year and already I can’t wait for 2017 to be over. Or maybe I should say, I am looking forward to the year to get a lot better.

You could say that I’ve had quite a time so far. My program is shutting down (but I still have a job), and I had an accident on Friday night. I crashed into another vehicle. Although I am quite thankful that neither the other driver nor I sustained any injuries, the hassle of getting my insurance to pay for the repairs on both cars is stressing me out.



It has been a TOUGH week at work, we’re in the thick of peak season and there is so much stress associated with it. 

Adding to the mix is 13th month payout week. We’re running the highest Absenteeism we’ve seen in the last quarter. 

My staff is also missing home. The Holidays tend to do that to you. Majority of my Support Staff relocated two years ago from our site in the South, and they have not been able to spend Christmas with their families sinceaa then. It’s been tough saying no to leave requests, but it is what it is. 

But coming home the other day, my little niece Alex was out and about. She definitely was a breath of sunshine. She made me feel better right away. 

She immediately said yes when asi if she would like to visit my puppy Chiclet. So up we went, but we stopped by to look at these other cuties:  First we noticed the one crawling on the pot. It was going round and round in a circle. Then we saw two others just hanging about! It was a sight to behold. It got me thinking about the beauty of nature and the circle of life. 

And all of a sudden, all the worries and stresses of work were washed off. 

I was told that Alex kept going back to see the caterpillars that afternoon. I was also hoping they’d still be there when I came home yesterday but they were nowhere to be found. 

Hope that when they gain their wings, they’d come visit again 🙂

Gas up at Shell & Get a McDonald’s Voucher

I got gas from the Shell service station along Timog Avenue today and was surprised that there is a new promo in town:

Gas up at Shell

Gas up at Shell

For every PhP 1500.00 fuel purchase of Shell V-Power Nitro+ Fuels or Shell FuelSave Gasoline (what I use), or PhP 2,500 on Shell FuelSave Diesel, you are entitled to a McDonald’s voucher for a free Cheeseburger or Crispy Chicken Sandwich.

I only filled my tank upto 1000 worth of FuelSave gas. Good thing is that  accumulated receipts are accepted. So next time I gas up for at least PhP 500, I’ll be sure to claim my voucher. Free is free is free. 🙂

In the past they would give back a PhP 50 Sodexho gift voucher for the same amount of purchase.



It’s been so quiet around here I feel like stepping inside an old house and hearing my voice echo off the walls as I say “Hello! (oh-oh-oh)”

I attended the Life Bliss Weekend a month ago and I had a milestone – I came home with a different realization than what I thought I set off to have.

Let’s just say that thinking about what I thought my life’s mission was (prior to the weekend) meant staying in my current job for another year or two, and then setting off on an entirely different course.

What happened was that I went home with a renewed sense of what I should be doing in the role I currently have. How my mission can and should remain the same over time, albeit set in different roles in life.

I have tried many times to write about that weekend, but where do I begin? What’s important is that I have taken steps to work on my takeaways from that experience, and it looks like I’m well on my way to finding bliss.

How does that relate to this blog? Everything is connected. My desire to define my mission in life, the need to rekindle a passion for my work, and the non-activity on the blogs, are all connected.

And things that are happening now couldn’t have come at a better time. I’ve had an opportunity at work to attend a training/workshop that gave me further affirmation that I’m where I am supposed to be.

For my blogs, I’ve been working on material that I signed up for two years ago. I’ve been stuck on having a mission and unable to move forward. But working offline on myself, I think, is allowing me to move forward here too. So I’m working on that.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that I am in an ongoing reboot process. Personal Reboot, Work Reboot, and even a Blogging Reboot, because really, how can you separate the three?

When was the last time you did a reboot?

Saturday Night at BHS

April 26, Saturday, gave me another chance to spend quality time with my now-grown-up nieces. Thru Facebook, I had learned of Satchmi’s Vinyl Day event at the Bonifacio High Street, and I really wanted to go. It would have been a good opportunity to checkout their latest turntable – the Motorino II, and a great way to immerse in the local indie music scene.

It took over an hour to drive from QC to BGC on a late Saturday afternoon. Parking wasn’t a breeze, either. When we arrived at the concert venue, we’d learned that Up Dharma Down had already performed, and that they were actually the opening act. I didn’t know any of the other bands that followed, but I did enjoy the music and have a revived interest for the band scene.

We had an overdue pregnant momma with us so we decided to get dinner out of the way early. The girls had a hard time picking the restaurant, and we ended up at Chelsea in Serendra. I knew from word go that this dinner was going to cost an arm and a leg, but what the hey. YOLO!


We ordered stuffed pumpkin flowers for starters and it was delish. There was ricotta and something else in it. Problem is, it felt friendly warm on the outside, but was still actually piping hot on the inside. I seriously burned parts of my mouth! So if you ever try this (and you should), just be extra careful.

For the main course, we shared a whole grilled rosemary chicken with vegetable sidings. I thought it wasn’t going to be enough for us, but NOT ordering an additional dish (or pizza) turned out to be a wise decision.

For dessert the girls chose two slices of their bestselling cakes. It was a very good pairing – one was Toblerone overload and was really sweet, while the other was a more laid back and refined dark chocolate cake.

Back to the concert grounds after dinner, we encouraged Ms. Preggers to walk around a few times. She preferred going up and down FullyBooked because of it’s A/C. They also got us a huge cup of Froyo to share. It was perfect for cooling off, and provided temporary relief to my burnt upper palate. Hah!

As for me, I found a comfortable seat not far from the stage and just hung out. I encouraged the girls to register for the event so we can maybe win a Motorino II starter kit. I would so love that. We were there until the last act, but didn’t actually finish the program. There was also a queue to listen to sample music from the turntables they had prepared, so we didn’t get to try. I could have waited for my turn but I was so afraid I’d end up buying the thing as soon as I heard how beautiful it sounded. Seriously.

I had a good time. Not sure if the girls did, but I sure hope so.

Oh, and Ms. Preggers is now Little Miss Mommy. She gave birth on the 29th to a healthy baby girl.

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