Ramblings and Brain farts

Gilas Pilipinas!

The whole country is still celebrating the Silver Medal finish of Team Gilas Pilipinas in the recently concluded FIBA Asian Championships. Nakaka-proud talagang maging Pinoy!

Team Gilas Photo courtesy  of InterAKTV

Team Gilas Photo courtesy of InterAKTV


I didn’t actually get to see the final match. I saw a few minutes of the first half, but then I dozed off to the land of nod. Ha! When I was a lot younger, like maybe highschool, I dreamed of becoming a girlfriend or wife to a professional basketball player. Kasagsagan pa yun na nanunuod kami ng PBA games on TV regularly, and we even went to see a Ginebra-Alaska championship match in Cuneta Astrodome. Maybe that was in college? Anyway, I’ve never been athletic, and I had very little interest in playing sports so I would never be a good match for a player, haha. I could be a great fan and cheerleader though. Pwede? 🙂

I just remembered that because they show the wives/GFs of the players on the screen during these games. I’m pretty sure they’re so proud of their partners. Tayo nga na taumbayan lang so happy for the team’s achievement eh, what more their families and friends? 🙂 Anyway, I’m just sharing this so I have something else to say than congratulations to the team. 😉

Congratulations again to Team Gilas Pilipinas! You achieved your goal of qualifying for the FIBA World Cup, and of giving glory to your country. Until the next game! 🙂


Hello, July!

July has given way to August without me posting this hello for July. I didn't finish the post properly but since the draft sat on my Blogsy app for over a month, I figured it deserved to be published as is. No, I didn't have anything more to eat after the tacos. 🙂

It's official, June has left and in comes my birthday month. In 22 days, I turn 32. Yay!

I wish I had some grand news and say that I'll be hosting a massive giveaway. Sadly, I have no such news. Just that I haven't decided how I'll be celebrating my birthday this year. With all the blessings I've received, I feel that I should really have a thanksgiving. Maybe a party like the one I had for my 30th.

But first, I must properly close out June. I have been back at work for a full four weeks. Oh how I looked forward to that first paycheck, and how quickly it went too. Sadly, there was no day that I was in on time. Not proud of that. No one else to blame but myself. Let's hope July is different in that regard.

I am in Army Navy, Jupiter Street, Makati. I just downed three small soft tacos with steak and cheese. Only 1/5 of my large Libertea iced tea remains and I don't know how long the boyfriend intends to make me wait. He's just across the street, in his office, catching up on some work he didn't finish yesterday. Since he left me here an hour and a half ago I have finished two chapters of the book I brought with me, and I've done some stitches on my yet to be completed blankie. So no I am not bored, and not annoyed that he's not done yet. I am getting cold thoughts. The A/C in this place is too strong! I moved to another table thinking I was just cold because I was directly inf front of the unit, but moving to the side didn't improve things. It even feels like there's an electric fan blasting right in front of me.

The tacos were just fine. The salsa and special dressing is served on the side. My only complain is that by the time I took a bite, the tacos were sooooo cold. There was no warmth at all. Good thing there was a bit of a kick in the dressing. I wonder if the A/C's to blame?

I'm still hungry and I might still order a burrito when the boyfriend finally joins me. He hasn't had dinner so he will be eating when he comes out.


Work Hard. Play Hard.

Last night I was at a party with my colleagues. It was fun.

Image by AisaGian on Instagram. Thank you dear for making sure I was in the collage with the friendships, haha. But I actually would have preferred not to have been photographed, LOL.

Everyone who’s anyone in our account was there, from our DVP to a selection of agents. For some reason, I wasn’t in a photo-taking mood hence the grabbed IG photo. The venue was full, the booze was consumed, and we partied until 5AM (I think). Most of them were there since 11PM, but I only arrived at 130AM, knowing that most would already be drunk by then. 🙂

Partying all night long has never been my thing. I never do body shots! Never! And it was the theme all night long. There are probably some compromising photos of some people out there, but there’d be none of me. I was (as I always am) behaved. 🙂 I didn’t think I would, but I actually enjoyed this, I guess that’s inevitable when you’re with people you actually liked to be around with. I did grab the mic to sing Gabrielle’s Out of Reach though. That’s totally uncharacteristic of myself because that was no videoke. I swear I wasn’t drunk, although beer was never really my alcohol of choice…

We should have more parties like this for the team. Builds a relationship outside of just work. More fun events make for a livelier workplace too.  This week was event week, as it seems. Just the other day we also had our monthly recognition program where the management team dressed up for the awards!

Photo grabbed from AisaGian on Instagram

It was fun seeing the boys in formal jackets and with ties too. Even the boss, who even as he usually came in in jeans already was a certified heartthrob, was all dressed up. Some agents also were in corporate attire, those who didn’t know wished they came in prepared too. So we’re looking forward to doing this monthly. Which means I need more clothes! In the photo you’ll see me wearing my black Forever21 dress under a b/w floral cover up from My Curves bought through ZaloraPH. I’m glad my first online purchase of clothing wasn’t a bad decision. Hehe. That’s another thing I love bout Zalora – Plus sizes! If you still haven’t signed up and shopped at ZaloraPH, do so now and use my code ZBAPMzr for a good discount. 🙂

The mood at work has been fun and lively lately, which balances with all the hard work it takes to get our numbers moving (and it has significantly moved this month). We’re surely in for a lot more challenges, but things are generally looking positive. Here’s hoping it stays so. 🙂

Don’t Stop Believing

Thank you to Upworthy for sharing this on Facebook today:

Though I haven’t seen every single episode of Glee since Season 1, I am a Gleek (checkout my Glee posts) and I have grown to love the characters. I even cried at the season 3 finale, when they all graduated and bid farewell to Rachel at the train station. So yes I was saddened by the death of Cory Monteith. It is difficult to imagine Glee without him. His smile, his awkward dancing, his auto-tuned voice, even his drum beating.

We have months until the next season of Glee, which gives me time to watch reruns and pretend that Finn Hudson is still alive. But for those real hardcore fans, consider supporting the charity that Cory believed in. And give more kids a reason to not stop believing.

Alunsina Handbound Books

The first time I held an Alunsina Handbound book in my hand was at the 10A Alabama Arts and Craft Fair before Christmas 2011. I liked it, but skipped buying. I wanted to get one only if I were sure to use it.

This month, I held my own handmade book.

Verabear's Alunsina Journal

I loved it from the moment I laid eyes on it. It came packaged in brown paper, tied up with string. The leather is so soft and didn’t make the book heavy at all. The paper is so soft and smooth and felt like it was really really meant for writing. All I can think of to describe the paper was buttery soft. 🙂

As if being handmade wasn’t personal enough, I love that the artisans who made my book attached a hand written note to the package. It truly felt like it was a gift, rather than a purchase. And in some way, I do consider it a gift.

Alunsina Handbound Books

I’ve written my first page. My handwriting, sadly, didn’t magically become better looking. Haha. But I wrote my intention of making this book a chronicle of my life in my 31 years. I will be turning 32 next month and before I do, I’d love to fill this book with photos of what made my 31st year an awesome one. Hideous as it may look, I will snap a photo of my stitches and add them in. It’s a huge part of why I want this book made right now. I’ve never been good at keeping up with memory keeping projects, so wish me luck on this one 🙂

Check them out on Facebook if you want your own Alunsina Handbound Book. If you’re the type who uses Moleskin notebooks, consider this a better alternative. It’s beautiful, local and handmade.

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