Beware of Heat Stroke!
It has been very hot and humid day and night and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. I have had to live with a nagging headache and I feel the heat up right on top of my head everytime. Even while I’m in the shower, specially when the water’s not running while I shampoo or soap up. I know that everyone else all over the country and in many parts of the world are suffering through the same heat, or even worse, and I shouldn’t be complaining. I try not to, but it’s just awful.
I even skipped work last night because I wasn’t (still don’t) feeling well. That’s also why there’s been a lack of posts around here, I just can’t sit still in front of the computer long enough to string words together and build a post.
So how do you know if you’re having heat stroke? They say it’s a lot like a heart attack too. I got this from MedicineNet.Com:
Symptoms of heat exhaustion include:
- nausea
- vomiting
- fatigue
- weakness
- headache
- muscle cramps and aches, and
- dizziness
However, some individuals can develop symptoms of heat stroke suddenly and rapidly without warning.
Different people may have different symptoms and signs of heat stroke. But common symptoms and signs of heat stroke include:
- high body temperature
- the absence of sweating, with hot red or flushed dry skin
- rapid pulse
- difficulty breathing
- strange behavior
- hallucinations
- confusion
- agitation
- disorientation
- seizure
- coma
Sometimes a person experiences symptoms of heat exhaustion before progressing to heat strokes. Do I think my headaches are a sign of heat exhaustion? They could be, but I hope not. I was planning on seeing a doctor today but I was up early and was sleepy again, only to wake up at lunch. Now it’s too hot again. Not sure if I’ll still go…
So folks, keep yourself hydrated. Drink lots of water and fruit juices. Stay away from coffee and soda (oh no, stay away from ice cold Coke?!). If you think you’re having a heat stroke, see a doctor!