Ramblings and Brain farts

Beware of Heat Stroke!

It has been very hot and humid day and night and it makes me extremely uncomfortable. I have had to live with a nagging headache and I feel the heat up right on top of my head everytime. Even while I’m in the shower, specially when the water’s not running while I shampoo or soap up. I know that everyone else all over the country and in many parts of the world are suffering through the same heat, or even worse, and I shouldn’t be complaining. I try not to, but it’s just awful.

I even skipped work last night because I wasn’t (still don’t) feeling well. That’s also why there’s been a lack of posts around here, I just can’t sit still in front of the computer long enough to string words together and build a post.

So how do you know if you’re having heat stroke? They say it’s a lot like a heart attack too. I got this from MedicineNet.Com:

Symptoms of heat exhaustion include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • fatigue
  • weakness
  • headache
  • muscle cramps and aches, and
  • dizziness 

However, some individuals can develop symptoms of heat stroke suddenly and rapidly without warning.

Different people may have different symptoms and signs of heat stroke. But common symptoms and signs of heat stroke include:

  • high body temperature
  • the absence of sweating, with hot red or flushed dry skin
  • rapid pulse
  • difficulty breathing
  • strange behavior
  • hallucinations
  • confusion
  • agitation
  • disorientation
  • seizure
  • coma 

Sometimes a person experiences symptoms of heat exhaustion before progressing to heat strokes. Do I think my headaches are a sign of heat exhaustion? They could be, but I hope not. I was planning on seeing a doctor today but I was up early and was sleepy again, only to wake up at lunch. Now it’s too hot again. Not sure if I’ll still go…

So folks, keep yourself hydrated. Drink lots of water and fruit juices. Stay away from coffee and soda (oh no, stay away from ice cold Coke?!). If you think you’re having a heat stroke, see a doctor!

I’m full…

My phone’s memory has been saying that a lot lately. I’m not sure exactly how big, but 8mp pictures take up a lot of space and my phone’s built in storage just can’t handle more of them. I keep on deleting older photos but I just can’t say goodbye to all of them, eventhough I’d already copied them onto my PC hard drive. The solution, I know, is to get a micro sd to expand the storage capacity. I just keep forgetting to buy one. Tsk.

Apart from my phone complaining, today my tummy complained twice too – I’m too full! First while having a meal with the SME’s and Boden (the core SMEs went to Mister Kebab and they got us Keema with eggplant and rice with butter!). Just as I was finihing up, I felt like I couldn’t eat another bite! Lol.

Second time was over our late lunch at Savory in Greenhills. I didn’t eat all the rice I had just so I could finish my chicken and have another crispy stuffed shrimp. As if I didn’t feel heavy enough, I sipped on the juice drink they sent us home with, toinks. By the time we had checked out all the beautiful bags, I could feel liquid going around my tummy while I walked! Haha.

Speaking of bags, I spied two bags that I really liked. One was too expensive but really classy, the other was in violet and could be used as a camera bag without the special partitions. I exercised restraint just like our guest did today, and walked away…

But I’m still dreaming of getting an Epiphanie Bag


That’s how much SPAM Akismet blocked on my blog since I last logged in, March 1st. A day and a half without logging onto my dashboard and that’s what greets me. Tsk.

I was still technically on my off yesterday but I wasn’t able to do any of the stuff I normally do online because of a headache that just wouldn’t go away. 🙁 On Monday, my tonsils were bulging! I don’t care if that isn’t the right term, I diagnosed myself anyway. I just drank lots of water and gurgled with Bactidol, hoping it would go away. It still hurt to swallow yesterday but everything was finally okay when it was time to get to work. Headaches – gone. Tonsilitis – history! Daya no? Sick on your rest days. Tsk. 🙁

Pero okay na rin, I have a lot to do at work anyway. I would have worried about it anyway if I had to actually stay home…

Nakakainis lang when I can’t go online. Like today, I found that I lost two post opportunities, and then there’s the missed post and clicks for yesterday for Adgitize. But then again, I remind myself, this isn’t my bread and butter, so I shouldn’t cry over it. I mean, it’s better that I rest then get myself to work the next day than kill myself just to go online and then stay sick and miss my real job. You know what I mean? Wala lang. Haha.

Oh and there’s another thing. It’s been a looooong time since I’ve posted for my Project 365! As in! I don’t even know if I missed any days in February, but I sure hope I haven’t. 🙁

So anyway, how much was the most number of SPAM you’ve ever received on your blog while you’ve been away?

February Entrecarders

Thank you for my Top Ten Entrecard droppers for February (okay, from the last 30 days really)!

Dropper # of drops
Cooking Japanese Style 31
CAP News 30
The Twitterer 28
Photography by KML 26
Wirez and Circuitz 21
Jean sQuared 21
My Thoughts, My Heart, My Turf 21
eastcoastlife 20
Nice2All 20
The Frugal Housewife 20

I still don’t think I made it to anyone’s list, what with my inconsistent blog hopping activities. 🙁 There are three new names on the list this month: Bambie, ECL and The Frugal Housewife. I’ve just visited all ten, dropped ECs, and also purchased ad space. Thanks again for coming by often. I hope to see  you in my Comments box soon 🙂

For those who still don’t know what EC is, check this out.

I just had a whole week, weekend included, with clients. We were supposed to have a very important launch last week and they were onsite for it. At the last minute though, it was pushed back to this Thursday. Good thing is that we got the chance to prepare even more, and having the clients on-site to clarify our questions is just awesome.

Since we’ve been quite busy though, I haven’t been spending too much time online while at home. Not sure if that will change as we get nearer launch day. We do have plans of hitting the salon this week to have hair treatment. I still haven’t decided if I will have my hair straightened/relaxed too.

I didn’t get to watch The Buzz yesterday. At the time, we were in Greenhills learning the art of haggling 🙂 But on SNN tonight, they showed part of Boy Abunda’s interview with 12-week pregnant Roxanne Guinoo. She looked beautiful! Too bad she doesn’t have much projects so we don’t see her much on TV. But that’s okay, she gotta take care of herself and her baby and maybe even start taking prenatal vitamins.  That just reminded me to visit another beauty, Topaz Horizon is also carrying her first baby!

Cool off!

Summer’s here and it is super hot! You get off the shower, and as soon as you towel off, you feel the heat starting to settle on you starting from the top of your head. It is when it gets this hot that I wish I was in the mid-shift – like an 11am-8pm shift or something. If that’s the case I’d be in a big cold room when the sun is at its hottest, and I wouldn’t have to suffer sleeping while getting soaked in my sweat. 

But no matter how hot it’s getting, I don’t want to complain too much. After all, in other parts of the country, people are not just sweating profusely but are also losing their livelihood. The El Niño phenomenon has caused drought in farms all over the Philippines. Billions of pesos worth of crops have gone to waste. On the news now, they’re saying that some seas are contaminated by red tide 🙁 

So I guess I’ll just go drink up to keep myself cool and hydrated. Nothing like a tall glass of ice-cold water to keep me smiling in this hot weather. Found this article saying that, in a way, drinking ice-cold water helps burn calories. So although you can’t rely on just drinking ice-cold water to lose weight, it does help burn calories because your body has to work to raise the temperature of the ice-cold water you drank as it enters your body. I guess that’s what other fat burners do right? They introduce something into your body so it works overtime to burn calories. 

Pero, when it’s this hot, masarap kumain ng ice cream: 

@the creamery, MOA, Alfonso's bday


I bet Coca Cola sales is also on the rise these days: 


Sulputan din ang tindahan ng halo-halo: 


Ikaw, what do you do to cool off?

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