Ramblings and Brain farts

The 5s System

About two weeks ago, I published a post about saving inspired by an article from the Entrepreneur magazine. Today, I talk about another article in the same issue (Jan-Feb 2010): Increase Workplace Efficiency- Organizing your workplace need not be a chore with 5s.      

A few days after reading this article, this was mentioned in the Performance Management Training series we were having at work. A week later, it was revealed that it was in fact a vital part of the training. We now have a 5s champion for our account! And of course it isn’t me. 5s has been practiced mainly by big corporations and although it probably started out in manufacturing, it is applicable to all industries. Our trainer mentioned that it was being used in the utilities company she used to work for and there are groups offering courses on the system and companies hire them to train their managers and employees.      

Source www.mcfashion.com.tw/about_mc.htm

5s refers to five steps to achieve an organized workplace: seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke. These are Japanese words so yes, the system was first developed in Japan to reduce cost. There are many variations to five S but the concept is just the same. It is a way of organizing and managing the workspace to increase efficiency and also to cut waste.      

1 SEIRI or SORT OUT – First step in the 5s system is to separate what is necessary from the unnecessary. It reduces downtime because it takes away obstructions in the workspace and lessens clutter.      

2 SEITON or SET IN ORDER – Once items have been red tagged for disposal or for storage, next comes the tedious task of organizing them. There should be labels on drawers, cabinets, and even folders. This makes it easier for people to find the information (or item) they need, and reminds every one of the proper place for everything.      

3 SEISO or SHINE OR POLISH – This part of the process entails keeping the work areas clean by regularly observing the order that was set in place in the previous step. It also involves making employees responsible for cleanliness.      

4 SEIKETSU or SYSTEMIZE/STANDARDIZE – The whole 5s system must be incorporated into the company’s core structure and programs. Regular audits with very clear criteria must be set, with a view for rewards or bonuses for employees and/or departments that make the target scores. This should help keep employees motivated in sustaining the 5s.      

5 SHITSUKE or SUSTAIN – In time, managers and employees will make it a habit of maintaining the established procedures. It is primarily management’s role to ensure the sustenance of the system by going through the cycle regularly, providing the needed funds to carry out the plans, and the bonuses to keep the employees motivated. And many companies have seen the value of investing in this system because the gains far outweigh any cost incurred.      

I could use the 5s in my personal life too. I can already think of at least two different aspects where I can run it: my room, and my computer desktop. I have so much clutter in both! Haha. Then why not organize my baking pantry too? Okay, I don’t actually have one, but I should!      

I’ll post updates about my 5s ventures here at home once I get around to actually doing them. Have you ever been late because you can’t find pieces of clothing in your own closet? Well I have, lots of times. My room could really use the 5S. 🙂      

Now, if you’re tired of me writing about losing weight and searching for the best tools that will help me in that aim, then STOP READING NOW 🙂 Have you tried reading reviews on weight loss pills, or maybe even of exercise equipment? Well I have, because I am mostly skeptical about such products. They help too, because for example, what do I know about atro phex ? I don’t think I can be comfortable taking those unless I know a little something about them. Remember the reading up I did about FitRight which was a product I took for a while with no clear results (the link takes you to a post I wrote about it). 🙁      

Oh well, maybe I need a coach, a personal fitness trainer. But to be credible, she has to have struggled with her weight in the past too and has now found the right balance she needed to stay fit. Too bad I can’t really afford one.

BC Bloggers

You will notice a new links list on my sidebar: the BC Bloggers List. It’s a new blog exchange program that I signed up with over the weekend. Click the badge to know more about how it works:


I just finished adding up the first batch of links, Paula, the brains behind the exchange mentioned in her email to the members that she will be sending over the links in four batches. There are about 122 blogs who joined up. She will probably open it for more sign ups at a later time. As it is, that’s a lot of links! Maybe in a later time I will decide to add them on a separate page but for now, they’re okay on my sidebar.

It’s a good thing that some of the bloggers who signed up for the exchange are also in EC and Adgitize 🙂

Where did my weekend go? I slept a lot over the past 36 hours, so much for catching up. Woke up at noon time today with a nagging headache! I just ate, and then went back to bed. Ugh. I can tell that Alfred was disappointed that we didn’t go out to see Percy Jackson. Oh well. I’m disappointed that I didn’t move so much today and how much calories did I eat? I had a double cheeseburger and large fries from McDonald’s this afternoon… If I sweat so much because of the heat, does that count?

I received a link for weight loss supplements here and of course I had to check them out. What I’m really interested in though would be testimonials from people I actually know. Big Filipino women who have successfully lost weight. I had a friend on FB who mentioned taking Xenical with good results. One known side effect was the tendency for unexpected poopies, but she said that since she stayed away from really oily food, she didn’t have those. Still, I think that would be difficult for me.

Krister & Bevs 2/20/2010

Today we witnessed the wedding of one of the boyfriend’s closest friends. Like the one we attended in December, this was an intimate wedding with mostly very close family and friends in attendance.

He and Alfred go waaaaay back. They’ve been friends since high school at the Malate Catholic School. They’ve seen each other at their best, and at their worst times too. Today, I saw them and their other best buddies all together (wearing barong) for the first time.

I became friends with Krister too when he volunteered for Asia ACTs when we hosted the annual meeting of TDH Germany’s International Campaign against Child Trafficking. He and Alfred (who ditched his work that week so he could help out) helped us with the many tasks and errands that needed to be done to make sure that everything went smoothly.

That week, Krister shared a hotel room with my colleagues Joy and Ate Reggie, and myself, not minding that he had to sleep on the floor. We spent some nights bonding, chatting about all sorts of stuff, including his love life. Lol. Because of those few weeks that Tengkie shared with us, he was considered part of the Asia ACTs family. OMG! I just remembered how awkward it seemed for him when the boyfriend picked up a fight with me in the middle of all the craziness! Haha! I think though that what’s most memorable from that experience, was all the good food we had throughout the week culminating in a dinner for our guests hosted by National Artist Napoleon and Doctora Cherry Abueva in Tandang Sora home.  I have to find a copy of Alfred and Tengkie’s photo with Daddy Abueva from that night!

Since then I only saw Tengkie very few times, one of which was for our vacation in Sagada (we had the pleasure of his and Joy’s company for the trip). We had planned for them to join us in Bohol, but we ended up going on our own. I felt like I never lost touch with Tengkie though, because Alfred would always update me about him.

Then several months ago, I saw something on his FB status that made me smile: he was picking up someone! Tengkie has a girlfriend and he’s going public with the news! You see, he’s always been kind of private about his many trysts and affairs, haha. 😉 So when we heard about Bevs, we kinda predicted that she was going the be the one. And she is. 🙂

Too bad we didn’t get to talk to them much during the reception, that’s as expected I guess because they also have a lot of well-wishers. The boys were planning on getting together this evening for drinks, but I heard it didn’t push through either. I wonder if they’d be staying with the groom’s family in Cavite, or with the bride’s in Taytay? For all I know maybe they’re already looking at homes for sale or at least saving for one. Boyfriend says they’d probably be staying in Cavite for now. At least there’d be someone to help them take care of their first born when he/she comes out later this year 🙂

I’ll post pictures tomorrow!

You are the Music in Me – Music Monday


You are the music in me, by Troy and Gabriella, from the High School Musical 2.

It was on the Disney Channel this afternoon, and I realized that I didn’t see it before. Big deal right? Haha. Wala lang.  🙂 The kids here are fans of HSM, and we even took Esban to see HSM3 in the movies. He sang along with the cast on their first song (first scene)!

Anyway, I really like the melody of this song and felt bad that Troy and Gabriella didn’t get to perform it in the talent show. Affected? Haha! I’m just a fan of musicals kasi I love singing along too. And watching movies like this one remind me of a younger me. Hung up on theater no?

Before I tuned into the kiddie channel though, I checked out the Home Shopping Network. They showed the Big Boss Grill which was really interesting if only for the donut maker attachment, hehe 🙂 I seriously would buy one, only it costs 5k and I do not want to spend so much on something I probably won’t be using everyday. Then they showed the AirMax pillow. It might just be the answer to my problems: sleeping, headaches, backache and sore shoulders! I am super close to trying sleeping pills just to get to have quality sleep even just a few times each week, but maybe the right pillow can solve my problems instead. It costs somewehere around 2500 though. If I get one for myself, I might as well consider getting one for the boyfriend – will it cure him from snoring too? 🙂

Oh well, this is my fourth time joining Music Monday but the first time on this blog. If you’re up for a sound trip, follow the links:

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. One simple rule, leave ONLY the actual post link here. You can grab this code at LadyJava’s Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Allergic Rhinitis

After about two months of being sniffles free, my allergic rhinitis is back. My nose has been itchy, and sometimes I wake up with colds but it eventually goes away as the day goes. My eyes are watery again, and sometimes look tired. It’s probably my fault too because I don’t regularly take anti-allergy medicine, and I should do so at least every other day.

But what am I really allergic too? Probably dust. So we should change our bedsheets very often. How soon is that? Or, maybe I should get some of those allergy bedding I’ve seen around some sites. Maybe it will help? At least it will help eliminate the trigger of allergies overnight, it would be a whole different story when I get to work.

Anyhoo, I am really so happy because I got three ‘somethings’ today: a Windows 7 mousepad, and a Microsoft Arc mouse that is sooooo cool! And I also got The Pioneer Woman Cooks!

I hope to someday share the yummy food I make from Ree’s recipes 🙂

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