Ramblings and Brain farts


Today, friends and family in the US will be celebrating Thanksgiving and feasting over good food.

To celebrate with them, let me say thank you for the blessings I’ve received.

Thank you:

  • for the good news I’ve received last week, and for the reason that make my colleagues at work happy for me.
  • for the choices I made, that turned out to be the right ones. For the wrong turns I took, and the lessons I’ve learned from them.
  • for the new friends I made this year. May I continue to get to know them, and have them in my life. I realize that I don’t have so many friends that I spend time with and that mostly I just have people I chat with when I’m at work. I pray though, that I continue to cultivate those relationships such that we truly become friends rather than just colleagues and lunchmates.
  • for the birthdays we celebrated this year, and the ones we look forward to.
  • for the freedom to express my views, that I am free to express outrage at the atrocity that was unleashed to 57 victims of the Ampatuan Massacre. 57 families cry out for justice, and the rest of the country cries out with them.
  • for the opportunities to give back, no matter how small I fell those gestures have been. Deep inside I have guilt, for I know there is so much more I can do to help your people. Yet I don’t beat myself up for it, because I also know that I do what I can when I can. And I know you do not wish anyone to do good out of obligation, but rather of their own free will. Someday, I will find balance.
  • for keeping us in good health, despite the many trips to the hospital this year. That there is no reason to file a disability appeal, is much appreciated.
  • that though I leave home in the deepest hours of the night, you always keep me safe.
  • that I have so many reasons to be happy and thankful, and not one reason to be sad.

Thank you for my blog readers too, and the comments they’d surely be leaving for this post. 😉

Guitar Hero – Jung Sungha edition

He is soooo good isn’t he?

I can never play the guitar this well, but I can play along Livin’ on a Prayer in Guitar Hero for sure 🙂

There should be a Guitar Hero – Jung Sungha edition 🙂

By the way, have you seen my Guitar Hero posts here and here?


A short lesson on Pilipino contemporary culture.

Nosebleed is a term that is used to pertain to situations where one finds him/herself racking his/her brains to seek comprehension. Does that make sense? In other words, nosebleed situations are those that make you think really really hard. Also, this is used when you just can’t seem to understand something.

Looking around the Internet, some people believe that it was popularized by a Pinoy movie a few years back where the lead character uses the term whenever she has to speak to someone in English. You might want to checkout this thread in a Pinoy forum. I think that the usage of the term goes back way before the movie though.

There’s also a Yahoo Answers thread on the same topic (probably started by the same person), and I particularly like this reply:

I think this term originated back in the 70’s or 80’s, when there are popular movies like Scanners where people with telephatic powers can concentrate and make people’s brains explode. Some of them who are not so good in using their power suffers nosebleeds, hence it became a housword for somebody who is having a hard time understanding a problem or situation.

That makes a lot of sense to me. After all, don’t we call it nosebleed because it feels like brain matter is leaking out through the nose? LOL!

So why the sudden interest in the term nosebleed? Because it’s the only way I can describe how my day went. NOSEBLEED!

As soon as I arrived at work, I had to deal with figuring out why my survey results was as bad as it was. I got a whopping 8 surveys in one week. Eight. In my business that is a lot, I tell you. (sorry I can’t really give out more details) And the results was just so horrible. Horrible. And the reasons that made it so varied. It wasn’t as if there was just one explanation. Reviewing the data and trying to analyze it left me with no time to prepare for an exam that I had to take.

Yes, I took an exam* today. It’s supposed to be simple and in truth it was. If only I actually prepared for it. And I will forever hit myself for not doing so if failing the darn test ruins my chances at this. The thing is, I understood everything it asked for – in principle. I was like – I know this! But I just could not confidently provide the answers right then. Grr!



I have a question: we have a digibox from our cable TV provider. Does that mean that when a TV show is offered in HD, we see it in HD even if we don’t have an HD TV? Haha, nakaka-nosebleed ba yung question? I just saw this page on bell tv and I wondered whether the digibox we have worked the same way.

*It’s an exam for a position that I’m applying for.

Entrecard roundup

I didn’t get around to writing the round-up I said I would post. Maybe I can do it within the week, or perhaps I’ll start by end of November. We’ll see.

I do want to do an Entrecard roundup though. Thank you so much to all who have swung by regularly to drop, and even comment. 🙂

Dropper # of drops
Cooking Japanese Style 30
Laane Loves 29
Laane on the World 29
Jean sQuared 29
Living and Writing in China 29
Living well 29
Greetje greets You 28
Wirez and Circuitz 27
Ramblings of a Haemophiliac 27
Vanessa 25

I still haven’t made it on anyone’s list 🙁

Now here’s a photo sure to pick you up (if that’s what you need)… Still from the photos of our Halloween night. Presenting AJ!

halloween AJ

This kid had the most fun that Halloween night, I think. Or rather, he was probably the reason why we all had so much fun. Halfway through the party, we had to send his Ate Hanna home to get him a shirt to change into so his sweat won’t just dry while his shirt was still on his back.

Monthly Roundup

As I was trying to find an inspiration for a post, I decided to pay the TDD blog a visit and I wasn’t disappointed.

There was a post there by Katie, the Scrapbook Lady, sharing how she does her roundups. I am already envisioning how I can do this every month. It will give me a topic for a blog post, but also a way to save info for future layouts (if I ever really get back to digiscrapbooking!).

An October roundup would be my test run. I don’t think I’ll be posting much photos though, but we’ll see. I’ll do the actual roundup tomorrow, after the Halloween Party here at home. I just wanted to share it right now for those who might want to join in 🙂

I’d also been trying the USANA Essentials Health Supplements and so far I don’t see or feel any tangible difference yet. I have heard some positive reviews from friends though. They have supplements for liver health too, and I bought a bottle for my brother because I think that’s something that would benefit him. I wonder if they have information too about colon cleanse reviews? I mean, I know that colon health is also important because that’s an organ that’s quite sensitive and difficult to fix if it gets damaged, if you know what I mean…

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